Eliminate the problem of drinking water in the event of a disaster!Three high -tech water purifiers to prepare for the emergency in case of emergency

Water purifier

It is said that the stockpile of water used in the event of a disaster is well prepared by local governments, and there are not many situations where water purifiers are active.

"However, it is good to be prepared for a situation. If you think about" everyday ", the water purifier for outdoor is recommended. Although it is small, all have high -performance filters and water such as rivers.I think it's a good idea to try the performance of the water purifier while enjoying the camp. "(Mr. Maruyama)

However, it must be remembered that it is simple.The limit of water that can be filtered is the remaining hot water of the bath that does not use bath salts, water and rainwater levels in the pool.It is better to avoid the sewage of living drainage and factory drainage flowing in.

A straw type that boasts the world's highest level removal rate.It is simple to use, such as being able to drink by plugging in a scooped plastic bottle.The filter can be cleaned and easy to maintain just by simply turning the water backward from the opposite direction to the mouth.

[Coco is high -tech!]

災害時の飲料水不足問題を解消!いざという時の非常事態に備えるハイテクWater purifier3選

A hollow soring is used for the internal filter.0.Pass through a small 1 μm hole to remove harmful pathogens.

Approximately 2 per minute born in joint development with the US military.Tough model with 5L water purification capacity.Return 10%of the filtered water back and automatically wash off dirt in the filter to achieve a filter life that can be used up to 10,000 l.

[Coco is high -tech!]

Put the river water in an optional tank and save it.0.Slow with a 02 μm ultra -fine hollow film filter.

Active in harsh environments around the world, such as the United Nations Peace Maintenance Army and Disaster Relief Corps.With a unique drinking water -only purification medium, about 500 ml (1-2 cups of cups), a safe water that removes harmful substances that are harmful to the human body, such as bacteria and chemicals, in 1 minute.

[Coco is high -tech!]

A high -performance cartridge that boasts up to 400L of water purification capacity.Adopted activated carbon approved by the US Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau.

■ Tokyo Rinkai Wide Area Disaster Prevention Park Sena Tokyo Management Center Nagamiyama Koji Ishikawa

Interview / sentence / now Yuhi