"Eco Warship" Thorough in the "Navy's environmental response" that the UK is proceeding one after another

Appeared in the "warship" British in accordance with ship environment regulations

The British Navy's patrol ship "TAMAR" (image: British Navy).

 「エコ軍艦」続々 イギリスが進める“海軍の環境対応”最前線 船内の生活環境にも徹底

 In order to prevent pollution between the atmosphere and oceans brought by the operation of the ship, the air transport industry has been developing environmentally friendly ship -type development and introduction of marine equipment, but warships have the same movement.[Photo] Is it British?What is the Navy's environmental protection activity that protects animals? The British Navy is working on new development of ships that meet the preceding environmental regulations in the merchant ships, significantly reducing the discharge of NOX (nitrogen oxide) in 2020.The River -class patrol ship "TAMAR" and "SPEY" equipped with the SCR (selective catalytic reduction method) system, etc. were completed.The 26 -inch (city class) frigate under construction has further improved environmental performance, such as reducing the emission of GHG (greenhouse gas) using energy -saving technology.

A ship that conforms to international NOX regulations

 Based on the MARPOL (IMO) Convention on Marpol (IMO), it is implementing NOX discharge that causes photocarology smog, acidic rain, ozone destruction, and has a negative effect on the human body and plants. The IMO NOX Tertiary Review (Tier 3) requires 80 % of the discharge reduction compared to 2000 for emission regulatory waters (ECA), and in 2016, a designated sea area in North America, in 2021. Regulations were applied in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The British Navy's "TAMAR" and "SPEY" are all equipped with SCR for the IMO, and conforms to the IMO NOX Tier 3. The marine SCR is a system that sprays urea water into an exhaust gas containing a NOX and passes through a drop -off catalyst to reduce the number of NOX emissions by up to 97%. For this reason, two vessels can operate while complying with the most strict environmental regulations such as the North American ECA in the Indian and Asia -Pacific regions. In addition, the ballast water is sterilized by a UV (BWMS), a UV (BWMS), a UV (UV) irradiation ballast water treatment device (BWMS), to prevent harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens, and exotic species in the tank on the ship and prevent them from being discharged at the port call. The toilet on the ship and urine are broken down by bacteria and are discharged into the sea as safe water.

Environmental measures even with new frigate

26 -inch frigate under construction (image: British Navy).

 The 26 -inch frigate under construction uses environmentally friendly antifouling paint in addition to measures such as NOX. By preventing the adhesion of marine organisms to the bottom of the ship, and reducing water resistance, it can reduce fuel consumption and reduce CO2 (carbon dioxide). The hull is as smooth as possible by the fluid mechanical design, so that the additive "stun flap" is attached to the stern so that the speed can be increased by one knot without the need for excess power. It is. The lighting in the ship is not a fluorescent light, but a long -lasting LED lighting is used, and the refrigerator is used with a low -global warming coefficient (GWP), and the consumer drainage is performed at a higher standard. It is also equipped with a system that takes into account the detection of submarines, the main mission of the 26 -inch frigate, and to evaluate the risk of marine life caused by work. The 26 -inch frigate is planned to the 8th ship, and the BAE Systems Gaban Yard (Scotland) is currently built by the first ship "GLASGOW", the second ship "Cardiff", and the third ship "BELFAST". There is.

Army that protects penguins

 The British Navy is engaged in environmental protection activities, such as cleaning activities around the base, plastic monitoring accumulated on the Pacific islands, and managing sustainable fishery resources.In 2021, he provided international research on penguins and climate change in the South Sandwich Islands, using the crushed ice ship "Protector"."PROTECTOR" is not only transported by researchers by the Faculty of Animal, Oxford University in the UK and the US science and educational organization in the United States, but also collects scientific data in the Antarctica area, creating a diagram used by sailors.It will stay in Antarctica until April 2022.

Chisui Fukasui (Maritime Writer)