Do not stop the ventilator to save the new colon virus patient.For this reason, a struggle to supply medical oxygen stably is unfolding.

In mid -April, two hospitals with new colon virus infections were transferred from two hospitals in Queens, New York.The transfer destination is a US Navy hospital ship anchored offshore.In both hospitals, the amount of oxygen required by the patient has been given by ventilators.

Neither medical oxygen has been missing nor a bug in the respiratory organs itself.There was a problem in the aluminum coil part of the device that vaporizes liquid oxygen.It was a fire extinguishing hose of the New York Fire Bureau that played a role in solving the situation.

Oxygen where stable supply is indispensable

The new colon virus is a type of virus that attacks the lungs of the infected person.For this reason, it is a source of anxiety of the US government to be able to supply ventilators nationwide that help serious patients breathing.In addition to car manufacturers and space development companies, amateur engineers, they have been working as an instant ventilator manufacturer and are helping to increase production.

However, a stable supply of medical oxygen is essential for ventilizers.Therefore, the supplier's company and healthcare professionals have built a new network and are in a hurry to strengthen the supply chain.In fact, these networks are formed where we are invisible, and this supply chain is rarely noted.

The preservation and transport of oxygen is performed in a liquid oxygen condition cooled to an extremely low temperature of about minus 184 ° C.That's because it's safer and more saving space.


However, liquid oxygen must be used to use for patient respiratory assistance.At this time, a vaporization device consists of an aluminum coil is used.The abnormality of the device is caused by the water in the air on the surface of this coil and freezes.The temperature of the oxygen inside the coil is reduced, and the part that controls the flow of oxygen to be sent to the patient falls into dysfunction.

Unexpected situation

所有する気化装置をフル稼働して、かつてない台数の人工呼吸器に酸素を送り込まねばならないとなると、どの病院もコイルについた霜を取り除く暇などなくなる──。産業用ガスの専門家でコンサルティング会社B&R Compliance Associatesの医療システム部長を務めるボブ・サッターは、そのように指摘する。彼はクイーンズの病院で起きたトラブルの解決に貢献した人物だ。

The Satutor says, "I will have a ventilator work without rest."It was an easy and effective advice that he told the New York state security and emergency countermeasures.He asked the Fire Bureau to tell him to blow off the frost on the vaporized device with a water extinguishing hose.

The starting point of medical oxygen supply chains in the United States is more than 2,500 in the United States and Canada.Oxygen is extracted from air in these factories, which resembles the procedure for refining oil products such as gasoline to gasoline.

In the case of petroleum, add heat to the liquid crude oil, change it to gas, then concentrate and return to the liquid again.On the other hand, the air, on the other hand, liquefies components such as nitrogen, algon, and oxygen by cooling to extreme low temperatures.

According to Rich Gotwald, chairman and CEO of the industry group COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, the daily consumption of medical oxygen is about 2,600 tons, if not abnormal pandemic."There is no lack of medical oxygen. I don't expect that."One of the reasons is that major gas companies such as air gas, linde, and air products have increased their production, and have emphasized supply to areas where many patients have occurred.

Oxygen demand beyond the limit of the system

This kind of trouble is likely to occur in hospitals with many medical devices such as vaporization devices.