Deteriorated engine oil will damage the engine !? Why hybrid cars should change oil early

Engine oil is essential for smooth engine operation

Although the electrification of cars is progressing, cars equipped with an engine are still the mainstream, so engine oil is also indispensable. [Image] Shock! 20,000km Inside the engine that was damaged without changing the oil (12 sheets) Although the recommended replacement cycle has become longer in recent years, the engine oil needs to be replaced regularly. What role does engine oil play in the first place?

 劣化したエンジンオイルでエンジンが壊れる!? ハイブリッド車は早めにオイル交換すべき理由

If you don't change the engine oil, the car will be out of order.

Engine oil is indispensable for an engine, which is an internal combustion engine. In the human body, if the engine is the heart, the oil is said to be blood. If the blood flow is poor, the heart will be out of order, and engine oil is indispensable for an engine-equipped vehicle, so you need to be careful. Engines of gasoline and diesel vehicles are a collection of metal parts that burn fuel in a cylinder installed inside and convert the force that moves the piston by the generated combustion gas into driving force. It operates with a precise structure, and engine oil covers the direct contact between metal parts such as rubbing and bumping, and plays a role of smooth operation while improving airtightness. In addition, engine oil has the effect of absorbing and dissipating the frictional heat generated by the operation of metal parts and the heat generated when fuel burns in the combustion chamber, and also has the role of removing dirt remaining inside the engine. This is also with the blood that takes in new oxygen and nutrients into the heart and excretes carbon dioxide. In addition, even when fever is generated due to exercise or illness, humans maintain normal heat by releasing the heat carried by blood from various places, but engine oil also has the same role of cooling function. increase. The only difference is that the kidneys sort out waste products and what the body needs and convert them into urine to keep them clean, but there is no device to purify engine oil (the oil filter is a part of it). However, it requires regular replacement from the outside. In addition, oil deteriorates and oxidizes over time, so it is necessary to change the engine oil even in a car that is not often driven. Engine oil plays such an important role, but what if you continue to use it in a dirty state even after the replacement period? I asked Mr. T, a veteran mechanic. "When the engine is started, dirt (burning residue) called sludge is gradually generated in the combustion chamber. Engine oil has the effect of adsorbing this sludge to prevent dirt from accumulating in the combustion chamber. It is because of this dirt that it turns black. "The engine oil adsorbs this highly sticky dirt called sludge to some extent and filters it with an oil filter. However, if the filter is clogged, the engine oil will be lubricated while it is dirty, and it will accumulate in the oil ring under the piston ring, eventually causing incomplete combustion. "When the lubrication function declines, the metal inside the engine wears and the airtightness of the combustion chamber decreases, and engine oil mixes in through the gaps and burns. Then, the amount of oil decreases, and the lubrication function and engine It becomes a negative spiral that the cooling function also decreases. "(Mr. T, mechanic) At this point, incomplete combustion naturally deteriorates fuel efficiency, and engine oil that normally does not burn burns, so it smells burnt or different. Sound is generated. Eventually, it seems that the seizure of the piston will cause a serious failure such as engine blow. * * * When changing engine oil, the problem is the classification of engine oil called "grade". I understand that expensive oil seems to have good performance, but what is the difference? "Although the performance of the engine itself has improved dramatically, conversely, the performance and effects required for engine oil, such as not only lubrication, cleaning, and cooling, but also sealing and lubrication effects, are increasing. Therefore, various additives are added to the base oil, and they are classified according to their components and performance. "(Mr. T, mechanic) The performance is an API that divides fuel saving, heat resistance, wear resistance, etc. into stages (USA). The grade of the Petroleum Institute) standard is generally adopted. For gasoline engines, grades range from additive-free mineral-based base oil "SA" to additive-added "SN", but in May 2020, a new standard with even stronger performance. "SP" was enforced, and now it is subdivided into 13 stages. "Although it is said that the latest API standard grades are high performance, they are not suitable for all cars. I think it is best to use engine oil of a grade that matches the engine unique to the car's age. (Mr. T, mechanic) There are grades for diesel engines that start with "C", but they are further divided according to the presence or absence of an exhaust gas purification device, so be sure to comply with the specified grade.

Next page: When to change the engine oil of a hybrid car?

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