Captricion Minami (Chiba Prefecture) with Banamee shrimp in an agricultural house

Banamei shrimp bred in an agricultural house

Utilizing the agricultural house in Shimosakuma, Kokonan -cho, the cultivation of Banai shrimp by SeasideconsUlting Co., Ltd. (Yusen Hirano, Aya Hirano) has begun.Successful breeding of about 200,000 child shrimp was successful and sold later this month.In the future, the company aims to develop a Garlic Shrimp "Garlic Shrimp" using shrimp.

The size of the steel house is 500 square meters.A 32 -meter vertical and 5 meters in the facility was surrounded by a farm -shaped iron frame for revetment work, and the inside of the frame was digged with a power shovel.It is said that the sheet for the water was covered from the top, and 90 tons of seawater was carried from 90 round trips from Yasuda Fishing Port.

Sea water is sucked up with two pumps, purifying with a high -performance water -quality device and circulating.It holds about 25 degrees of water temperature, which is optimal for breeding due to the heat retention of the house, and has obtained three patents with land aquaculture facilities and aquaculture feed.

 農業用ハウスでバナメイエビを養殖 鋸南(千葉県)

In August this year, 200,000 shrimp was imported from Thailand and relocated from a shy shrimp tank to this tank in October.It was confirmed that there was little death and that they were growing in good health.According to the company, there are no cases of shrimp, which have been permitted (temporary diversion) permit (temporary diversion).

It was differentiated from the imported banamay shrimp and named it "Bianca".With the publication of Chibagin Shoten's crowdfunding "C-Value" (24th), it will start selling with live fish.

The company was founded in 2017 by the representative of the Hirano and his wife, who started a company that develops and sells environmental improvement technologies in Tokyo.At the Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Ocean (Qingdao), the aquaculture experiment of Banameei shrimp and the water -quality equipment were conducted in collaboration with the institute, and small -scale experiments were successful in Japan.

Later, after consulting with about 20 local governments that meet certain conditions, they were led by the staff's polite response and decided in the town.The unprecedented idea of cultivating seafood in agricultural houses was "it was difficult to obtain the understanding of the surroundings at first," but "Improvement of shrimp domestic self -sufficiency, food safety, improvement of fallow land, and employment creation.I want to improve social issues in business. "

In January this year, "Co-GII", which is a group home and a business B type business B in order to make use of some businesses for employment of people with disabilities, was established in January this year.The company has begun the development of garlic shrimp as a coordinating project, and is currently recruiting residents.For inquiries, please contact Hirano (090-6839-8027).

Bunch of the bunch