A method of cheap electricity for clothes dryers that are active in the cold winter season

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Today, January 28 (Friday) is clothes dryer day. In the middle of winter, thick clothes are not easy to dry, and the washer and dryer works. If you simply dry the room, the smell is also very concerned, so there may be many people who use the laundry dryer. What matters there is the electricity bill. How much does it actually cost for electricity? Mr. Daguan and Quan, of LION Laundry Meister, told me in detail.

 冬の寒い時季に活躍する衣類乾燥機 電気代を安く抑える方法は

What about the electricity bill for the dryer?

The experimental results show that the time it takes to dry 1 kg cotton towels, whether it is a heater type electric clothes dryer or the same heater type vertical electric laundry dryer, is about 1 hour, 20-40 minutes. If the scarf is 3 kg, it will take about 3 hours to 4 hours and 15 minutes. If it is a family raising children, the amount of laundry will be more. The dryer consumes 1000W of electricity and costs less than 90 yen to dry 3 kg detergents at a unit price of 25 yen per 1kWh. If you use it every day, it's about 2700 yen a month! This is a housewife, which is an amount that is difficult to ignore. The drying time varies according to the manufacturer and the type of machine. The unit price varies according to the cost plan. In order to restrain the electricity bill and shorten the time to use the dryer, what should be done to dry the clothes well?

What is the most economical way?

Mode 1: all natural drying modes 2: initially only 30 minutes of dryer use mode 3: use only dryers for the last 30 minutes

"We conducted experiments on 12 cotton towels in different ways, and the results showed that the water content of all natural drying modes 1 was still 34.4% after 3 hours, while that of natural drying mode 2 after using the initial 30-minute dryer was reduced to 8.1%. In addition, for the first 2 hours and 30 minutes of natural drying, and then using the pattern 3 of the 30-minute dryer, the moisture content actually reached 0%. In other words, according to the verification results, using the dryer can shorten the drying time, but not shortly after drying the clothes, but using it 30 minutes before drying will dry more effectively! According to the different drying environment, it is said that it is easy to produce the smell of drying in the room when drying for more than 5 hours, so I want to use the power of the dryer to dry the washed clothes as soon as possible. "(Daguan) dry before going out, only put in the undried dryer after going home, etc., while cooperating with their own lifestyle, while intelligently using the laundry dryer.

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