The chain of "bankruptcy and night escape" ... Kinugawa Onsen's abandoned hotel is the Travel Invasion of Intrusion Tourism Agency for a maximum demolition subsidy of the city "100 million is a bit harsh"

Kinugawa Onsen Ruins Hotel Problem

 “破綻と夜逃げ”の連鎖…鬼怒川温泉の廃ホテル不法侵入問題 観光庁が最大1億円の解体補助金も市の担当者「1億はちょっと厳しい」

"I want to stop the trespassing." In the Kinugawa Onsen Town in Tochigi Prefecture, a problem is becoming more serious, so that the chief of the Nikko City Hall General Policy Division, Nikko City Hall, Tochigi Prefecture, reveals the painful chest. It is a ruined hotel trespassing problem. [Video] The "abandoned hotel" on -site inspections are amazing. These were abandoned in the bubble burst, and were abandoned and ruined from the late 1990s to the 2000s. Mr. Kobayashi pointed out on this problem, "Even if the owner knows, the owner is not known. It has been time to go bankrupt, but the rights relationship has become complicated." 。 Currently, four ruins have been left in Kinugawa Onsen for more than 10 years. Recently, new problems have occurred. On the 3rd of this month, a group of four men and women aged 19 to 20 years old, who has been trespassing the abandoned hotel, received strict attention from the police. The video posted on YouTube is a stroll -style video that strolls while reporting a flashlight and a camera with one hand in a ruined hotel. According to Nikko City, the interior of the ruined hotel is taken without permission and posting it to SNS has never ended.

Director Kobayashi Kotake of the Nikko City Hall General Policy Division, Tochigi Prefecture, which reveals the current situation

 To prevent a series of trespasses, Nikko -shi conducted an on -site inspection last month. There was an amazing situation that was far from trespassing. "There is a graffiti on the wall, and the date has entered, and the marking like" When and when are you? ", The state where the garbage is illegally abandoned in a terrible situation is left in a terrible situation." It is said that the inside of the building that was worn by wearing and so on was in a bad situation, such as exposed asbestos. In Kinugawa Onsen, the local Ashikaga Bank broke down due to the collapse of the bubble. As a result of a ryokan manager who had a hard time financing, he repeatedly escaped at night, creating an abandoned hotel as it is now. Nikko City has continued to send postcards to the owner at the time, but is still unable to contact the owner, such as unknown destinations or being unable to contact the bankruptcy trustee. The Japan Tourism Agency has said that up to 100 million yen will be provided for each dismantling house such as ruins as a "regeneration and high -value -added promotion project of existing tourism base", but Mr. Kobayashi says, "There are many hotels to break one hotel. He pointed out the fundamental reasons for the fundamental cause of 100 million yen to over hundreds of millions. 100 million yen is a bit tough for overtake hundreds of millions of yen. The ruins of the problem are difficult to redevelop, so they are considered for a purpose, and it is likely that subsidies will not fall.