Japan & US stocks that are inevitably soaring with the release of Apple "VR Goggles"!

Photo: Friday Digital


In January 2007, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone and launched the "smartphone revolution" in the world. 15 years later, in '22, Apple may repaint history again. [List] The list of Japanese and US stocks, which is inevitably soaring, is increasingly said that VR Goggles, which are being developed here, will be announced this year. Goggle -type devices that can be experienced in a different space just by putting it in a different space have been developed, but if Apple sends more breakthrough devices to the world, the spread will be accelerated. There is no doubt that Apple stocks will rising at that time. In addition, stocks related to the technology of the company, VR (virtual reality) and AR (expansion reality) should rise in conjunction. Now that the announcement has not been revealed yet, it is the time of preparation. First of all, let me introduce Japanese stocks that are often named as "Apple -related stocks". Money Consultant and Taki Yorito, the representative of "MONEY & YOU", says. "Murata Seisakusho and Sony Group are famous. Murata is proud of the world's top share in the supply of capacitors and is also used in the iPhone. 。 Sony has a wealth of achievements to Apple, such as the image sensor made by the company in the iPhone13. The affinity is high. "Speaking of Japanese manufacturing companies that have a close relationship with Apple, there are stocks such as Taiyo dielectric, which supplies capacitors to the company, and roles that manufacture related parts of wireless charging. Apple's VR goggles are rumored to be linked to the iPhone, and their smartphones will increase. In the future, character content is likely to attract more attention in the metaberth space. Companies like Nintendo in Japan and Walt Disney in the United States have many content that are recognized all over the world. "Disney revealed in November last year that Bob Chapek CEO was preparing to enter the meta spring. The company, which has a unique character and content, has a unrivaled strength in VR / AR. Sho. Also, in the same US stock, Netflix has entered the game market. If the new VR goggles come out, it will be involved in some way (Yorito) In the metaavas, not only characters but also business. Expectations are also gathered for utilization. Tomoichi Murase, the representative of the investment information service company RKAN Ricerca, listed the following two companies at Japanese companies. "Pee Bee Systems has set up a" Metaverse Promotion Department "from this year, and has launched a new service related to" Metowers for Corporate ", which is likely to increase in demand in the future. Metalial is also" VR Office "and automatic. We are focusing on the "language -free space" business where you can freely talk in translation. If Apple launches VR devices that are easier to use, we will also attract a lot of attention to meta -Japanese -related services "(Mr. Murase). Here are some surprising Japanese stocks that grow in proportion to Apple stocks. The representative of the brand that "the wind is profitable if the wind blows" is that Toyota Motor. Market Bank representative Norishi Okayama explains. "As the attention of the metaberse increases, the probability of Nbidia's stocks that manufacture image processors (GPUs) are high. Toyota Motors incorporate Nbidia's technology by automatic driving, and is in collaboration. If Apple stocks grow, Toyota may be bought. " From "FRIDAY" from February 4, 2022

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