"Great" Oomejiro Shark Witness Witnesses from the surface of the water in the Makimino River in Okinawa

Swimming on the Makigawa River = September 24, Urasoe City (photographed by Yasuaki Matayoshi)

At around 8:30 am on September 24, Mr. Yasuaki Matayoshi (76) of Kazuka, Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, found a giant shark swimming in the Makigawa River in Urasoe City. There are houses and hospitals around the 2nd bridge and Sakaibashi bridge, and there are some junior and senior high school students enjoy fishing on holidays. A giant whale shark is said to be a fierce shark, but an expert says, "I'm a child, so if you don't do anything. [Several shark witness] Even in the waterway near the Ferris wheel, Matayoshi is a daily routine to send his grandchildren to Daini Name Elementary School every morning. On the same day, while walking along the Uji Kazumari River and walking while looking at the river surface along the Makigawa River, a shark about 1 meter in length put out the spine on the surface of the water, twisting the tail fin, and swimming slowly. When I followed my whereabouts while shooting with my smartphone, I left to the estuary side. It is the second time to witness sharks in the Makigawa River. The water depth at high tide is 50-60 cm. The Makigawa river on this day was muddy, but in addition to sharks, a flock of mullet fish was confirmed. Mr. Matayoshi said, "Is the sea environment worse, and the sea creatures may come to the river where food is abundant to procure food?" Keiichi Sato of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium said, "It would have been born in early spring, from the size of the size. Shamejir sharks have the ability to live in a place with lower salt concentration than seawater, and are rich in food. It is often seen nearby. " (Metropolitan Telecommunications, Social Affairs, Gushiken Gushi)

 “どう猛”オオメジロザメ目撃 沖縄の牧港川で 水面から背びれ