What is the actual situation of the "Bortora Corps" Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and motorcycle troops, heading to the affected area with a blue trial bike?

"Brorta Corps" from the Yokosuka City Support Bureau.The photo shows the members in the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in October 2004, and the members of the Burtra Corps are investigating the site (image provided by the Sewage Sewerage Bureau).

 ブルーのトライアルバイクで被災地に向かう「ブルトラ隊」 神奈川県横須賀市上下水道局・バイク部隊の実態とは?

Japan is an earthquake power. Approximately 20%of earthquakes of magnitude 6 or higher in the world are occurring in Japan. For this reason, the collapse of houses due to earthquakes and the collapse of roads due to earthquakes in various places, but it is assumed that water and food cannot be secured after a large earthquake. [Image 7 points] The Boltra squad uses the French ultra -light off -road bike "Skorpa"! Firefighters and Self -Defense Forces are going to the site as soon as possible, but the collapsed roads and rubble may be blocked, and there is a possibility that communication such as telephone or the Internet may not be obtained, so rescue operations should be delayed. is. It is the motorcycle squad that is active in such situations. The first reconnaissance squad, which is the information gathering mission of the SDF, has a unit organized by trained motorcycles so that it can be headed to the site even in the case of a disaster where the road is not maintained, but it is an emergency. There are bike squads other than the SDF. For example, there is a motorcycle squad, which is organized by 18 members, called the "Disaster Motorcycle Research Corps", which is active in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the "Blurtra Corps". So, in this article, we decided to talk about the activities of the "Burtra Corps" at the Yokosuka City Water and Sewerage Bureau, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the reasons for establishing a motorcycle squad.

Established the motorcycle squad "Burtra Corps" in April 1986

In March 1986, a large -scale drainage was caused by a decrease in transmission to Yokosuka City due to a power outage caused by heavy snowfall in the prefectural area of ​​Kanagawa Prefecture. At that time, the lesson was established in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture in April 1986, from the lesson that it was difficult to collect and contact on -site information during emergency water supply activities. The "Burtra Corps" is a motorcycle unit organized by an employee of the water and sewage bureau in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The main activity is to use trial bikes that can run on bad roads such as mountain roads and forest roads, and in emergencies such as earthquake disasters, we are conducting damage to water and sewerage facilities, collecting information and collaboration. Motorcycle members collect information in the event of a disaster, but staff usually work in each department. In addition, it is said that it is in an emergency to train about once a month, such as driving a survey route that assumes damage, confirming how to investigate the damage, and ripening. The members belonging to the "Burtra Corps" are nominated for their motorcycle license. They are not forced to be chosen, and they are recruiting staff who want to belong to the motorcycle squad. Previously, some members were active until the age of 60, who retired, but veteran members are now 45 years old because of their physical strength, because recovery work is the center of recovery work instead of motorcycles.