Basic knowledge of plasma processing

The first step is to know what is a plasma and what characteristics you have in order to understand plasma processing.In this series, we will explain the basic knowledge of plasma processing six times.In the first edition, the basic concept of plasma and the collision between the charged particles and the molecules that occur in them, the electronic collision reaction, which is an important subdivision, and the electronic temperature that occurs is abnormal.I will explain the realization of non -equilibrium plasma that is high.


1st: Types and features of plasma

In the General Electric (GE) Research Institute, IRVING LANGMUIR, an American chemist and physicist who was immersed in research on low -gas pressure release called glow discharge (imagine fluorescent light), 1928In a paper published in the year, the uniform object was named Plasma.By the way, Lang Mure is a superman researcher who has achieved revolutionary results not only in plasma but also in several different fields, and won the Nobel Prize in the surface in 1932 in the field of surface science.His basic research has contributed to GE's business brilliantly and can be said to be an example of corporate researchers.We recommend that you look into Lang Mure's achievements.



>>第1回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)


Plasma has different properties depending on its ionization (neutral molecules and ionic density ratio to atoms).It is common for plasma processing to use a low oloresic (usually less than 1 / 10,000 or less).In that case, it is sufficient to consider neutral molecules and atoms for the opponent where electrons and ions collide, and can ignore the collision between charcoal particles.One of the most important collision reactions is the collision between electrons, neutral atoms, and molecules.When an electronic E with sufficient kinetic energy collides with atom X, a ionic reaction that flies electrons from atoms occurs with a certain probability.

e(高速)+ X → e(低速)+ X++ e

Also, when electrons collide with molecules (tentatively, Niwara and molecular XY), ...

>>第1回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Plasma is composed of electrons, ions, and neutral molecules (including atoms), and they have random heat exercises.The particle has various speeds determined by the speed distribution of Maxwell (distribution function in which the speed of the gas molecule is obeyed in thermodynamic equilibrium state), and the indicator of the average motion energy of those particles is the temperature.Is stipulated in.



図2に、水素分子H2、窒素分子N2、酸素分子O2のガスにおける円筒放電管内のプラズマ部の電子温度と、pR(p:ガス圧、R:放電管の半径)の関係を示します。ここで、ガス圧の単位Torrは1Torr=1/760気圧、電子ボルト(eV)で表した電子温度は1eV=11,600Kに相当します。pR=1(Torr cm)(ガス圧1/760気圧で放電管の半径1cmの場合など)では、電子温度は約2万度になります。




On the other hand, depending on the electric field that exists in the plasma, ...

>>第1回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

2nd: How to generate plasma

Last time, we introduced the types and characteristics of plasma.This time, I will explain how to generate plasma.Various plasma can be generated due to discharge conditions and structures.This article describes the main plasma sources used for plasma processing technology that will be touched after the next time.Specifically, for glow discharge plasma, arc discharge plasma, and atmospheric pressure low temperature plasma, we will discuss the characteristics of discharge forms, electronic temperature, and gas temperature, and explain various plasma processing technology.

Last time, I will explain the glow discharge plasma that was taken up as a representative example of a weak oltopathic plasma.Taking a cylindrical discharge tube as an example, a discharged voltage is applied to the electrode placed at both ends by enclosing a gas that is reduced to about 1,000th (100 pa) to about 1,000th.Is generated (Fig. 1).Glow discharge is a sustainable discharge phenomenon in low pressure gas.Even if the length of the discharge tube is changed, the structure of the cathode part does not change, and only the length of the portion of the pillar (corresponding to the glowing part of the fluorescent light) changes.In this area, the density of ions and electrons is uniform in the length direction (changes in the diameter direction), and the potential change is linear, so the electric field (tilt of potential change) is uniform.

Glow discharge has long been researched as a representative example of non -equilibrium plasma (see the 1st Chapter 3 Equilibrium Plasma and Non -equilibrium plasma), and is also an important plasma in application.As mentioned earlier, in these plasma, the electron temperature is about two digits higher than the ion or neutral molecular (gas) temperature, and the molecules are dismissed (decomposed) by the collision between electrons and molecules that move around at high speed.As a result, a highly reactive free radical (free base) is generated and applied to plasma processing.


The cathode area consists of a cathode down, negative gallery, and a dark part of the Faraday in order from the cathode, and the length is several cm (it changes depending on the gas and gas pressure).A large potential difference (high electric field) is applied to the cathode down, which accelerates the positive ions toward the cathode and collides at high speed.When high -speed ions collide, electrons are bullet from the molecules that make up the cathode and are released to the electrode surface.This is,……

>>第2回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)



>>第2回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)


An dielectric barrier discharge is often used to realize such pulse discharge.The dielectric barrier discharge is a discharge that is generated in the gas that adds an exchange voltage to the gas through a dielectric, which is an insulator.I will briefly explain the principle.As shown in FIG. 3, the barrier discharge has a structure in which one or both of the electrodes or both are covered with glass -like insulators (dielectrics).Let's add a large positive DC voltage to this upper electrode.Then, the electric field accelerates the electrons toward the upper electrode, causing a ionizing collision to cause discharge.On the other hand, the positive ion moves toward the lower electrode.However,……

>>第2回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

3rd: Thin film sedimentation technology

Last time, we introduced various plasma methods.This time, we will explain the thin film deposits (formation) technology using plasma.By applying a non -equilibrium plasma, a semiconductor thin film or a polymer thin film can be formed without having the substrate or gas at a high temperature.A typical example is the Amorphus Si semiconductor film.Other film -based methods can easily obtain high -quality materials that are difficult to realize, making it an indispensable material for the realization of high -performance solar cells.

プラズマCVD(Plasma CVD、あるいはPlasma enhanced CVD)とは、プラズマを援用する型式の化学気相成長(Chemical Vapor Deposition:CVD)の一種です。CVDは、LSI(Large Scale Integration:大規模集積回路)などの半導体素子の作製に用いられる多結晶シリコンや窒化ケイ素Si3N4膜の代表的な薄膜形成法の1つです。通常のCVDでは、例えばSi薄膜を形成する場合には、外側を電気炉などで囲って加熱できるようにした石英管の中に膜を形成する基板を置き、そこにシランSiH4ガスを流します。管内の温度を600℃以上に加熱すると、SiH4分子の一部は熱エネルギーによりシリレンSiH2+水素H2のような解離反応により分解されます。



On the other hand, plasma CVD is a method that uses plasma to decompose gas.As described in the previous time, glow discharge has realized a non -equilibrium state in which only electronic temperature reaches tens of thousands of degrees.As a result, even when the gas temperature is low, the molecule is disassembled and decomposes due to a collision with high -speed electrons.Figure 1 shows an example of a plasma CVD device.


Set a parallel flat electrode in the vacuum container and place the substrate that you want to add a film on the ground electrode.When the gas that is used as a raw material under reduced pressure state is discharged, the raw material gas is decomposed by an electronic collision in the plasma to generate a radical, which spreads to the substrate, and is deposited as a film.Therefore, ...

>>第3回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)




By the way, solar cells are basically a diode that is based on PN joining.If you use a plasma CVD, you can form a solar cell on a large glass substrate as long as the electrode is enlarged.In addition, a thin film transistor that controls the ON and OFF of the liquid crystal pixel, ...

>>第3回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)


On the other hand, in plasma polymorphism, a gas -shaped monomer is introduced to generate a glow discharge plasma, and a film -like polymer is accumulated on the substrate placed inside.For example, discharge an ethylene gas forms a polyethylene thin film.This can be realized because high -speed electrons are cut off by high -speed electrons and easy to generate radicals.Plasma polishing has the following features:

Generally, the plasma polymerization membrane is high density and hard, ...

>>第3回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

4th: etching technology

Last time, I explained the plasma technology that generates materials.This time, I will explain the etching technology that cuts and processes materials.We will introduce the principles and applied products for this technology that can be used only for plasma, as well as chemical etching alternatives using etching solution.

Dry etching is a method of etching materials by reactive gas (etching gas), ions, and radicals. Processing that makes a groove in the ingredients or carved a pattern is called etching. This is an indispensable technology for creating semiconductor devices. Until the 1960s, there was only a method called wet etching using etching solution, and this method was used exclusively for devices. In this method, the device is inexpensive, and it has achieved high productivity because it can handle a large amount of siliconweha (material for semiconductor element manufacturing) at once. However, it was difficult to control the etching reaction speed, and it was not suitable for ultra -fine processing required for IC and LSI production. Therefore, the application of plasma was considered as a means to replace this wet etching, and from the first half of the 1970s, it has been introduced into IC production.


CF4+ e → CF3+ F + e

F Atoms spread to the SI substrate, and the following reacts on the surface and etched the SI (Fig. 1).

Si(固体) + 4F → SiF4(気体)


Using this method will stabilize the etching speed, and if the discharge is stopped, the etching will be stopped, so that the control is greatly improved compared to wet etching.However, if such electrical neutral radicals are used for etching, it can jump into the wafer from a random direction due to a collision with the molecules in the air.Therefore, in addition to the etching in the depth direction, ...

>>第4回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Reactive ion etching is one of the microscopic techniques classified as dry etching.For applications that require ultra -fine processing such as LSI, anisotropic etching, which can be etched only in the depth direction according to the dimensions of the mask, is indispensable.This can be realized by incident the radicals required for etching vertically.There are not only neutral radicals in plasma, but also many ionized radicals.Ion exercises in the direction of the electric field if it is not scattered by an atoms or molecules.Reactive ion etching uses this property.

I will explain the principle of Rie.As introduced in the second round, there is almost no potential difference between the plasma on the anche side in the DC glow discharge, and conversely, a large voltage is applied near the cathode.Therefore, in the plasma CVD, the board is placed on the anode side so that high -speed ions do not cause defects in the film in the film formation.On the other hand, RIE puts a substrate on the cathode side to actively use ion directions.In general, RF discharge (CCP) using a parallel flat plate electrode is generally used as an etching device.In that case, the ground electrode corresponds to the anche, and the electrode that applies the RF voltage corresponds to the cathode.Here, detailed explanations are omitted.If you are interested, please refer to the literature "Plasma Semiconductor Process Engineering" Komi Ichikawa and others, Uchida Otsuru, 2003, Chapter 2.

Although it is possible to etch with several 10 nm width in RIE, there is a limit to digging a thin and deep etching shape vertically just by the direction of ions, so a method called Deep Rie has been developed.This is also called a Bosch process because it was developed by BOSCH, Germany in the early 1990s.In this method, the high aspect ratio is performed by repeating the RIE and the film deposits alternately.For example, it is also possible to open a penetrating hole with a diameter of several μm in a SI wafer with a thickness of 100 μm.Figure 3 shows the principle diagram.

図3:BoschプロセスによるDeep RIEの原理


>>第4回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Attempts to divert the Si semiconductor -made technology and create a micro machine that combines electrical function and mechanical structure has begun around 1970.This device is called MEMS (Micro Electromechanical Systems).The typical size is about μm to mm, which is about the same as the thickness of human hair.Figure 4 shows an example of MEMS.

図4:Si基板上に作製された歯車とチェーン(引用:Sandia National Laboratories.

Currently, MEMS is used in wide fields such as sensors, actuators, and vibration power generation.Even if you take one smartphone, some MEMS, such as acceleration sensors, gyro sensors, and microfons, are incorporated in them, and everyone uses them without being aware of it.The most important processing technology for making these MEMS is etching technology.Above all, Rie and Deep Rie are ...

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5th: Surface treatment technology

Last time, I explained the etching technology unique to plasma.This time, I will explain by spotting the surface modification of the material by plasma.Plasma processing has become an important technology in improving the surface curing of metal and the adhesive and paintability of resin materials.In addition to the outline of these technologies, we will introduce the principle of low -temperature and pressure plasma jets, which are expected to be a new plasma source suitable for these processing.



>>第5回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

A low temperature plasma jet is a low -temperature plasma jet generated in atmospheric pressure. The mainstream of plasma, which has been introduced so far, supplies gas into vacuum containers and discharges under reduced pressure. These devices are essential for those that dislike contamination, such as semiconductors, or that require high uniformity of film thickness and membrane in the surface. However, trying to handle large and three -dimensional materials can cause various restrictions in vacuum devices. If there is a device that can irradiate plasma under the air pressure like a spray gun, the application for plasma processing will be greatly expanded. So how can such a device be realized? The hint is the barrier discharge introduced in the second time. He explained that a barrier discharge can generate a low -temperature non -equilibrium plasma even at air pressure. With this discharge, you can create a stable and easy -to -handle plasma source.



Based on this principle ...

>>第5回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Around our body, plastic (synthetic resin) products made of polymer materials are overflowing.However, when commercializing, the process of painting and adhesion is indispensable.Plasma is active in such a case.For example, a car bumper is commonly used in resin called polypropylene.When this resin is molded, a low -polymerization layer called WBL (WeakBoundary Layer) is formed on the surface.Due to this layer, problems such as paint difficulty and difficult to adhere occur.For this reason, in the past, dry surface treatments such as wet surface treatment using acid and alkali, UV ozone irradiation and flame (frame) treatment have been used for the purpose of surface modification of polymer material.

In the plasma, as we have introduced so far, it is possible to easily generate excitation activity such as radicals and ions.Therefore, research using plasma was conducted for these processing.It was found that a very short plasma irradiation improves hydrophilicity, printing, adhesive, and paintability of the resin surface without affecting the bulk characteristics of the material.The following three items are given by plasma on the polymer surface.

Due to active species such as radicals and ions generated in plasma, cleaning organic pollutants on the surface of plastic and removing WBL.

When the plasma is irradiated, the resin surface is applied to the electrons, and ...

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6th: Application to biotechnology

Last time, I explained the surface treatment technology of plasma.This time, I will explain the bio technical application of plasma.The appearance of a low -temperature plasma that can be easily handled with the air pressure introduced last time has brought paradigm shift to biotechnology, and new knowledge has been obtained one after another.The application of plasma to biotechnology is still in a short history of research, and it is complicated for living things, and there are many events that the mechanism has not been fully elucidated.Nevertheless, since it is the most notable field, here are some examples at the end of the series.

低温大気圧プラズマジェットは、生体への照射が可能なことから、バイオ技術との相性がよい画期的なプラズマ源です。これまで紹介したように、プラズマ中では高速電子や励起分子、ラジカルが発生します。そして、このプラズマジェットを大気中で生体に照射すると、下流域で空気を巻き込むため、これらの粒子と空気、および空気中の水蒸気が反応し、活性酸素種(Reactive Oxygen Species:ROS)や活性窒素種(Reactive Nitrogen Species:RNS)と呼ばれる、生体に影響を与える活性種が効率よく生成されます。ROSには、原子状酸素(O)、オゾン(O3)、ヒドロキシラジカル(OH)、過酸化水素(H2O2)など、RNSには一酸化窒素(NO)、二酸化窒素(NO2)、亜酸化窒素(N2O)などが含まれます。

Research since 2000 has shown that irradiating plasma, such as active species, charging particles supplied from plasma, ultraviolet light, etc., have various effects on living cells and crops.I did it.There are still many events that have not been fully elucidated, even for detailed mechanisms, because the research target is a living body and the history of the research itself is shallow.However, there are many interesting results that can be expected for future progress.Here are the medical and agricultural applications of plasma (Fig. 1).


Plasma medicine is to use plasma to directly treat human cells.Applications for plasma to medical care include sterilization of medical equipment, cancer treatment, hemostasis, gene introduction to cells, immunotherapy, and wound treatment (Fig. 2).


The first thing that is taken up for medical treatment is sterilization of medical equipment due to plasma irradiation.By directly irradiating the plasma jet to bacteria, viruses, mold, etc. ...

>>第6回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Research is progressing rapidly for the application of plasma in agriculture. The effects of plasma irradiation have been reported to promote growth and disinfect crops. Vegetable production in plant factories, which can be expected to have high productivity, is expected to become more and more popular. And there is widely used hydroponic cultivation, which circulates nutrients without using soil. This cultivation method has the advantage that pesticides are unnecessary, but if some seedlings cause illness, there is a drawback that other seedlings may spread through the recycling solution, which can cause catastrophic damage. 。 In order to avoid this, sterilization of nutrition is important. Therefore, it was confirmed that if the plasma was irradiated with the nutrient, the nutrients had a powerful bactericidal effect of killing bacteria and mold. It has also been confirmed that nitrogen is supplied to solution as a nutrient due to the effects of ROS and RNS.


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