The basic knowledge of cleaning science

Cleaning is a familiar act that everyone does, from adults to children.Generally, cleaning is to remove the garbage, dust, and other dirt in the target location and clean it.It is a cleaning that everyone does, but the theory of cleaning is not summarized.In this series, we will systematically explain the theory of cleaning as a cleaning science.The first one will explain the cleaning theory and the equation of cleaning.


1st: Cleaning theory and equation

1. Cleaning and cleaning

Historically, cleaning in Japan was closely related to religion.Even in modern times, there is a remnant of the year -end.Cleaning is derived from the “Susu payment” on the day of the new year.In the New Year, many of the samurai but also private houses, many were paid on December 13.It was a religious event as a preparation for the annual god festival, rather than simply cleaning and hygienic New Year.

It is a public health born from the British Industrial Revolution that began to think about cleaning theoretically.Public egrology is a study that treats the health of the whole region, based on the analysis of the health of the group.Regarding building hygiene, the purpose of improving and promoting public health was enacted in 1973 (abbreviated as the Building Sanitation Law).As a result, the maintenance and management of buildings used or used by many people has been determined for environmental hygiene necessary criteria.The national qualifications certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, "Building Environmental Sanitation Management Engineers" and "Building Clearing Engineers" are also qualified by the establishment of the Building Health Law.Among them, cleaning is represented by the name cleaning.

Some of these have some theories because the government sets certain standards and manage hygiene.However, the scope of adaptation is wide, ...

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2. Possibility of cleaning

Those that continue to be used and maintain must be cleaned and maintained.And cleaning faces a variety of problems.Cleaning issues include cleaning labor, hygiene and health problems, maintenance problems, and other issues.Cleaning is a study to improve various cleaning problems.In 2006, by devising the cleaning equation (Ueki equation), which has an indicator role in cleaning methods, it has become possible to improve various cleaning problems.

Improving hygiene and health, one of the cleaning problems, can be said to be one of the preventive medicine that is closely connected to public health.For example, one in two Japanese is said to be allergic, but as a countermeasure in considering the improvement of QOL (quality of life) in inhaled allergic patients, it is necessary to establish a self -management method in antigen (allergen) avoidance.I am.In cleaning, you can expect a method of making it easier to clean up for antigen removal.

Cleaning is also a technology and business seeds that can be expected to create new businesses and develop new markets.for example,...

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3. Cleaning equation

I will talk about the basic theory of cleaning and the outline of the cleaning equation.

When deciding on a cleaning method, understand what kind of dirt? "Where?"At this time, considering prevention, the next cleaning will be easier.It is a matter of course.However, it can be said that all of the cleaning theory is concentrated in this.The cleaning equation is as follows.

Cleaning method determination = Current status analysis x work method

Figure 2 shows the development of the information and knowledge required for the cleaning equation.Here, cleaning theory to determine the cleaning method is consolidated.


In order to determine the cleaning method, the current status analysis information is required.Understand what kind of dirt is attached or "Where?"In "What kind of dirt?""Where?" It requires information and knowledge about the location and material that is attached.At this time, the analysis is performed in consideration of the process of adhering and becoming the current state.

Next, based on the analysis results, select "what to use?", That is, the removal power to remove dirt.Removal power has physical removal and chemical removal.As a physical removal force, information and knowledge such as cleaning tools are required.As a chemical removal force, information and knowledge such as detergents are required.And as a way to use the removal power, information and knowledge of the work method are required.At this time, considering the process of adhesive adhesion and considering prevention, the burden of cleaning from the next time can be reduced.

It is easier to understand if you change it to a simple diagram from the development diagram.In each item, ...

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2nd: Knowledge of dirt

When deciding on a cleaning method, understand what kind of dirt? "Where?"I mentioned in the first one that the logical expression is the cleaning equation.The cleaning equation is the cleaning method determination = the current status analysis x work method.The first thing to do is the current analysis of what kind of dirt is?This section describes the knowledge of dirt to perform the current analysis as an example.

1. Knowledge of dirt

Dirt will give you a variety of information.What kind of dirt?Why was it dirty?At the same time, it is easier to understand the identity and prevention of dirt when considering the process with dirt attached.

The dirt of the house is that the floors, walls, pillars, ceilings, partitions, partitions, furniture, furniture, etc. are attached to the surface of each part that forms the house, and all contaminated foreign substances are called, because there are individual differences in the feeling that it is dirty, the perception of dirt and dirt itself differs from person to person.

In order to identify the cleaning dirt, you need to obtain information from dirt and knowledge of dirt.If the type of dirt has been identified, you can check the nature of the dirt and gain knowledge of dirt.Examples of dirt from home include dust, oil, water, and mold stains.Check out the nature of dirt in a book or the Internet.

2. Dirt analysis procedure overview

Dirt is actually formed by the mixture of multiple pollutants, even though it looks like a single dirt.For example, the oil stains attached to the ventilation fan of the kitchen include oil smoke accompanying the dishes, various dust dirt mixed in the air, and another substance oxidized due to changes over time.In this way, oil stains are formed by many substances.

Even if it is the same dirt, the cleaning method changes depending on the adhesion and form.It can be said that the name of the dirt is given by its main component.However, the cleaning method cannot be determined just by the name of the dirt, so ...

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3. Causes of contamination

The first check to know the dirt is to know why it was dirty.This process is very important.By examining the cause, you can predict the mechanism and main component that adheres dirt.In order to make sure the cause is unknown, it may accidentally increase the work method or damage building materials.Unless you understand the cause and take measures and prevention, there is a high possibility that dirt will adhere.

Considering the cause of foreign substances adhered to buildings, there are two main types: natural and human factors.As a natural factor, even if you do not use your home, it will be dirty after a considerable period of time.for example,...

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4. Types of dirt

There are countless types of dirt.If the substances contained in dirt are widely classified, there will be water -soluble substances (dirt that match the water), oil -soluble substances (dirt that repelled water), and other pollutants, and the removal power used will vary depending on the type of dirt.The basic identification survey method for identifying the type of dirt is as follows.

First, we analyze from the cause of contaminated and surrounding conditions.Here, you can make sure.Next, we analyze it depending on visual, smell and feel.There is also information that can be seen by the smell by looking at the colors, shapes, and mixed dirt.In the feel, you can check hardness and viscosity.The hardness and viscosity of dirt will also increase the effect on the work.

Next, the main dirt is determined by analyzing the water or flipping water.for example,...

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5. Attached status


Figure 2 is a typical adhesion of dirt.The explanation of the attached state is as follows.


Other than that ...

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6. Changes in time


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3rd: Knowledge of location and materials

Last time, I explained the current analysis in the cleaning equation "What kind of dirt?"This time, I will explain the knowledge of the location and materials for performing the current situation.The cleaning equation is the cleaning method determination = the current status analysis x work method.In the current status analysis, after "what kind of dirt?", "Where?"

1. Analysis procedure of location and material

In the decision of the cleaning method, the information and materials of the location, such as the place where the dirt is attached, the type of material, the chemical properties and physical properties, is required.When removing dirt, knowing "Where?" It makes it easier to remove dirt and reduce damage to the material.

In the equation of cleaning, "where?" Can be classified into a place to be cleaned and a material with dirt attached.The analysis items are roughly divided into four.The first is the information analysis of the location.The second is the type of material and the site used.The third is chemical properties such as water resistance and detergent resistance.The fourth is physical properties such as surface shape, hardness, water absorption and moisture absorption.Figure 1 shows the analysis procedure of location and material in a flowchart.This section describes the analysis procedure for each item.


2. Location information

The information on the location to be cleaned makes it easier to understand the process of adhesion.Is the place to be cleaned outdoors or indoors of the building?Where to clean it?The amount of information increases as you expand your field of view, such as the area and peripheral information of the cleaning place.First of all, it will be easier to collect from visible familiar information, such as where the dirt is attached.


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3. The type of material and the site used

Even in the same place, the cleaning method changes depending on the difference in the material attached to dirt.It is very important to check the materials.In recent years, the types of materials used in products and architecture have also been diversified and complicated, and it is important to note that there are some materials that make mistakes just by looking at them.Figure 2 is an example of a similar material found in a bathroom shower bar.

図2: 類似素材の例


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4. Chemical nature

Water resistance and detergent resistance of the material is a chemical property that you need to know in cleaning.When removing dirt, water and detergent are often used, and it is a point to check whether it is a material that adapts to water (hydrophilic) or flipped water (liposolation) material.In addition, it is a good idea to know if it is a material that tends to use static electricity.

The hydrophilic material that fits in the water is easy to get wet in water, so it is easy to adhere to dirt that melts and mixes in water.In addition, if it is a water -absorbing material, it will be difficult to invade and remove dirt.You need to be careful when using water or detergent for such materials.


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5. Physical properties

The surface shape, hardness, water absorption, and moisture absorption of the material are physical properties that you need to know in cleaning.The physical properties of the material affect the work method, which can damage the material and spread dirt even with the same tools and detergents.Those with a lot of unevenness on the surface of the material tend to be difficult to work, and soft and weak materials tend to be easily scratched.In addition, the method of cleaning varies greatly depending on the physical properties of the material, such as water -absorbing materials, such as moisture -containing dirt penetrating inside and difficult to remove.

If the material surface is smooth and dense, dirt is hard to adhere, and it is easy to remove even if it adheres.Conversely, the more unevenness or 伱 between the surface of the material, the easier it is to adhere to the dirt and the more burden it is to remove.Figure 3 is a cross -sectional view classified by the roughness of the material surface.If you look closer to the material, or look at it with a microscope, the surface has various shapes.Not only the idea of the roughness of the surface, but also the frequency of unevenness, the shape of the unevenness is also a problem in cleaning.Even if the degree of unevenness is the same, the shape of the protrusion and the depression is sharp, the more complicated, the easier it is to get dirty, and the adhered dirt tends to be difficult to remove.



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4th: Knowledge of cleaning tools

Last time, I explained the knowledge of location and materials to perform "where?" To analyze places and materials with dirt.In the cleaning equation, the next step is to decide the work method in consideration of the analysis results of the current status analysis.This time, I will explain the knowledge of cleaning tools of physical removal power to remove dirt.

1. Classification of removal power and physical removal force

Removal power is classified as physical and chemical power, and it is effective to use it effectively to remove dirt (Fig. 1).



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2. Knowledge of tools and how to select

There are a wide variety of cleaning tools and select the necessary tools as the results of the current status analysis.There are also tools that are indirectly necessary to work.For example, you need a platform or stepladder to work at a high place.You need an outlet to use machines that move on electricity.If the outlet is not nearby, an extension code is required.


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3. What tools are there?

There are many types of cleaning tools, even if they are limited to housing.It is required to select according to the purpose of cleaning and use according to how each product is used.In addition, some items that are not cleaning tools can be used as physical removal.


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4. Types of physical removal power

Figure 2 shows physical removal cleaning work.



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5. How to use and apply tools

He stated that if the power of the tools was maximized, the power of a person would be in the way.In order to use the tool correctly, use sponge and brushes as if they were gently attached instead of pressing (Fig. 3).In the case of a sponge, select the type of sponge according to the degree of dirt (Fig. 4).

図3:用具の使い方の基本例(スポンジとブラシの力の強弱)図4:汚れの度合いによるスポンジの種類 (左から、スポンジ・メラミンスポンジ・茶色パット・焦げ取りスポンジ)

As an example of applying cleaning tools, you can get another effect by applying pressure to water.For example, by using a hose and a watering attachment, applying pressure to the water to make the watering shape a fan shape, the effect of sweeping the floor with water like a broom, and rubbing and scraping the water pressure further.You can also get.Combining various tools creates countless physical removal methods.

In addition, a glass wiper can be applied even if it is not a glass if it is a smooth material without unevenness on the material surface.In addition to cleaning the walls of the bathroom and the indoor door without unevenness, the liquid on the floor can be collected by using it together with dust.


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5th: Knowledge of detergent

Last time, we explained the physical removal power that removes dirt and the knowledge of cleaning tools to determine how to work in consideration of the analysis results of the current status analysis.This time, I will explain the chemical removal power to remove dirt and the knowledge of detergent.

1. What is chemical removal?

Removal power is classified as physical and chemical power, and it is effective to use it effectively to remove dirt (Fig. 1).

This time, I will introduce the chemical removal power.


The representative chemical removal power used in cleaning is detergent.In the cleaning professional world, it is the main character of removal.Synthetic detergents are mainly made of surfactants, and are designed to be removed quickly with assistants and additives, and can be purchased at a close amount of detergents.


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2. Basic knowledge of detergent

Generally, a detergent is a synthetic detergent.The main component of cleaning action is surfactant.In the Household Supplies Quality Labeling Law, the main components of the cleaning effect are surfactants as soaps and synthetic detergents, and the chemical effects of acidic and alkaline agents are classified as cleaning agents.In ordinary households, it is not very recognized that synthetic detergents and cleaning agents are classified, so they are collectively collectively use them as detergents and explain them separately from soap.

When using water to remove dirt, use a detergent together to remove dirt well.To remove oil stains that do not fit in water, it requires the help of detergent.Many of the commercially available detergents use surfactants.Surfactants are made up of two conflicting properties, one molecule, a hydrophilic group and a dental group (Fig. 2).


The molecules of surfactants have the following properties.

For surfactants, the lip -oil group is arranged toward oil or the hydrophilic group toward the water (Fig. 3).Originally, oils that do not dissolve or mix in water are distributed in the water as particles and become milk.It will be removed from the attached material and becomes one group.



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3. How to use detergent well

The important thing in choosing a detergent is to select a place to clean and to choose a detergent that corresponds to dirt according to the purpose.Detergents can be classified into neutral detergents, alkaline detergents, and acid detergents depending on the PH value indicated by the product.Depending on the cleaning agent or additive, it can be classified into a detergent containing a solvent, a detergent containing an abrasive, or an enzyme -containing detergent.

Cleaning uses the removal power instead of a person putting it on.If you can use detergent well, cleaning will be easier than ever.There are seven points to use detergent well.


Be sure to read instructions such as precautions and how to use it, and use it with the detergent used.The Consumer Affairs Agency's Home Supplies Quality Labeling Law shows the ingredients and precautions for use of detergent.


Detergent has the optimal use concentration, and it is stipulated to display it by the Household Supplies Labeling Law and other laws.Most commercial home detergents can be used as they are.On the other hand, the type of business or the type that diluts the undiluted solution is used with an appropriate dilution ratio.Even if the concentration is too high (exceeding the critical Micell concentration), the surface tension decreased rate and detergency due to surfactants will not change.



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6th: Knowledge of work method

Last time, I explained the chemical removal power to remove dirt and the knowledge of detergent to do "what to use?" To determine how to work.This time, I will explain the knowledge of the work method.In the cleaning equation, "how?"The work method helps to clean up the whole information and clean it up.Also, if you have the knowledge of the work method, it will be easier to determine how to clean it.

1. Additional conditions for cleaning

When deciding how to work, you must consider the additional conditions.The way of feeling for beauty is different for each person.Emotions such as cleaning and thoughts on places are also different.In addition, the cleaning method of cleaning changes depending on the additional conditions that should be emphasized, such as lifestyle, economic (financial) reasons, and environmental conditions.

In order to meet the additional conditions, we will consider with the necessary knowledge and imagine the quality of the finish.Then, from the entire work, you can determine a cleaning method taking into account individual circumstances.The additional conditions for cleaning are important items in personal hygiene that is difficult to standardize.In some cases, dirt removal is the highest priority in cleaning, and cleaning is sometimes known to be able to clean it with a slight damage to the material.Table 1 shows the additional conditions that can occur in each knowledge item of the cleaning equation.


2. Work method determination procedure overview


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3. Select the contents depending on the work category

Table 2 shows the basic items when selecting the contents according to the work category.Instead of choosing one of the basic items, we choose an efficient work method by combining them so that they do not contradict each other.



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4. Basic work procedure for cleaning

After selecting the work content in the basic item, the basic work procedure items are explained how to proceed overall.


If the building is divided as a space, the dirt will fall down due to gravity, so if it is a house with two stories or more, clean it from the upper floor.In terms of space, it is difficult to work in a narrower place than a wide area, so it is more efficient to work in a narrow place first and do the last post -processing in a large place.In the direction of travel, working from the back to the entrance will prevent re -pollution after work.In the building, we work from indoors to outdoors.

In this way, it is important to know the basic procedures for efficiently cleaning for each reason.




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7th: Laws that make preventive knowledge and cleaning easier

Last time, I explained the knowledge of the work method.This time, I will explain the knowledge of prevention in the cleaning equation and the law that makes cleaning easier.The essence of cleaning is a knowledge of prevention, and preventive cleaning is also a preventive medicine.I will explain the knowledge of prevention with home as an example.

1. Knowledge of prevention

Let's look at the cleaning equation development diagram from the opposite when considering prevention (Fig. 1).In terms of work methods, simple and efficient work methods make cleaning easier.In the knowledge of detergent, the use of detergents that are gentle and cleaning effects, and the knowledge of tools, the knowledge of the material that is easy on the material and is easy to handle makes cleaning easier.

In addition, by considering economics and safety, more quality preventive measures can be taken.Furthermore, from the current analysis, it can be said that the process of adhesion adhesion and its cause are the essence of preventive measures to make cleaning easier.


Let's consider the causes of contamination and measures to improve.Various cleaning problems in building pollution affect both users (residents) and buildings.Prevention cleaning is the closest measure to protect the health of people and buildings.First, start by thinking about the dirty causes.

Causes of contamination are inevitable in life, unless intentionally polluted.In other words, it depends on the environment.Measures to improve the environment are important in preventive and cleanup.If you classify the countermeasures into three major categories, you can divide them into ways, housing, and other improvements (Fig. 2).Of these, other improvements include the environmental improvement of the surrounding area, so we will explain the housing that is a private department as a personal hygiene.


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2. Laws that make cleaning easier

There are four laws to make cleaning easier (Fig. 4).Each rule has a great effect by using each other in combination so that it does not contradict each other.The content of the law is, of course, something that is not surprising.I will explain each rule.


The first of the laws to make cleaning easier is to create an environment that is less dirty.Creating an environment that is hard to get dirty to make cleaning easier.To put it in extreme theory, you don't need to clean it if it doesn't get dirty.However, it is probably impossible to create an environment that does not get dirty at this time.Therefore, the most important thing to make cleaning easier is to create an environment that is less dirty.Other items can be said to be to create an environment that is hard to get dirty.


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3. Summary of basic knowledge of cleaning

Cleaning is also a preventive medicine for health, and the consolidation of basic theory is an equation of cleaning.And the knowledge of prevention has become a new business tool, and the law, which is the ultimate theory of preventive cleaning, has the potential to change to various worlds (industries).


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