Astroskale, pre -mounted next -generation docking plate to protect the space environment corporation |

Release issuance company: Astroskale Holdings Co., Ltd.

アストロスケール、宇宙環境保護のための事前搭載型の次世代ドッキングプレートを発表 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Astrosque Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters (Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarters: Headquarter Sumida -ku, Tokyo, founder and CEO Mitsunobu Okada, hereinafter "Astroskale") will announce a versatile docking plate for cosmetic capture technology developed by the company. This docking plate has a standardized interface like a car towing hook, and enables future capture services with debris removal satellites by preparing the cosmetic side to be captured, and all low orbit in the future. I hope it will be installed as standard in the upper position. Following the G7 joint statement on the sustainability of the universe (the Space Sustainability), the 26th Hydrangea Change Convention Conference (COP26), and the Paris Peace Forum's Net Zero Space Declaration, Astroskale is a satellite operator. We are calling for efforts to protect the space environment by preparing for the removal of space aircraft. In the next ten years, many of the tens of satellites, which are tens of thousands, are estimated to be launched in a low orbit of 250 km to 2,000 km. The U.S. Communications Committee (FCC) has now approved the launch of 16,447 Constellation satellites, and the number of applications is 64,816 * 1. In addition, the number of debris is increasing year by year, and it is assumed that the possibility of a collision involving operating satellites will increase in the future unless the satellite removal after operation is established in the cosmic activity principle. Astroskale founder and CEO Mitsunobu Okada stated: "Over 12,000 satellites have launched in the past 60 years, and the number may increase to more than four times in the next 10 years. This amazing increase is our economy, life, and climate change measures, etc. It suggests that the universe is an indispensable entity. We take measures to remove the space industry, and it is a true expression of the cosmic environment protection. I would like to work hard to show. "The docking plate mounted on the satellite to be captured is robust and reliable without hindering satellite operation. In addition, it is possible to customize sizes and the like according to various satellite designs, and can be safely captured by a robot or magnet capture mechanism using Astroskale catcher (servicers). The debris removal technology demonstration satellite, which is currently proceeding in orbit, is the technology to remove the operated satellites and commercial execution of the ELSA-D "ELSA-D, ELSA-D, END-OF-Life Services by Astroscale). This is the first satellite to prove the possibilities. The ELSA-D mission is equipped and demonstrated the first prototype of the device to provide our docking plate to all satellite operators in low orbit. In addition, COP26 has attracted attention to the importance of properly disseminating and educating environmental issues, and emphasized how our daily lives are supported by satellite services on both sides of communication and earth observation. For satellite operators, the use of the service is not only the maintenance of the orbital environment, but also a power source for the orbit service and its manufacturing market, estimated to increase more than $ 4 billion in the world by 2030. It also leads to the contribution to the growth of the ecosystem on orbit. John Urban, President of Astroskale, states: "Astroskale's docking plate is designed to be lightweight and can be easily attached to low orbit satellites. It is a low -cost solution, and satellite operators are captured by attaching them to satellite. Through removal, we can contribute to the conservation of the orbital environment. We all have greatly benefit the global observation, global communication environment and artificial satellites that support the economy. Preparation for removal before the launch. By applying, it is possible to contribute to the space sustainability for future generations and make it more reliable. "This docking plate developed by our company will be in Bremen in Germany from November 16th to 18th. It will be open to the public on the held Space Tech Expo Europe Conference. It will also be introduced at a conference held in the United States in the United States. Main characteristics of docking plates: Independence: Lightweight, compact and does not hinder satellite development and operation: Low -cost solution reliability that can be recorded as satellite development costs: Mechanically fixed There is no problem with deterioration of the adhesive surface, etc. The possibility of failure and deterioration is extremely low robustness: Durable durability in the quality inspection and test of the space environment: Design technology to maintain functions and performance for more than 15 years in outer space. Features: identification markers and reflectors: The identification marker suitable for captures enables capture technique by robot enhanced rim (uneven processing) enhancement rims necessary for nearby approach operation. Simple solution using various capture methods and versatile three bolts, such as captures using magnets and captures with robots: Legs that can be easily installed and assembled from outside: Legs that can be adjusted in three stages: Everything Customizedable embedded type: For more information including images and videos that can be embedded in the cosmetic housing, see the dedicated page of the newly published docking plate. https: // has a structure and a structure that can be separated, and can control temperature and thermal control 2.Easy installation.Solutions using 3 bolts that can be attached from the outside 3.Embedded type: It can be embedded in the cosmetic housing 4.識別マーカと反射器:捕獲対象に適した識別マーカと反射器が、近傍接近運用をサポート。識別マーカは顧客や用途に応じて最適化され、正確な位置・姿勢情報で航法誘導を行う*QRコードは識別マーカのイメージですアストロスケール についてアストロスケールは、宇宙機の安全航行の確保を目指し、次世代へ持続可能な軌道を継承する為、スペースデブリ(宇宙ごみ)除去サービスの開発に取り組む世界初の民間企業です。 2013年の創業以来、軌道上で増加し続けるデブリの低減・除去策として、今後打ち上がる人工衛星が寿命を迎えたり恒久故障の際に除去を行うEOL※3、既存デブリを除去する為のADR※4、宇宙空間上での宇宙状況把握(ISSA※5)、稼働衛星の寿命延長(LEX※6)など軌道上サービスの実現を目指し技術開発を進めてきました。また、長期に渡り安全で持続可能な宇宙環境を目指す為、技術開発に加え、ビジネスモデルの確立、複数の民間企業や団体、行政機関と協働し、宇宙政策やベストプラクティスの策定に努めています。本社・R&D 拠点の日本をはじめ、シンガポール、英国、米国、イスラエルとグローバルに事業を展開しています。アストロスケール本社ウェブサイトはこちら: http://astroscale.Click here for COM manufacturing and development (photo): https: // bit.Click here for details about ly/astroscale_pictureSelsa-d: http: // bit.Ly/elsa-d_presskit_jpn Malestrian service control center (video): https: // www.YouTube.Com/Watch? v = Ozisog-AJBM * 1 Source: Parablic Arc (noV).8, 2021) * 2 Source: UK IN-ORBIT SERVICING CAPABILITY: A Platform for Growth * 3 EOL: Abbreviation for END-OF-LIFE * 4 ADR: Abbreviation of Active Debris Removal* 6 LEX: Life Extension's abbreviated company press release to PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.