A car parked in a parking lot in India disappears without a sound The cause is an old well that should have been buried
The car that was parked in the parking lot suddenly disappeared...! A video that captures the truth behind such a mysterious incident has become a hot topic overseas.
クルマがすっぽり飲み込まれていく……!(画像はTwitterより)The incident occurred in a very common outdoor parking lot in Mumbai, India. A car parked here suddenly disappeared.
Theft? "Or...?" The truth about what happened there was captured by a security camera installed in the parking lot.
When I checked the video released by the local media "TOI Mumbai", the car was already half submerged. It shows how it is swallowed by a large hole filled with water.
Then, in an instant, the car was completely swallowed up, and there was only silence as if nothing had happened from the beginning.
どんどん沈んでいくクルマ(画像はTwitterより)According to the report, the cause of the accident was an "old well". It seems that there used to be a well in this place, but it seems that it was buried because it got in the way when setting up a parking lot. However, it seems that the treatment was not complete, and the ground became brittle due to the excess water, and a large hole appeared, swallowing a car that happened to be parked there.
After the accident, the sunken car was salvaged, but it seems to be difficult to repair.
(参考)冠水した道路を走ったクルマのエンジンを分解 → オイルを抜こうとしたら水がドバドバ 「たかが水」あなどると痛い出費(参考)30年以上前に盗まれたフェラーリ、川底で発見 地元水族館で展示する案が浮上(参考)暑いもんな プールで優雅に泳ぐ(?)三菱「ランサー」が発見される 飲酒運転で民家に突っ込む