The supply and demand balance adjustment of the power system (demand resort) is the key to the introduction of renewable energy -utilization of hydrogen energy towards decalorine society (10)

National R & D Corporation New Energy / Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Eiji Ohira

This serialization is to introduce the use of "hydrogen energy" for the realization of the car calibromy society, and introduce initiatives on hydrogen energy from industry -academia and academia.The 10th edition is "Fukushima Hydrogen Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R)" in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, which launched a hydrogen manufacturing facility that uses renewable energy (private companies) and "government".I will pay attention.This time, following the ninth time, we talked about the importance of FH2R's initiatives, utilization cases, and the importance of adjusting the supply and demand balance of the power system (demand response).


The introduction of renewable energy such as solar and wind power will proceed to realize carbon neutral, which makes carbon dioxide emissions to zero.With the increase in the introduction of renewable energy with large output fluctuations, it is expected that output control opportunities for adjusting the supply and demand balance of the power system will increase in the future.Under such circumstances, the system called "Power-to-GAS", which turns electricity into hydrogen and utilizes the power generated by renewable energy, is attracting attention.。The facility that conducts demonstration experiments to establish such a Power-to-GAS is the Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R).What kind of efforts are FH2R doing?

"Hydrogen manufacturing facility" that manufactures, store, and transports hydrogen from renewable energy

In October 2020, the government announced the "2050 Carbon Nuntions Declaration" to realize a carbon caloral society by 2050 and to exhaust the greenhouse gases to the real zero. In realizing carbon nectar, the use of renewable energy is indispensable, but the point that the output fluctuates depending on the situation such as the weather has been a major issue. In order to solve such issues, hydrogen from renewable energy is manufactured, stored and transported, but also working on supply and demand balance adjustments, "Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field) in Namie -cho, Fukushima Prefecture. FH2R). The area is about 220,000 square meters equivalent to about 5 Tokyo Dome. In the world's largest 10MW hydrogen manufacturing device and a 20 -MW solar power generation equipment, hydrogen manufacturing and transportation / storage technologies by electrolysis of water utilizing renewable energy, technological development and output fluctuations with large output fluctuations. Technology has been developed to realize the supply and demand balance adjustment function of the power system, including hydrogen for maximizing the most of possible energy. The FH2R is mainly composed of three elements, such as a 20 -MW solar power generation equipment, a 10 -MW hydrogen manufacturing device, and its hydrogen storage and supply facilities. The system that controls the supply and demand balance of power is Tohoku Electric Power, Hydrogen Demand forecast System is Iwatani Sangyo, the system that controls the whole is Toshiba Energy Systems, and Asahi Kasei is in charge of developing technical development to improve the performance of the water power solution. "It is important to adjust the supply and demand balance of the electric power system as the introduction of renewable energy is important. FH2R is also one of the roles of coordination in addition to manufacturing hydrogen from renewable energy. Is provided by fluctuating the load on the water electric hydrogen manufacturing device, but how efficiently operates, based on the demand of hydrogen and the amount of renewable energy owned by FH2R. The construction of a system to use and use it as a power coordination is a major point of this initiative. "・ Eiji speaks. Specifically, we aim to build optimal operation systems based on various data, such as solar day fire, predictive power generation, hydrogen demand, time related to transportation, and appropriate inventory. In promoting the construction of this operation system, Ohira emphasizes "a device that solves water and manufactures hydrogen". Ohira says: "In full -scale use, it is indispensable to increase the response and durability of the demand fluctuations of electrolytes. Will the response as expected can be obtained? Gain technical reliability for this device. This is also a big purpose in FH2R. "(Mr. Ohira), now, the 10MW hydrogen manufacturing device on FH2R is the world's largest size, but Ohira speaks the task. He says, "I need more than 10 times the size." "I think that if you want to adjust the supply and demand balance in terms of stabilization of the power system, if it is not 10 times larger than it is now, it will not really be practical. No, it is difficult to make it more than 10 times more than 10 times. So, first of all, I hope that this size will create a well -established technical infrastructure and build an operation system. "(Ohira).

Time axis for the use of manufactured hydrogen and the realization of carbon neutral

The hydrogen manufactured by the FH2R is currently transported to Azuma General Sports Park (Fukushima City), Road Station Namie (Namie Town), and J Village (Naraha Town) by "Hydrogen Transport Trailer". It is used. Recently, Iwaki Kashima Hydrogen Station, Iwatani Hydrogen Station Sendai Airport, and hydrogen stations in Tokyo are also provided. "The change in energy is very time -consuming. The personal skin sensation is that it is finally a starting point to realize the hydrogen society at 2030. On the other hand, how much do you use hydrogen? The discussions have not been much more, but now hydrogen is being talked about in the Basic Plan of Energy to realize carbon neutral. The year is important. It may not have been very real, but I would like to make it a reality in the last 10 years. " With the goal of creating 100 % of the demand with renewable energy, the "Fukushima Prefectural Renewable Energy Promotion Vision", which promotes the introduction of renewable energy, is set. Against this background, the system called "Power-to-GAS", which converts and utilizes the power that FH2R is working on into hydrogen, will increase. And that's not limited to Fukushima Prefecture.

For "adjusting the supply and demand balance of the power system (demand response)" and reducing costs by manufacturing the required amount



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