The ability of the "Personal Water Purification Plant" to make the water remaining in the bath into drinking water

The remaining water in the bath is for 8 days of drinking water for a family of 4

In an emergency such as a disaster, you have to secure water yourself.

It is important to store the remaining hot water in the bath in case of disaster.However, until now, it has been mainly used as a living water, such as flowing toilets, and has been considered unsuitable for drinking water.

The “Project Team thinking about drinking water in the event of a disaster” at the NPO rainwater citizen's association (Sumida -ku, Tokyo) has developed a “personal purification plant” that makes the rest of the bath in an emergency drinking water (a new proposal / proprietary plan.Reference number: U6702 Press 2020-003559, Submission date: Origa August 21st).

We asked the project team Sanae Shiba, Asako Takahashi, Tatsuo Hitomi, and Masatake Matsumoto about how to make, use, and the way of thinking about water in the event of a disaster.

The rainwater citizen's association is an organization that promotes the use of rainwater for citizens.Drinking water in the event of a disaster is generally stockpiled such as plastic bottles and tap water, but rainwater can be used.The rain at the beginning of the rain is a mixture of dirt in the air, but it is clean.If you manage it in a rainwater tank, it can be used in the event of a disaster.

However, there are still few families with rainwater tanks, and tanks cannot be installed in apartments.

If water is cut off in such a home, the remaining water in the bath will be relied on.Bath water originally uses safe tap water.General household bathtubs have 200 liters of water.The remaining amount of water varies from home to home, but it will be about 100 liters.

The amount of drinking water required in the event of a disaster is 3 liters a day per person.The 100 liters are equivalent to eight days for a family of four.

"However, the remaining water blends in the body of the bather, and bacteria are generated over time. We devised a personal water purification plant to remove such dirt and bacteria.")

The project team has released the original "water purification plant" at the Eco Products exhibition in December 2019 (a general exhibition for environmentally friendly products and services held at Tokyo Big Sight every year).Visitors had a great response, and after the improvement, we began to want to spread the reliability by taking a practical new plan.

Personal water purification plant is inexpensive and can be used by everyone

The concept of the personal water purification plant is cheap, has a simple structure and can be handled by anyone, and does not use electricity or fuel in anticipation of a disaster, and can be used stably and repeatedly.

The author actually made it under the guidance of the project team.The materials to be prepared are as follows.Personal water purification plant consists of 1) pre -filtration device, 2) filtration device, 3) connection and fixed device.

Personal water purification plant material

1) Materials of pre -filtration devices

Hand -shaped plastic bag (made of LDPE, 0 thickness.08mm)

Holder: Hard salt Biip (44mm inner diameter, outer diameter 48mm, height 25mm)

Ryon: Rayon -based non -woven fabric

2) Materials of book filtration device

Hand -shaped plastic bag (made of LDPE, 0 thickness.08mm)

Cartridge junctioning member: Stainless steel hose band (51mm), cushioning material

Cartridge: Clean Iktridge (activated carbon / hollow soring)

3) Equipment for connecting a pre -filtration device and a book filtration device (connection / fixed device)


Nylon clamp (about 5kg load) 2 pieces

4 crocodile clips

Two acrylic strings with a thickness of about 7mm

Connect these three.

As you can see from the materials, the personal water purification site makes two steps filtration.

The first stage is pre -filtration.Attach the holder to the bottom of the plastic bag with hand so that water does not leak.Roll the rayon -based non -woven fabric into it and insert it into a stick.By making a rod -shaped shape, the opportunity to contact water and non -woven fabric increases, and the filtration efficiency increases (three -dimensional multilayer film).A plastic bag with a hand can be replaced with a supermarket shopping bag in case of emergency, but because it is important to check the condition of water with your own eyes (Asako Takahashi), a transparent plastic bag is a transparent plastic bag.I am using it.

The remaining water of the bath, which is simplified by the first stage pre -filtration device, is in the second phase book filter device.

The filtration device is attached to a hand-shaped plastic bag so that the pot-type water purifier cartridge (using a CPC5W-NW made by Mitsubishi Chemical Cleanerui) does not leak.This cartridge is a precision film of a precision filtration, with no pressure, a long -term durability under the pressure, non -pressure, and a long -term durability.When you do, the manufacturer is refused).

Two -step water accumulated in plastic bags.It can be kept in a plastic bag, but it may be a pot or a poly tank.

General bacteria and Escherichia coli were completely removed

So what are your personal water purifiers?The project team filtrated the remaining water of the bath that four people bathed the day before with a personal water purifier and performed water quality tests (Inspection Organization: Yamanashi Prefecture Environmental Science Inspection Center Co., Ltd.).

As a result, general bacteria and Escherichia coli in the remaining water were completely removed.Of the chemical test items, the turbidity was completely 0 degrees.

Details of inspection results (rainwater citizen party website)

However, chloride ions dissolved in water cannot be filtered.Regarding organic matter (the amount of organic carbon), dirt that did not dissolve in water was removed, and it was reduced to about 70%.The odor was abnormal for both the original bath water and the filtration water.

I also assembled a personal water purification site and filtered the remaining water in the bath with four people the night before.

At first glance, the remaining water in the bath is transparent, but when you look at it, it is mixed with fine substances.It also has a unique smell.However, after the filtration, fine substances and smells disappeared, and the taste did not feel uncomfortable.

Tatsuo Hitomi, a project team, says:

"The hollow film can be filtered with bacteria, mold, and primeval animals. The hollow -silicon pyroan cartridge used this time was maintained after the remaining water remaining water was filtered. Catalog was maintained.In the case of tap water, the cartridge is recommended in three months (estimated 200 liter filtration), which considers that the adsorption power of the residual chlorine of activated carbon is reduced, and more.It is thought that it has a filter function. "

What do you think about water in the event of a disaster

Asako Takahashi emphasizes that "it is important for each person to judge and drink water in the event of a disaster."

"The hollow sore film cartridge is 0.You can filter a size of more than 1 μm (10,000/10 millimeters).Bacteria, mold, spores, primeval animals, etc. can be removed, but viruses basically pass.In addition, the membrane works until clogged, but it cannot be removed from ions and other melted items.Activated carbon adsorbs color, odor and some chemicals, but has its limitations.Based on these things, you need to judge whether or not to drink water. "

In the event of a disaster, there are situations where you cannot get water with high levels of tap water.

Water quality standards for tap water include acute diseases, mixed with chemicals, chronic toxicity when drinking for a long period of time, and appearance problems when used as living water (turbidity, color, smell, taste.(Etc.) is composed from the perspective.

If there is no drinking water in the event of a disaster, the most apparent is acute toxic, then the appearance and chronic toxicity.General bacteria are bacteria that are everywhere in the environment, and humans live in bacteria.Bacteria and viruses cannot be zero.Thinking about this, you will decide yourself.

Also, if the remaining water in the bath is an emergency water source, it is important to use bath water cleanly.To do so, refrain from bath salts, do not wash your body in the bath, wash forward, flush well with soap on your body, then scoop the floating dirt, and always close the lid.

Asako Takahashi says, "I want to aim for each person to think about water and have the power to act, even if there is no water infrastructure."She wants to spread the personal water purification plant while holding a workshop in the rainwater citizen's association in the future.

Now that the disaster occurs frequently, the wisdom of how to secure water, how to judge it, and drink water.

Reference material

"Attempts to obtain survival drinks from familiar water -Applying a commercially available hollow -the -walled film cartridge" (Shibaya Sanae, Asako Takahashi, Tatsuo Hitomi)

"Survival drinking water (2), remaining water in the bath" (Rainwater Citizens' Association website, final confirmation on October 5, 2020)