60 years since its release!Looking back on the history of Marushin Hamburg, familiar with "Marcin, Marcin, Hamburger"

* Packaging as of October 1976

"Marushin Hamburger" is familiar with commercials!What a 60th anniversary in 2022!

Actually, this is the only story, but both the writer and my daughters love meat more than fish.Only my wife likes fish, so I feel depressed on the day of grilled fish.

And among the meat dishes, everyone, except for his wife, loves Hamburg.

The wife of the fish cooking faction will always give a hamburger on our birthday, so it is only happy that day.


And, familiar with TV commercials, the synonym for commercially available hamburgers is that they are familiar with the CM melody of "Marcin, Marcin, Hamburg" without anyone saying anything, and it is no longer doubtful that it is Marcin Foods's "Marushin Hamburger".But not very much.

Anyway, if you haven't actually eaten Marushin Hamburger, I think it's almost never.

… By the way, Marushin Hamburg will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2022!A little older person from the author!

So, to commemorate this this time, we solve the history of the love, courage and friendship development of "Marushin Hamburg", which seemed to be not very well known, and when the string was finished, everyone became Yukai.Let's eat!

Now, let's go to food supermarkets and convenience stores now!

Founded in 1960!Sales started, Showa 37!What is the turbulent history of Odoroki's "Marushin Hamburger" development and sales?

By the way, in 1960 (Showa 35), before I was still born, Malcin Foods started operation.

At that time, it seemed to be dealing with fishery products such as tuna fillets, squid pickles, and chicken.

And in 1962 (Showa 37), it was released full, but I was surprised to hear it, "Marushin Hamburger"!

At that time, the Cuban crisis broke out, but "Osomatsu -kun" began serialized, and "Yoyo ~" was a good old era.

The reason for the development was that the founding president of this period, formerly the former fish industry Yuichi Shinkawa, suddenly thought that "food has been westernization recently ...".It is the beginning of the beginning.

It is not unusual now, but it was when a restaurant in a city that was mainly Japanese, JOJO standing, Motoro Sorajo Xin -Rin, and spaghetti, curry, stew, etc. are gradually lined up in the menu.

At a restaurant where the founding president suddenly entered, I happened to eat a rare hamburger at that time.


I was so tearful!

"This is delicious!

… And the inspiration was running, and the god of cooking fell.

If there were no gods of this encounter, excitement and cooking, there was no friend of everyone's dining table, the current Marushin Hamburg! It was good!

Well, it was good to make a cooked hamburger, but unfortunately it seemed to have hit various issues such as raw materials, freshness, and cost.

However, we finally developed "oil -oil coating technology" that maintained freshness and reduced cooking time, and reached sales!

The packaging was wrapped in a hamburger with one piece of paper, closed up and down, layered paper on the back so that the inside was visible through the gap on the back (now completely sealed type).

* By the way, "oil and oil coating technology" is a technology that applies lard thinly to the entire heated hamburger.When cooking, the coated oil melts out, so there is no need to draw oil in the frying pan, and the manufacturing cost can be reduced.

… Well, the price at the beginning of the release is 14 yen.It is about 100 yen when converted to modern prices.

Croquette is 10 yen, milk is 14 yen, coffee is 60 yen.Well, it's the reason for the price like milk.

But, from the beginning, I've attacked the very cheap price range!

By the way, "Marushin Hamburger", which seemed to have started selling well, had a large wall here.

Somehow it looks like Pu Ject X!

In the first place, at the beginning of the release, even though I knew that "hamburger" would be "delicious!"

It was a little early in the times.

By the way, at first, there were no salesperson who did not know what "hamburger" was not good at first.Oioioi.

At the beginning of the release, the founding president was a former fish shop, so I was wholesaling products in a market such as Tsukiji.

"What is it? Is it a ghost of Satsumaage?"

It was said that it was ridiculed.There is a degree that is not well known!

However, it is not possible to end with "I did not sell, Chanchan!"In the first place, you can't return to the company by empty -handed.

Therefore, Marushin's salespeople went to markets and dealers nationwide, for example, at the central market at 3:00 in the morning, and went to tasting and holding a lottery.

By the way, from the history of the company's establishment, it seems that fish shops also cooperated with these things.After all human relationships are important! and…….

"This is a hamburger. How is it delicious?"

Tasting sales at the store were also performed.

…… Such steady efforts have been connected, and the deliciousness of hamburgers has finally become known to the public, and the name of Marushin Hamburg has become excitement.


And while such a thing, the waves of the era of high growth have finally arrived.

At this time, the diet was "Europe and the United States!"

"Easy, delicious, and cheap!"

At last, Marushin Hamburg was to sell stupidly.


In the 1970s, I achieved 1 million Nissan! great!

During this time, it became a sponsor such as the anime "Hacouts Daimaou" and "Time Bokan" series, and further increased sales by hitting the CM in the example.

Thank you!Speaking of which, the favorite of the Hakushu Demon King was a hamburger!You aimed for a commercial!

Now, the momentum of Marushin Hamburger, which once sparked, never stops.

The job of a salesman at the time of the popular explosion was not to sell hamburgers, but to refuse orders.

I want to have such an experience at work because I can do it once.

Now that the sales volume and consumption are calm, you can buy Marushin Hamburg at the store properly.

However, if this article is published, it will be very popular, and maybe the number of sales will increase dramatically.When that happens, Sumimasen (editorial department "... too much!").

By the way, the impressions from the customer at that time were

・ After cooking the hamburger, it is the best for vegetables with oil!

・ Thanks to the nutritious Marushin hamburger, I was able to become an uncle with a large physique!

・ The best for sake snacks!

・ Do you bake and eat this hamburger?I ate it with hot water, but ...

It seems that it was generally popular.That's right.

In the first place, Marushin Hamburger

・ It can be cooked as it is without oil in a frying pan!

・ Can be cooked in a microwave!

...... It's a hamburger.Haberg is also surprised.

The maintenance of freshness and how to reduce the time of cooking is the most important point because the hamburger hamburger's hamburger!

In the past, beef was expensive and the supply was small, so at the beginning of the release, whale meat and tuna were used, but now it is consisting only of livestock.

Either way, it's still delicious.

Speaking of which, as a customer request

・ I want you to make a reprint of the old product!・ I want the material to variety!・ 1.I want you to make 5 times the size!

It seems that there was something like .......

According to Marushin Foods,

・ It is easy to burn and a hamburger that is easy to arrange as a dish of cooking!

・ It is a taste that has been popular for 50 years!

・ The name of "Marushin Hamburger" is known as a processed hamburger!

It seems that there are three points more than.Certainly, "Marushin Hamburger" is a synonym for processed hamburgers.

In any case, and until now, "Marushin Hamburg" will sell a lot, and the future will be eaten forever.

↓ Click here for the current Marushin Hamburger packaging.It looks delicious to see!

Currently, Marushin Hamburgers offers a variety of flavors such as "Six kinds of cheese hamburger" and "Marushin Hamburg Black Pepper".

It's really varied!

Then, the recommended products of Marushin Foods are released!

Quiet story rest.By the way, as a customer's request before ...

・ 1.I want you to make 5 times the size

It is a new place in memory that there was something, but this time I actually made it!

Currently on sale is "Marushin Hamburg BIG"!The size is big!

If you are a small person, you may not be able to eat it!

As you read, it is a hamburger made of soy material.The taste of the sauce is not attached, so you can eat your favorite.

Maybe it's perfect for vegetarians and vegans!

Intake information!The 60th anniversary project of Marushin Hamburger will be held!

And information about this magazine reader!

Currently, we are selling commemorative product packages for a limited time.What kind of package hamburger can you buy?

A campaign for 5,000 yen for QUO card will also be held from February 1, 2022 to April 5 of the same year (planned).Collect 3 barcodes and apply with a postcard!

Finally, the secret of the mascot character "Mimi -chan"!

Mimi -chan, a mascot character of Marcin Foods inspired by the word "delicious" that means deliciousness.

* Left ... Former Mimi -chan, right ... now Mimi -chan

It is important to note that sometimes it may be grayed.

...... I'm sorry, it's a lie.Actually, it is Mimi -chan who is limited to "Marushin Hamburger Black Pepper".

The name is Mimi Black.She is really obedient and good.

In addition, the hamburgers currently on sale are "Six kinds of hamburgers with cheese" (left) and "Marushin Hamburg luxury tailoring".I'm going to change my eyes!

"Marushin Hamburg" was no longer present without the founder of Marushin Foods, the founder of Marushin Foods.

I have to go to the store and eat it now! ……maybe?

Marushin Foods Founder Yuichi Shinkawa

* The contents, images and videos published in this article have been consent from Marushin Foods Co., Ltd.* Quotation of other materials and images, the writer's own shooting, the manufacturer / dealer site, or Wikipedia, etc.* This article is an essay with a sloppy content in an introduction of products and services based on information based on information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information from the information based on information based on information from materials and services.It does not guarantee or continuity.(Especially in the case of overseas manufacturers, the published specifications may differ from the actual specifications.) * The author and the editorial department do not guarantee the products and projects in the article.Purchase is at your own risk.Please be careful.* If there is a product that has not obtained a technical standard conformity certificate (skill), it does not recommend using the device.The purchase and use are at their own risk, and the author and the editorial department are not responsible.* Due to the individual differences in the effects of health equipment and health foods, the use is only at your own risk, and the author and the editorial department are not responsible.* Crowdfunding has a rare risk that the project may fail due to the problem of the planning company and the funding will not return.Please make your own judgment when investing.* The characters and behaviors of the characters that appear in this article are generally fiction.

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