You don't need to clean up before cleaning anymore.The new rumba was perfect for me, who was covered in things and was monoxy.

A sweet life with me and rumba.

Recently, I've been worried for a long time. That is whether the robot vacuum is suitable for you.

Until now, I've basically spent time with stick vacuum cleaners, but when I look around, everyone uses robot vacuum cleaners.There are many robot vacuum cleaner users in the Gizmodo editorial department, so if you ask various questions

It's easy because you don't have to clean it.

The voice is overwhelming. Well, that's true, but there are some things I'm curious about. That is the "floor cleaning problem" before cleaning.

I'm addicted to putting things on the floor. When I come back from the outside, I take off my socks and put them on the floor, and leave cables such as smartphones and PCs on the floor. Therefore, when it comes to introducing a robot vacuum cleaner, I feel uneasy that I have to clean up the floor.

It was such a fold. I heard a rumor from the Gizmodo video team about the new iRobot product "Rumba j7 +".

It's the smartest rumba ever! It cleans the objects on the floor of the room by distinguishing between "things to avoid" and "garbage to be cleaned" !? It cleans the floor without cleaning up. Because!

What's that! It's a rumba like it's for me !!

So when I was shown the video ...

Oh, I really recognize and avoid the cords and socks on the floor. Do you also distinguish pet droppings (* 1)? The mapping function seems to be quite excellent ... Somehow it's awesome!

Wow, I want this ... but I have a lot of courage to buy it. I wonder if I can give it a try. That's it! How about a plan called "Rumba j7 + and Nesting Life at Weekly Mansion"? If the editorial department is busy, I will arrange all the rooms and rumba !!

When I made a suggestion, he simply said, "It's okay." That's why I decided to live in a nest with Rumba. By the way, can I leave the cleaning to Roomba j7 + in my life?

* 1 Only solid feces of dogs or cats (hairballs, vomit, and liquids are excluded).

DAY1: Cleaning immediately. Everywhere was beautiful and I got a room map!

So, the life of Rumba j7 + started with me in a certain room in Tokyo. We have prepared a neat 1DK room suitable for two people. It looks beautiful at first glance, but it looks like dust ... So, I asked Lun-chan (the nickname I gave to Rumba j7 +) to clean it.

I'm sitting on the bed watching Lun clean. Run-chan, who moves around and cleans while grasping the floor plan of the room for the first time, is somewhat reliable.

Run-chan, who finished cleaning the room everywhere, made a map of her room.

The above picture is the actual floor plan, but this is quite accurate. It was moving smoothly between rooms.

So, cleaning on the first day is about this. Run-chan, thank you for your hard work. Nice to meet you from tomorrow.

However, looking at it this way, the height of the clean base (charging dog and garbage collection box) is easy to put under furniture, and the sophisticated design that blends into your life is also nice.

Also, when Run-chan automatically returns to the clean base after cleaning, the clean base will suck up the dust collected by Run-chan. So Run-chan's dust container is always empty. It's easy to dispose of trash from the clean base, just take out the paper pack that contains the trash and dispose of it. When the paper pack is full, you can set a new paper pack and it will collect garbage in the same way. I'm very grateful that it's so easy to dispose of trash!


DAY2: Run cleans the messy room.

On the second day, I witnessed the true value of Roomba j7 +.

I started working in this room in earnest, but unlike my home, there is no fixed place to clean up, so I put a charging cord etc. on the floor of the dining room or bedroom, and things are already there. It's starting to get messed up. Even in such a messy state, Lun-chan responded with a margin.

Clever Run-chan, if you find a code on the floor that you didn't have yesterday, it will avoid it and clean it. She doesn't hit innocently. When there is an obstacle in front of me, I feel like I'm just stopping and thinking. That gesture is pretty, isn't it?

A camera is mounted on the front of Run-chan, and the camera recognizes obstacles. She identifies the cords and decides what to clean and what to avoid. It sucks in dust, avoids anything else, and cleans the room efficiently with a linear pattern as much as possible. I saw it in the video, but I'm surprised when I actually see it.

Also, when she finds an obstacle, Run takes a picture of her and after cleaning, she will display feedback on the dedicated app, such as "I avoided such an obstacle, what should I do?" .. If you teach these obstacles one by one, such as "This is not an obstacle" or "You don't have to clean it because it's always here", Run-chan will learn and clean it from the next time. It will be useful.

If you compare the photo of her feedback with the actual room, she recognizes it properly. Run-chan is smart after all! By learning the inside of the room in this way, you will be able to avoid obstacles and clean the room. That means that Run-chan will clean the room without having to clean it up! It's great that you don't have to clean up in advance !!

DAY3: Cleaning starts automatically even when you are out!

On the third day, I experienced even more convenient usage.

It uses the GPS of the smartphone on which the app is installed to automatically start cleaning when you set how many meters away from Roomba j7 + to clean based on the house.

I was out for work that day, but I had set a schedule from the app in advance, so Lun-chan cleaned the room while I was out!

When I think of Run-chan, who is cleaning up when my husband isn't there, I feel relaxed.

And one more. You can use the app to ask Run-chan to "clean up!" From outside. Even on days when you haven't set the schedule I introduced earlier, if you're on the go and want to finish cleaning, you can ask Run-chan from the app.

At that time, you can also specify the area you want to clean, such as "living room only", "kitchen only", "bedroom and living room only".

How smart you are, Run-chan ...

DAY4: Clean everywhere with a high-performance sensor and two rubber brushes

The last day of a nest-filled life with Run-chan. After observing the movement for 4 days, I could see that I thought "Lun-chan is amazing" even in the smallest details.

One of them is the sensor.

Roomba j7 + is equipped with a "reactive sensor" to prevent it from getting caught under furniture. In addition, "Dirt Detect Technology", which intensively cleans areas with a lot of dust and dirt, enables smooth and careful cleaning. Watching the movement all the time, I am impressed that Run-chan is smart.

In addition, the two rubber brushes "Dual Action Brush" unique to iRobot on the back of the main unit also do a good job. Thanks to this, even fine dust and hair can be removed without missing. It's made of rubber, so I'm grateful that my hair doesn't get entangled easily.

While I was spending time with Run, there was almost no dust on her floor, but this dual action brush was also playing an active part.

This time, after spending four days with Run-chan, my perception of robot vacuum cleaners changed completely.

First of all, I was surprised that putting things on the floor had evolved so that even I, who is a habit, could use it. It cleans things without having to clean them up, so you can rest assured that you can clean them when you go out, and the room mapping is perfect, so it will clean every corner.

The floor is shiny with almost no change in my lifestyle. I feel like my life level has improved by one rank and two ranks.

I can say it because I've watched the movement for 4 days, but Run-chan, Rumba j7 +, is the one that solves the misunderstanding about robot vacuum cleaners so far. The more you think, "What a robot vacuum cleaner is ...", the more you will be surprised at its cleverness.

Now, the clever rumba j7 +, aren't you curious? Good information for you. Roomba has a subscription service! You can use Roomba j7 + for a fixed monthly fee. With this, you can easily get started.

Cleaning up the room is a hassle, but I want to clean the floor with a robot vacuum. Roomba j7 + that grants such a wish. How about welcoming you to your house at the subscription?

Photo: Kazunori Miura Source: iRobot