"Floor wiping Rumba" changes the cleaning again, or that iRobot is "Buraba" and a new state development

Does the impact of that "Rumba" come again?

On July 1, a U.S. Irobot, known for the automatic cleaning robot "Rumba", launched a floor wiping robot "Bravaba 380J".It has already been sold in about 30 countries, and in Japan it started selling at the official website on July 4th.At a conference, President Hajime Murosaki, President of Sales on Demand, a total sales agent in Japan in Japan, said, "Japanese families who take off their shoes and walk on the floor should have more beautiful lovers than in Europe and the United States."Expectations.

Brava is 24.4cm x 21.6cm square, weighs 1.8kg.The size of the B5 large is slightly smaller than Rumba.Because of the "floor wiping robot", unlike the rumba, there is no motor to rotate the suction mechanism or brush, and the operation sound is very quiet.

Just attach a cloth and press the button

To use it, just attach a cloth to the front of the aircraft with Velcro and press the start button.Wipe and clean while running self -propelled with two tires.For hard floors such as flooring and tiles, it can wipe off sebum stains, spills, and pollen.It supports both water wiping and wiping.


It depends on the condition of the room, but in the case of wiping water, it takes about 60 minutes in the area of 20 tatami mats, moving back and forth as a human lag.Since the water in the attached tank is gradually replenished, the cloth does not dry during cleaning.Regarding wiping, "Wiping like a rag" (sales on demand).With the same 20 tatami mats, wiping from wiping can be wiped in about 30 minutes, and a commercially available disposable sheet can be used instead of the attached dry cross.

In the case of Rumba, after cleaning, he automatically returns to the home base and starts charging, but Brava returns to the place where he started cleaning.This is to support the cleaning method of wiping water."If you leave the cloth after water wiping, it will be unsanitary, and in some cases it will hurt the floor. The place to return is the starting point to manually remove the cloth after cleaning."

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