What is the latest robot vacuum cleaner?Basic knowledge of "Rumba 800 Series": The latest home appliances that can be seen from Ichi (page 1/2)

4K TV, high -resolution sound sources, robot vacuum cleaners -recent home appliances and gadgets have a remarkable technology, so many people may not know which one to buy multifunctional and higher.In addition, the number of unfamiliar words is increasing, and even though the clerk is explained at a consumer electronics retailer, it may not be possible to understand the difference even if you listen carefully.In addition, some people may not be able to ask the clerk and ask.


However, knowing home appliances and gadgets tailored to your lifestyle can live a more convenient and comfortable life.The purpose of this series is to take up various latest home appliances, gadgets, content and services related to it, and explain it in an easy -to -understand manner.

The protagonist is a young reporter, Shiroko -chan, a web media.She is an ordinary girl who is not very interested in the mechanism and function of electrical appliances.But I'm worried about trendy things, so I always ask senior employees who like home appliances for advice.This time, he seemed to have looked at the robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba", but does it really need Rumba to live alone in a studio?


Right now, I'm worried about a robot vacuum cleaner like "Rumba", but do you think I need to live alone?Every day, if I work late at night, I don't have time to clean only on weekends.

最新のロボット掃除機は何が違う? 「ルンバ800シリーズ」の基礎知識:いちから分かる最新家電(1/2 ページ)

Well, whether or not it is necessary, it is certain that living alone is convenient.The robot vacuum cleaner is like a representative of "time saving home appliances" and saves the trouble and time of cleaning.It would be easier if the robot cleaned the room while working every day, and it might be useful on weekends.

But it's vulnerable to floor obstacles.I also hear stories about "clearing up the room to move the robot vacuum cleaner", but isn't it overturned?

There are such opinions, but it is more like a "story" of those who love it, and it is natural to move things on the floor when cleaning the floor.Rather, it would be nice to use a robot vacuum cleaner on a daily basis so that if you take off your clothes, you should always hang it on a hanger, put your bag on the shelf, or put extra things on the floor.。It will be a room where customers can come.

I'm so conscious that I'm trying to enjoy it.

It is a principle that actively makes time and use time effectively.It may be difficult to clean up the floor in a family with small children, but my acquaintance has succeeded in cleaning up the child, saying, "If you stumble on Rumba, are you sorry?"。

I am highly conscious but I hate cleaning, so I'm going to buy Rumba!There are some rumba, which is recommended?

That's definitely the 800 series.The robot vacuum cleaner usually has a brush in the sucking mouth, but if long hair is entangled, you may not be able to remove it with scissors.But the 800 series is hard to get involved because there is no brush.Instead, there are two soft rubber rollers and import trash.It's a bit expensive, but I think it's worth it.

特殊なゴム素材でできた2つのローラーでゴミを取り込む「AeroForce(エアロフォース) エクストラクター」

Um, if you google with Rumba 800, it seems that there are several models ...


The new ones are "Rumba 875" and "Rumba 885".The difference is only accessories and body colors.It comes with an item called "virtual wall" to separate places that you don't want to enter the rumba, but "Rumba 875" is a normal virtual wall, the upper model "Rumba 885".A "room navigation" that can be cleaned sequentially is included.The room navigation can be used as a virtual wall, but if you live alone, it's "Rumba 875".


The black (Rumba 885) is cute.It looks like a luxury (← I haven't heard it).

Did the battery change to lithium -ions and last longer?Rather, it was surprising that it was not the same.

Lithium -ion batteries have been used for the course of PCs and smartphones, but more cases have been used for robot vacuum cleaners and cordless vacuum cleaners since last year.After all it is used frequently, so it is better to have a large number of charging and discharged electricity.In fact, the first thing that uses a robot vacuum cleaner is usually a battery.In the case of Rumba, it was recommended to replace the battery in about three years, but it was six years since this product.This is sober, but it's a big progress.
