How do you feel about playing the game of "Deep Hygiene", which Squeeny is also looking forward to with TV animation? [lightning summer animation × games]

"Deep Insanity", a medical entertainment project launched in Schwarzenex's TV animation, comics and games, is a TV series about people who can't wake up and the crazy infection "Randolph syndrome".

This RPG application for iOS/Android/PC (Steam), Deep Saniti Etheram, is expected to be released in September 2021.

Provides you with a preview of the pilot experience session for Android devices from July 2 to 9. The worldview is introduced in another article, this time about the elements of training and participation that you want to accomplish every day.

In addition, electric shock online will recommend this summer's animation-related game special "Summer!" It's animation! The game is also playing (Lightning Summer Animation × Game). This report is also part of its project and is conducting a gift promotion on Twitter. Please be sure to participate.

Gather "Slipper" to challenge the huge underground world!

Players will lead specially capable characters known as "Slipper" to explore the huge underground world "Aselam" known as "Randolph syndrome".

As long as you promote Chapter 1, the aggressive U ·Inomitus (Voice excellent: Yuichiro Meehara), the defensive Shiroshi Shiroshi Murika (Voice excellent: Tomita Meiyu), and the restorative Lingxiang Hatoyuki (vocal excellent: Reiko Noguchi) will certainly become partners, so they will form a well-balanced party from the beginning.

These three people also have a deep relationship with the early stories, and they are all impressive characters, telling them the abilities and conditions of the "three". When you have more companions, you will personally attend the party. I want to know what kind of characters will appear in other chapters.

In addition, we have added our friends. The Gacha that can be pulled out in the tutorial is the deluxe specification for determining the highest rarest SRR1 body.

You can also pull more than one SSR at the same time, and if you are lucky, you can enhance your combat effectiveness at once.

The "Supera" that will become partners will be organized into parties, complete the battle, and deliver special props, which can increase intimacy. Can and like the partner to become good friends, as a role cute gamer, as long as very happy.

I am addicted to fighting and can hardly get close to the experience, so I am looking forward to communicating through the release.

Explore "Aselam" to strengthen skills and weapons

In Aselam, it is full of genetic data and resources of unknown creatures. "Slipper" wants to enter the interior of "Aselam" and complete the tasks of regional investigation and annihilation of the enemy!


Although it is unaccustomed at first, the lovely navigation character Viola (Voice excellent: Bundu Maple) will support you, so follow her instructions will be fine.

In Aselam, you can experience the feeling of moving to the destination, conducting research in the area, and actually exploring. By accumulating search points, awards and subtasks will be added.

It is interesting that the genetic data and resources obtained in Azelam are also linked to the enhanced "Super" system and worldview. Enhance a variety of elements, including skills and weapons.

The material used for reinforcement is basically obtained in combat. There are free tasks that can be skipped, the anti-extraction of the necessary material can be carried out, and there are many nurturing elements, but it is very comfortable.

What is the key to living a full "Supera" life?

This work is prepared for a variety of tasks. In order to become a system and strengthen combat effectiveness, it is recommended to complete the task first.

In addition, you can get support materials at regular intervals, so don't forget to get them.

As the story continues, multiple subtasks occur. There are also interesting things closely related to "Swepper", which must be actively removed.

Although the experience meeting was not open, it also prepared a number of combat series, such as "Arena" and "Karkossa Tower". Here, I can't wait for what kind of battle.

This work is now being registered in advance. For those who are interested, please don't forget to register.

In addition, the cartoon Deep Sanitinirvana, which is the same as the worldview, is being serialized in the monthly magazine Big Ganggan. From October, the TV animation "Deep Health Children" will also be broadcast, please look forward to it!

By the way, on Twitter, the SNS escape game project for novice journalist Aya Zadu to escape from the hospital is under way.

Https:// spreads despair

— 沢渡 綾乃 (@Ayano_Sawatari) July 9, 2021

By giving advice on Twitter, the story will be carried out in real time, this is a unique attempt, please be sure to check it!

The Amagov code hit! Electric shock summer animation × game special is under way!

Before 23:59 on Sunday, September 5, 2021, on the basis of the official Twitter account that follows the shock online (@ dengekionline), from the report on the theme tag of "# Lightning Summer Animation Game" promoted by RT, a 5000 yen Amazon gift certificate was given to 5 guests by drawing lots!

Articles with topic tags will be posted in turn, and tweets about the campaign theme will be summarized in another article. We will contact the winner via Twitter DM within September and send the code of the Amazon gift certificate. For notes, please refer to the bottom of this page.

[notes on Twitter activities]

Please sign up for registration with prior understanding, you must log in to Twitter (free of charge). The official Twitter account (@ dengekionline) that follows the shock online becomes a condition for participation. If you cancel the follow-up before the election is announced, you will no longer have the right to win the prize. The communication fee and telephone fee incurred at the time of submission shall be borne by the customer. The content of the contribution may be published in the KADOKAWA Game Linkage media such as Electric shock online. The destination of the prize is limited to Japan. Non-transfer of selected prizes (including resale and auction exhibits) is a condition for election. In the case of a clear transfer, the winning prize may be cancelled and the prize returned. If you do not reply to DM within one week from the date of the notification of winning the prize, the winning will be invalid. The event is organized by KADOKAWA Game Linkage Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we"). Has nothing to do with Twitter and Twitter. Due to unexpected failures such as the operation of Twitter and related tools, we may change or cancel this activity without prior notice. The personal information provided at the time of application shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of our privacy policy. Except for the intentional and serious negligence of the company, the company shall not be liable for the damage caused to the customer during the recruitment.