We do not sell information collected by Rumba -Smart Home Strategy (page 1/2) promoted by IROBOT

"Rumba" of IROBOT, which is synonymous with robot vacuum cleaner.The two new products announced on August 4 have the same design and cleaning functions, but have built-in Wi-Fi up to the entry model.We talked to HOOMAN SHAHIDI, a senior director in the US IROBOT product management who came to Japan, about the company's strategy and new products, which are steadily preparing for the realization of a smart home.

Hooman Shahidi(フーマン・シャヒディ)氏

―― First of all, please tell us why you have built-in Wi-Fi in the new product.

Shahidi: We have been working on networks from the top line as the main feature of robot vacuum cleaners.And this time, Wi-Fi has been introduced to products in the price range that are easy to purchase.

The reason is the demand of the user -that is, there is a need.Those that are used at home, such as Rumba, are easier to use by introducing Wi-Fi.For example, you can enjoy a variety of convenience, such as cleaning schedule management and remote start of rumba.Create an environment where the robot vacuum cleaner is easy to move in both directions and seamlessly connect users and rumba.That is the purpose.

In fact, when I asked the person who purchased the "Rumba 980" which was released earlier, it was popular as "the value of a robot vacuum cleaner has increased."By holding an interface called app, the rumba is a simple operation, a highly automated and personalized robot vacuum cleaner.

ルンバが集めた情報を売ったりはしない――米iRobotが進めるスマートホーム戦略(1/2 ページ)

――The “Rumba 690”, which has been less than 50,000 yen, has also joined the lineup.

Shahidi: I think it will be an entry point in the price range.By entering the home in the form of functions such as Wi-Fi and app linkage, the spread will accelerate.I think the price competitiveness is high in the Japanese market, so many people may choose Rumba 690.


――I also concerns.I think that there are many people who are not good at network functions in seniors, but this model change has lost a simple product that does not support networks.

Shahidi: That's right.But all our products can be used perfectly without connecting to the network.The convenience of cleaning the room just by pressing the button does not change.

In addition, the "IROBOT HOME app" is a very simple user interface, so we believe that those who have not been interested can use it.

In addition, products that do not have a network function for some business use are still available.It means that we have a variety of options (editorial department: All Rumba sold at electronics retailers, etc. are supported by network).

――Is there any difference in the network function compared to the upper model?

Shahidi: The basic functions such as cleaning start / stop and scheduling are almost the same.However, the "Rumba 980" and "Rumba 960" have additional functions, which can display cleaning maps on the app.You can also set a single path or a careful double path.These functions are not in the 600 series or 800 series.


――In the recital, many words smart home appeared.In connection with this, some reports were reported, such as "IROBOT sells Rumba collected information to other companies."Is it true?
