Surprising tricks to find the child's "glow shining" attractive tips hikakin, Naomi Watanabe ... Learn from the next generation great man

The "drawback" has the charm that shines.

"Kirari Monster a little strange great man" published in August this year.Unlike previous greats, celebrities who are relatively close to children, such as YouTuber, entertainers, character designers and confectionery developers, are featured as "great people" and are introduced as the next generation roll model.Moreover, their "drawbacks" are unique to the hints of success.It is now attracting attention from various fields as a book that can be helpful for adults.

『キラリモンスター ちょっと変わった偉人伝』(大和書房)。カラフルな表紙が目を引き、子どもでも手に取りやすいデザインだ

Rinichi Ogawa, the author, is an educational planner.She hasn't heard much, but how did Ogawa come to give her an educational planner?Originally Ogawa is from Hokkaido University of Education.He obtained a teacher license and aimed to be a teacher.However, in the last class of educational training in elementary school, a turning point came.He talked about his history that he did not usually talk about, and he noticed that the children's eyes have changed more than any other class.

"It was a third -year elementary school class, but the children shine and listened. At that time, I thought it would be very important for children to convey the experience of familiar adults.But, but I only know the space of school. I thought I should go to society once and gain life experience. "

From there, Mr. Ogawa changed his direction and after graduating from college, he worked for a venture company in Tokyo without becoming a teacher.She was involved in various tasks as a planner after she experienced a new business.At that time, in August 2019, she produced the publication of "Children's Rokusei" (Kobundo) in August 2019, embodied her friend's ideas from her school days.This book has been a large bestseller with a total of 690,000 copies issued, and is still selling.After this success, Ogawa began to claim his educational planner.

"I had a terrible bullying in junior high school, but at that time there was a tendency to talk to my teacher, and I couldn't talk to anyone.If you read this book, the children will be able to know what to protect themselves from bullying by law. It will be possible to show the grounds for bullying to the teacher. Initially, to convey the law to the child.However, it was sometimes negative, but as a result of using a lot of illustrations for children and focusing on how to show it, the number of people who can be accepted increased. For children.It seemed easy to understand, which led to unexpected sales. "

Mr. Ogawa, who began to take the path as an educational planner, held a "National online Student Festival" for students who could not hold a school festival due to the corona evil in 2001, and now with a designer wife and couple.The company has established a company and is engaged in activities to support children learning as a weapon, including planning and writing children's books, developing classes and teaching materials.

I want to tell my child that even adults are not perfect

Mr. Ogawa published for the first time as his own book, "Kirari Monster, a slightly unusual great man."What kind of thoughts are in the book?

子どもの「キラリと光る」魅力見つける意外なコツ HIKAKIN、渡辺直美…次世代の偉人から学ぶ

"I produced" Children's Rokuho "because I wanted to protect my child from bullying, but this time I wonder why bullying happens in the first place. I wondered if I could cut the cause of bullying. It is sometimes done to eliminate heterogeneous things. I just wanted to change the consciousness that the children go to bullying, not just protecting myself from bullying by law. I suddenly remembered the experience in educational training. Children are interested in how adults have grown up. But there are not many opportunities to listen to adults. School. Then, one value criterion, the shortcomings of the children are correct, but in fact adults in the world are not perfect. Rather, they become adults in their own way while taking advantage of the drawbacks. It's a reality. I wanted the children to know that adults grow up, their diverse, and the drawbacks can be the power to survive. "

Mr. Ogawa decided to take up as specific roll models as possible, as a model for children.So she was a selection of people who have been named in the digital age, that is, those who have made their names in a different modern way of winning.As a result, what kind of person appeared in the book as a great man?Here's everything here.

ベストセラーの児童書『かいけつゾロリ』(ポプラ社)作者、原ゆたかさんの子どもだったときは…(『キラリモンスター ちょっと変わった偉人伝』より)

Koshin Okumura, designed by popular YouTuber Hikakin, "Kaiketsu Zorori" author Yutaka Hara, Ai Tominaga, Fashion model, Tomi Izumo, a cardboard artist, and Sanrio's "Cinnarol" and "Reloro Manic" characters.Mr. Kazuma Ieiri, an entrepreneur, Kazuma Shibui, a talented confectionery developer, a talent Naomi Watanabe, a charismatic teacher Yohisa Iemoto, a moving castle in virtual YouTuber, and film director Naomi Kawasaki.Mr. ARUFA, a blogger, Chihiro Sawada, NPO Corporation Keisuke Motoki, and Robot Communicator Yoshito Yoshito.

How many people do you know in this?Both are those who have jumped out of their values so far and have made their own names.So, what kind of hints can be obtained from those "great people" to survive society in the future?Let's get Ogawa to introduce some greats.

"First of all, Hikakin can learn the ability to keep doing what he wants to master. Hekakin was interested in voice percussion in high school. The way you get hooked is extraordinary. In school, practice in a vacant classroom every day and practice in the clay pipe in a nearby park on holidays. I feel that the talent is amazing. Now it's a popular YouTuber, but at first, a lonely struggle finds a problem alone and improves it alone. You should learn such power. However, in Hikakin, it is not the idea of ​​doing what you want to do, but rather, "aim to be the first." I thought it was surprisingly interesting. "

(右)現在のHIKAKINさん。再生数やチャンネル登録者数を増やすための、徹底的な分析を欠かさない。最後にチャンネル登録と高評価をお願いするのも、HIKAKINさんが見つけ出した成功法則のひとつなのだという(左)HIKAKINさんのビートボックス動画(『キラリモンスター ちょっと変わった偉人伝』より)

Orye Yoshito, who sets his goal of "eliminating human loneliness" through remote control of an alter ego robot, was withdrawn during the elementary and middle age.However, in such a loneliness, he was interested in robots, showed an extraordinary hook, and opened the new robot potential.

"Even in the same way, Hikakin is interested in only his position and level up, while Yoshito is interesting to say that his position and level through others are interesting. For example,, for example, the withdrawal era.When I asked him what was hard, he answered, "I'm not good at communication, so I can't return anything, even though I got something from others. It's hard." In other words, hikakin.However, if the arrow is facing himself, Mr. Yoshito has an arrow on others. I want to help those who are not good at communicating or difficult. Eliminates human loneliness from there.I arrived at the mission to do. And I came to produce an anocity robot. "

In addition, Shin Yuki Okumura, who designs "Cinnamolol" and "Luroro Manic", said, "I'm not good at talking and telling things, and I can't say what I want to say."He was just good at expanding his imagination. "It is said that such imagination has led to the birth of "cinnamolol" with a solid world view.

シナモロールは、キャラクターの世界観がしっかりと作り込まれている。奥村さんが、幼い頃から自分だけの世界を作ってきたことが役に立っているそうだ(『キラリモンスター ちょっと変わった偉人伝』より)

Some people have succeeded in "continuing to run away" because of the difficulties

On the other hand, Kazuma Ieiri, who has been successful as a continuous entrepreneur, is a complex lump.He is also an episode that he is afraid of the syringe and has escaped from school.

"It is a disadvantage of Ieiri to escape from the hard work, but the interesting thing about Ieiri is that he has the desire to do something new after escaping. Bytes. I will escape from regular employees, but if you are not good at belonging somewhere, you will notice that you should create a company yourself. But even though you listed the company from there. I lose everything and run away again. Still, I will create a company again and lead to success. As an adult, there is something like "Don't give up and stay on the spot and bloom." The action of that is exactly the values ​​of such an adult. You can do something at the end of the escape because you can escape. it might be"

「逃げてもいい」と語る家入一馬さん。逃げても人生は終わらないと伝えてくれる大人の存在は貴重だ(『キラリモンスター ちょっと変わった偉人伝』より)

So what do you want children to feel by knowing the drawbacks and episodes of these unique greats?

"I think the nuances we have read so far have a strong nuance, such as" I have been confronted without suffering, put up with patience and patience. "I hope that the children will feel that they can be a weapon. It will be a weapon that looks like a drawback. There are many ways to grow up, so it is possible in any way of life. "Ogawa says that the times can live more in a way. I want children to know their possibilities. "She will continue to expand her activities as an educational planner, but what kind of efforts are she aiming for?

"I want to support the parts that the school cannot carry because I use education from a private point of view. At the school site, I still have knowledge outside the school and the actual adult society.There are not so many opportunities to know specifically. In that sense, I want to eliminate the groove between the child's society and the adult society and continue to the ground. Speaking of future dreams, far ahead.It will feel like, but the path has already begun since childhood. It is continuous in the future and the future. Through activities that make school and society continuous, the potential of the children's future is possible.I want to spread it. "


(Note photo: Topic_kong / pixTa)
