There is a trick to shortening the time with a "robot vacuum cleaner" For flooring, a "wiping" robot is enough
Cleaning is the least automated part of daily chores. The rice cooker will cook the rice automatically, and the washing machine will wash and dry the laundry. It has been thought that it is difficult to automate only cleaning, but in recent years, robot vacuum cleaners have been released by many manufacturers and are becoming more widespread. As a result, cleaning and navigation capabilities have evolved significantly. So which robot vacuum can save you the most time? Let's explain how to choose the latest robot vacuum cleaner.
"Roomba" is synonymous with robot vacuum cleaners
Click here for a list of this seriesThe iRobot "Roomba" is indispensable when talking about robot vacuum cleaners. Around 2000, Japanese, US, and European home appliance manufacturers started research and development of robot vacuum cleaners. Some products have been released, but iRobot is the only one that has been developing and selling robot vacuum cleaners since then. Therefore, it can be said that Roomba has a long day in accumulated technology and know-how.
Currently, Roomba has a lineup of 800 series and 600 series, including the top model 900 series. So which one should I choose?
If you live in a condominium with your family and want to clean multiple rooms, we recommend the flagship Roomba 980 (actual price of 127,000 yen). The only camera and floor sensor in the series can firmly grasp your position and efficiently clean multiple rooms.
IRobot "Rumba 876" (actual price 70,000 yen)For those who live in 1LDK or who just need to clean each room one by one, such as living and dining, choose "Roomba 876" (actual price: 70,000 yen). The artificial intelligence installed in Roomba runs and cleans the room in all directions while judging the situation 60 times per second. By passing through the same place multiple times from different angles, it will be cleaned without omission.
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