The progress of AI seen in the Amazon home robot "ASTRO" and the world beyond that

Tech media has been excited about using Amazon's home robot "ASTRO".This is a product introduced in the "One More Thing" frame in the online presentation of the new autumn new product presentation held by the company (this Amazon event itself is Apple's online).It is very similar to the keynote speech in this. It is surprising that Tim Cook did not request deletion due to copyright law).

The name "ASTRO" seems to be in the dog (not a robot) that appears in the TV anime "Space Family Jetson".Amazon's ASTRO is a mixture of a mixture of the Video Conference System and the cleaning robot "Rumba", but you can't use ZOOM or clean the floor.You can wander around the house, like a mini version of a police officer in a shopping mall.But do you need to always patrol your home living room unless you are a drug king who wants to save bodyguard costs?

ASTRO cannot open the refrigerator door, nor can it grasp something.However, if the person in the kitchen picks up the bottle, opens, and ties it down and puts it in the ASTRO cup holder, Astro moves to the roving room and delivers to those who are troublesome to raise his waist from the able to.


By the way, the price of ASTRO is $ 1,449.99 (about 165,000 yen).


Certainly ASTRO may be cute.The appearance of displaying a large "eye" on the displayed display is reminiscent of Pixar's popular character "Wally".But, as the experts point out, who need it?

There are many home security systems in the market, and some products are sold by Amazon.In addition, it has been pointed out that ASTRO may have a defect, and in the worst case, it may run "self -harm".According to Vice reports, Vice has obtained a document that shows the possibility that Astro does not work well.The document stated, "If you have the opportunity, you will always throw yourself from the stairs."According to Amazon, the document is old and may be misleading.

But we should not "kick" astro so easily.

I was personally full of doubts while Amazon was watching the online event that announced ASTRO.But when Rodney Brooks appeared in the video, these doubts have been relieved.Brook, the former director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institute, is a co -founder of an i robot, famous for Rumba and a leader in robot engineering.He is currently leading a stealth startup and has no interests with Amazon.