The latest Rumba, who tested hundreds of hundreds of obstacles, was significantly improved the "avoidance performance of scattered things".

Identify obstacles that were cluttered in the room and avoid

The latest model "Rumba J7+" and "Rumba J7" have appeared from the "Rumba" series of home robot vacuum cleaners developed by I robot.[Image] See the latest "Rumba" in which the avoidance performance of obstacles has been improved in photos (9 pieces)


The camera mounted on the front is identified by identifying obstacles such as pets dung, home appliances, and socks."Rumba J7+" and "Rumba J7" that clean up even the scattered floors

The conventional robot vacuum cleaner needed to be prepared in advance, such as cleaning up the scattered on the floor when cleaning.However, the "Rumba J7" series is equipped with a wide -viewing camera that covers the floor.The "Precision Vision" navigation function, which identifies obstacles in front of you, completes the floor cleaning while avoiding obstacles.As a result, even if the power cable of home appliances, headphones, slippers, socks, etc. were cluttered in the room, it became cleaned without getting involved, and it was unnecessary to prepare.

Advanced functions that are nice for families with pets

In addition, in the "Rumba J7" series, pet poo (solid only) can be avoided.This is a nice feature for dogs and cats.Kayo Murata, a spokeswoman for Irobot Japan, talks about the development process of these functions as follows."Even if you say" excrement "in a word, it has a variety of shapes. To avoid all of them well, you need to have robots repeatedly learning machine learning. So the Irobot development team is the excrement of pets.I made hundreds of models, and I let Rumba learn images of more than 100,000 images. "

Even if the power cable of home appliances, headphones, slippers, socks, etc. are cluttered in the room, it will be cleaned while avoiding it without getting involved, so it is unnecessary to prepare.

In addition, if an obstacle to be avoided during cleaning is found, the image is sent to the dedicated smartphone application "IROBOT HOME App" after cleaning while avoiding it at first glance. We will contact users how to deal with the obstacle in the future. "The feedback obtained from the user will be sent to the cloud managed by us. By accumulating feedback databases collected from users around the world, the" Rumba J7 "series will be learned and further evolved. (Murata -san) ● The “Rumba J7+” is also available in a horizontally long clean base, and a “automatic garbage collection machine” called a clean base is prepared. After the cleaning was completed, the garbage accumulated in the dust container of the Rumba body was automatically discharged into a paper pack in the clean base, so no need for dust was needed.