The identity of "IROBOT GENIUS"

A surprisingly surprising announcement of white goods was announced by Irobot, which is famous for the robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba".It is the software update "IROBOT GENIUS" Home Intelligence.What I felt at that time was that IoT was recognized for about five years, and I thought that the robot vacuum cleaner finally became a butler, a maid who listened to her husband's order in AI, and the Japanese manufacturer would catch up on this state.I was worried about whether it was.This time I would like to report on AI.

フラッグシップの ルンバ s9+。より隅々まで掃除できる様、D字型に変更。タワー型充電台は、内部の紙パックにルンバの集めたゴミを移し、半年位ゴミ捨て不要にする。

In this report, "AI" is artificial intelligence.Define it as an answer to the question using a big data.I use "program software" in similar words.Here, although the answer changes depending on the condition setting, the output is given to the questions issued with the same answer.In short, it refers to program software that has been installed in conventional home appliances.

AI analyzes "information taken with the sensor" based on a huge database and "optimal solution".AI requires a huge amount of information and high -speed operations, so it cannot be placed on the home appliance body.For this reason, it is mostly provided on the cloud on the net.Receive information from home appliances and return the answer to the home appliance body.This is a general AI.Then it moves.Originally, I want to put AI on home appliances, like a human brain.There is no time loss, and there is no problem even when communication is cut off.

On the other hand, program software is loaded on the main unit.This is always the same operation.From a person's point of view, it is called "automatic".I don't think about this.Just follow the fixed laws.If the home appliance that uses AI is close to the person who thinks, this is close to an "insect" that moves only with instinct.Henri Fabre praised the scalab, which makes a round ball in any environment in an insect report, because the instinct program moves insects.Changing the method is everyday because it is inefficient for people, but insects are different.Try to complete the same thing.Just reminiscent of the movement of the rumba before using the IoT and making full use of AI.

By the way, it is said that home appliances from now on will do such AI control, why?The biggest reason is to "customize".This is to make home appliances that suit your own lifestyle.

For example, if you show a robot vacuum cleaner cleaned, the impression you receive between Mr. A and Mr. B may be different.Mr. A does not do it, even if he says, "Beautiful. Good."Housework is natural because the evaluation varies from person to person.Everyone is impossible for 100 points.

The way to bring it closer to the perfect score is to match the user.In other words, work to be satisfied for those who use it.This is the customization of home appliances.However, this is the ultimate goal, and there are streets in the meantime.

The highest model of Rumba today has little drawbacks.Especially when you use it for the first time, it is unlikely that you will complain too much.

But if you use it at home, you will be dissatisfied.For example, when you are at home, if the rumba is moving in the same room, it is noisy.This is because it is made on the premise of cleaning when there are no people.This is often possible by "automatic" when you decide on a schedule.

In some cases, you have to clean it suddenly.For example, if you eat bread and spill bread waste on the floor, it may stick to the soles, so it is cleaning for the time being.At this time, other than cleaning the entire floor.After a meal, you want to clean and relax only that part.This is something that cannot be done with the "automatic" robot vacuum cleaner.Normally, here is the turn of the stick type vacuum cleaner.The robot vacuum cleaner, which paid a lot of money, was just looking at it.

It is IROBOT GENIUS that makes the robot vacuum cleaner do what you can't do.

The main functions are (1) awareness of (1) WHERE = where to clean, (2) estimate and propose the timing of cleaning, and (3) How = cleaning method.

「iRobot Genius」の正体

It will be long to explain everything, so let's explain the (1) object recognition cleaning (industry's first) as an example.The object recognition is that the thing there is from the optical data is a table, a chair, a sofa, and AI recognizes, "It's a table, so the bread waste should have fallen, so carefully cleaning.Please give me an instruction.


The modern robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with a digital camera and shoots optical data, but does not put it out of the main unit.Only position data such as unevenness is used.And the original data is destroyed.Otherwise, security problems will occur.Based on the data sent, it is determined from the big data based on the position of the four legs and the thickness of the foot.

If you can do this, you can make a robot vacuum cleaner for a stick -type vacuum cleaner that only cleans the table every time a child eats rice.So, in addition to the conventional function of robot vacuum cleaner = automatically cleaning the whole, the function of cleaning the place you like whenever you want is added.Until now, there was no end to the robot vacuum cleaner and a stick -type vacuum cleaner.

Then, if you have Amazon Alexa and Google Home, just present it verbally and leave it to you.It is also possible to give instructions with a smartphone.Until now, the robot vacuum cleaner that could only be cleaned in rooms even if it was small would be really detailed.This is the power of IROBOT GENIUS.

Rumba, a robot vacuum cleaner equipped with this IROBOT GENIUS, goes to clean the dirty areas, so it can be said that it also has a stick -type vacuum cleaner.In other words, the updated robot vacuum cleaner does not fit in the category of robot vacuum cleaner, which is cleaned with "automatic".

A robot vacuum cleaner equipped with AI was a vacant vacuum cleaner.

It can be said that it is the birth of the strongest vacuum cleaner.The user will no longer clean it yourself.If you give instructions with your mouth or smartphone, it will clean it immediately or as scheduled.

It is amazing that this can be done with a "free" update, and I think this update is worthy of the name of Genius.

It has been said that the update can always be the latest models since the IoT and AI were introduced to home appliances.Until now, this update has been incorporated into the latest model and has been sold.

Updates are often done for free.This case is also free.But then the manufacturer doesn't make money.IROBOT has not decided in the future.You can think of a paid update.Or "update restriction".

In fact, this time, only the latest model can be fully updated.

The models that are released a while ago and are still on sale will be partially updated.In addition, models below the high -grade model cannot be upgraded.This is because the ability of sensors and CPUs is not enough.In this way, updates are not completely free, so they use them to do business.PCs are similar business models.

So why did IROBOT have made a free update this time?

This is because IROBOT thinks that the robot vacuum cleaner = smart home system vacuum cleaner must be urgent.I think that it is not enough to clean the room before.I knew that IROBOT had a high ideal, but it's at the level of this.

A few years ago, I asked various manufacturers, "How far can robot vacuum cleaners evolve?", But if the ideal cleaning is 100 points, 95 stick vacuum cleaners are 95 points., The robot vacuum cleaner was good and 85 points.In short, most manufacturers had somehow limited the future of robot vacuum cleaners.This time, I felt the belief of IROBOT because I caught up.