The custom -built housing specialty store, which has been visited by the chain of introduction and word -of -mouth, was amazingly designed and architecture![Hiratsu Real Estate]

This time, Kuro @ Hiratsu visited the home of the S family who lived in Joyo City.


Oh!It's a nice house!Thank you for your interview today!


Kuro -san was waiting for you!


I will guide you in the house immediately!Please go up.

The one who worked on this nice house ...

"Creating a free home"

Custom -built housing specialty store that is a catch phrase

It is a company rooted in the area, which boasts the top class of custom -made custom -made housing buildings among construction shops in Osaka and Kyoto.(Takumi Kenkakata official website)

Click here for the list of articles by Takumi Takashi so far

This is the corner of the real interview of the owner who was actually built in the Takumi -built house, which has become a standard even in Hiratsu!

This time, S -sama's house was the time of after -sales maintenance, so I came to an interview with Mr. Hara Tado and Mr. Yamashita of Takumi Kodakata.

What is after -sales maintenance?In the Takumi Kenmekata, a free inspection is conducted one year, three years, five years after the house is completed, and a free inspection (if you can request it for 5 to 10 years)!(Click here for details)

In this interview, we will deliver a lot of information, such as the charm of the house and the episode until home completion!

table of contents

See a house full of commitment!


The entrance is wide!Even if adults take off their shoes in line, there is plenty of room.

In addition, the walk -in shoes cloakroom is also organized and refreshing!


I think the answer was correct to make the entrance wider!

  • State at the time of completion


    I'm glad I made a shoe cloakroom instead of a shoe box.Children can prepare shoes themselves, and because they are dirt, they can put the golf club as it is and it is easy to use.


    The niche at the entrance is also cute!


    The niche enjoys changing the display according to the season!

  • And a pretty restroom near the entrance.The restrooms are on the 2nd floor, each using a different accent cross and a cushion floor.


    It was good that there was a toilet and washroom right after entering the entrance now!


    As soon as the child comes back, let the bathroom go and go straight to the bath.If you go out with a boiling timer in the morning, you can take a bath without going through the living room, so it is clean.


    After that, it was good to separate the washroom and the dressing room.It can be used widely because it helps the children change clothes.

    By the way, the towel hanging in the dressing room is attached to the wall that the wife found online.The towel is folded, so that the space can be used widely.


    The kitchen has a lot of storage, and a pantry is made on both sides on the back.

    The pantry is used as a movable shelf, and the outlet is attached to the right side, so the mainly home appliances are stored on the other side and the foods are stored on the other side.


    I bought a freezer that I didn't think at the time of design, but it was good that it was beautifully contained because it was a movable shelf.


    At the cupboard counter, frequently used home appliances can be placed.I like it because I can use the space widely.


    Recently, many people use a flat island kitchen, but I've been able to hide a little hand with a rising type.It was good that stainless steel sinks were easy to handle.


    The ceiling of the kitchen is also good!


    Like the cupboard, it's an accent and your favorite point rather than making it a single color like "all white!"


    By the way, the design of LDK lighting is changed for each space!


    I thought it would be too refreshing if I downlite, so I installed a raillight in the kitchen and a pendant light for the dining room!At night, if you just turn on the pendant light, it will create a stylish atmosphere ♪


    By changing the lighting for each point, the lighting is more prominent and wonderful!


    Speaking of accents, we requested eco -carat on the TV stand in the living room!


    While saying, "The priority is low at first," he said he would definitely want to put an eco -carat in the second half of the meeting (laughs).


    After all, I think it was good that the wallpaper was not found, and it was good.


    By the way, I was worried, but the storage under the kitchen counter is really good!Did you make this this time?


    This storage shelf is separately prepared!

    I wanted to increase the storage as much as possible, so I thought about placing it here from the time of the design.


    yes!Is it Honma?

    That's so natural that you can't see it at all!


    The furniture was put in by the delivery staff, but I was surprised that "this is perfect!" (Laughs)


    Speaking of the good points, it was good to have Rumba charging spots!Leave the door of the storage space slightly up so that Rumba can come and go here.


    I'm going to go back without permission.Rumba can be cleaned with the TV stand with the furniture.


    I can't do it after the house is ready, and it's a good point to think first.

    From the LDK, there is a Japanese -style room with a small rise.

    The Japanese -style room has a dried rod!And two are installed.


    Can you use the clothesline?


    I use it every day!You can spread the laundry indoors and put it out immediately.It was good that the lines of the laundry were put together on the 1st floor.


    After that, if you close the door of the Japanese -style room, it is easy to use it so that you can not see the laundry from the living room.

    A sandwich with a spacious balcony

    Next, I had you guide you to the 2nd floor.


    The most concerned thing about building a house was the ceiling gradient.

    I'm a tall one, so I was prepared to go back and forth with a feeling of biting, but I don't care at all.


    The height of the house had a regional restriction, so I was troubled with the floor plan at the time of the meeting.I'm glad I spent without any problems!


    circle!This balcony is wide!I can't get a glance from the outside, so I can really relax!


    Everyone eats sandwiches in the morning or yakiniku.

    I have a faucet on, so I enjoy the pool in summer!


    It's hard to go out at this time, and it's good.


    There is a washroom right in front of the balcony, so you don't have to bother to wash your hands.I'm glad I installed it here!


    I like the balcony, taking a bath here after taking a bath!

    But, in terms of design, I was able to expand the balcony a little more, so I should have expanded it to my wife (laughs).


    No, it was enough!

    I wanted to increase the storage even if I cut the balcony a little more (laughs)


    In the meeting, this kind of battle is unfolded (laughs).


    Children's room 4.5 quires have two rooms.

    Now both of us are still small, so we use it as a storage space, but it was enough in size!


    When my daughters get bigger, I'm going to decide which room to use ♪


    And here is the bedroom!


    Oh!Is it a crafted shelf?

    Both TV stands and counter seem to be easy to use!


    I can put my husband's hobby manga and muscle training goods perfectly!

    I can make makeup at the counter at this end.


    The furniture is good for custom -built houses!

    Mr. Takumi can make a detailed number of cm and make it, and I am satisfied with what I can do.


    It is perfect for that muscle training bench and shelf!Did you match the size?


    No, this was a miraculous perfect (laughs)


    It is stored in such a nice place and the bench is also happy!Surely (laughs)

    The trigger is "here is good"

    When I was informed of the house, I talked in detail about the construction of a house at Takumi Kenmekata.


    How long have you been meeting?


    I guess there were quite a lot of us.

    I feel like I've been saying, "Oh, this is it."


    It was a lot different from the first content (laughs)

    I was also investigating other house makers, but the number of meetings has been decided, right?


    It seems that many house makers have restrictions such as the number of times and time.Making a big choice in a situation limited to the number of meetings and time will be a load on the customer, and above all, we cannot pursue the ideal housing.We do not have any restrictions on the meeting, "we will pursue thoroughly until we are satisfied with the ideal house."


    Another feature is that the designer is supporting one set of two customers with two people.The designer will also participate in the meeting and hear the customer directly, so flexible proposals are possible.I think that this system is not possible because the labor cost will increase.

    This is what we think is the number one, not profit -oriented, and that it can be realized only because many designers are enrolled as employees.


    I took a lot of time until I decided, and I ordered various orders, so I think I had a satisfactory house.

    Make your ideals shape in perfect system!

    In the Hirakata Tsutsugin, an interview article approaching the charm of Takumi Ken is released!

    It is a spot that focuses on the "Takumi -built designer" and understands how "custom -built -in custom -built houses" are realized.


    How long was it from the request to the completion of the house?


    It's been about 5 years (laughs)


    e!So that (laughs)


    Because I was informed when I lived in Kyoto city, but it was just decided that my husband was transferred and lived in Kameoka.


    The term of office in Kameoka was decided, so we had a concrete meeting about a year before the end of the period.

    It is a relationship from the office before Mr. Takumi's relocation (laughs)


    When I was going to proceed, I said, "I'm relocating Takumi -san!"


    It was a great month to think again (laughs)


    I see!that?I was curious.

    How did you meet Takumi Kenshurakata, even though you didn't live in Hirakata City or your neighborhood?


    It is the reason that the senior of the company introduced me to me, "I'm glad."

    There are quite a lot of people who asked Mr. Takumi in my company, and the seniors seemed to have been introduced by different seniors (laughs).


    When I lived in a company house before, there was a lot of people who were just asking Mr. Takumi and it became a hot topic.


    I think there is a person who said "Okay!" At first, but there is a good reputation spread around and there is a person who builds a house with Takumi -san like a


    Awesome, the word of mouth evaluation of Takumi Kenyurakata!

    Word -of -mouth evaluation is high, and there are many requests via friends and acquaintances.

    In the past, Kuro was too highly evaluated on the official website, so I asked for a truth and got on the Takumi Kenmekata (laughs).

    At Hirakata Tsukushin, a number of interviews of the owner who actually built the house are published.If you look at this interview, you can see why the Takumi Kenmekata is chosen ...!

    I have a lot of freedom


    Wasn't it considered except for Takumi Kenhurakata?


    I went around a lot!

    I heard a lot of stories from housing exhibition halls and house makers.


    When I actually listened to the story elsewhere, there were quite a lot of ties, and even if I told my wishes, "No, this is this" even if I tell my wishes, "If you do seismic grade 3, you will not have a pillar here."hand.


    Even if I could do it freely in a custom -built house, I couldn't do it too much.

    The company's original brand equipment and fittings are all decided.


    If you did Takumi -san, it was attractive to be able to combine our wishes.


    I was really free!

    I think that if you spend money, you will be able to give you a degree of freedom, but it was a big factor in the choice of Takumi Kenshukakata who did it as budgeted and fulfilled hope.


    The number of requests is increasing steadily, such as "I want to put a washroom on the 2nd floor" and "I definitely want to put eco -carat", but it was helpful to have it within the budget.


    Since there is no definition of free design, there are cases where only the advantages of advertising and catch phrases are attracted and requested, but later noticed the existence of additional charges and restrictions, which leads to trouble.If you can't respond due to restrictions or an additional fee is incurred, you will be able to make a "compromise" and you will not be able to fulfill your dreams.Takumi -built can be said to be a free design of freedom ... that is, a "true free design".We create better ideas while exchanging opinions with our designer, and we are making proposals according to your budget.


    I often ask, "Why is cospa so good?"

    Normally, the cost reduction will be the profit of the company.

    However, in the case of Takumi -built, it is returned to the customer, reflecting it in the building price so that it is easy to purchase, so it has been evaluated as a "custom -built house with a safe price".

    At Takumi Kenmekata, a good "true free design" of cospa can be realized.

    The official website of Takumi Kenmakata introduces the commitment of custom -built houses in detail.

    The customer's word -of -mouth evaluation is the same, and the desire to convey the fact that it is as it is, can be felt even if you look at the site.If you look at it, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of information!

    A real custom -built house tailored to the people who live


    Do you have any impressions during the construction?


    There was a distance from Kameoka to Joyo, so I couldn't go to see it, but when I went to the site, the carpenter explained it carefully.I wanted to go to see it frequently, but when I went, it would get in the way (laughs)


    Mr. Takumi is built by his carpenter, so he was entrusted with confidence.There was something that I didn't have to go to such a view.


    That's right!

    The ceiling of the Japanese -style room on the 1st floor was adjusted by the carpenter in a hurry and raised it!


    Can you do that!?(smile)


    When I met a carpenter several times on the spot, he told me, "I'm taller than I thought, so let's raise it as much as I could raise the ceiling."


    As mentioned earlier, S's home was a downward ceiling, so I told the staff on the site that I was concerned about the height.


    So, after actually meeting S -sama's family, the site supervisor and the carpenter had a meeting to raise the ceiling.


    I would usually do it as shown in the drawings, but I felt that it was built according to the residents.


    It's amazing that we can cooperate with the designer and the carpenter at the site!Do you say that you can do this only by Takumi -san, who has a skilled carpenter?


    I was glad to care about my height.I don't know if other house makers will do it, but it was a moment when I was glad to see the Takumi.


    I felt like a carpenter with a close distance!

    Kinki No..A high -quality house building by the carpenters who were described as 1.

    「Kinki No..The technical skills of 1 and the carpenters of Takumi Kenmurakata, which are evaluated by the housing diagnostician who is a third -party organization.This article introduces many interviews and charms of carpenters.

    In addition, we will introduce the contents of an interview with a housing doctor who was actually evaluated by carpenters in the article!If you want to know the technical skills of Takumi Building! "


    Finally, if you have any advice for those who are considering your home, please!


    After all it is a person.I leave an important house, so I can't trust it because I can't trust it.


    It's a big shopping, and it may be difficult if you can't meet someone who can leave it.


    I have been with the sales staff for about five years since I contacted me, but it was really nice to be able to communicate.

    When asked what's good, it is difficult to explain in a word, but the goodness and ease of speaking are important.


    After that, it is better to have a meeting until you are satisfied with a custom -built house.

    I need fashion, but I'm glad we focused on living.


    I was able to build a really ideal house as I was drawing and I am satisfied.


    Thank you for hearing a wonderful story today!

    At the end of the interview, the album present from the two people, Takumi.

    This is the only album in the world that summarizes records until the house is built.It is given to the owner who cooperated with the timing of after -sales maintenance and the interview.splendid!

    Above, we delivered it with plenty of volume!Isn't the charm of the Takumi -built Hirakata a little conveyed?

    Good news for those who want to see the house where Takumi Kenkata handles!

    Currently, a newly completed model house in Ikaga -cho, Hirakata City is being released!A unique opportunity to experience the high -quality Takumi -built brand!Don't miss this opportunity!


    I was in the model house the other day, so please check out this article!

    Because it is a big shopping in life, Takumi Kenmekata!Surely it will be your power!

    Instagram is also available on the property photos that you are interested in ↓

    * Click on the image to the Takumi Ichikata Instagram

    Takumi Kenmakata Co., Ltd.

    For inquiries, please contact 0120-850-515 (toll-free) or inquiry form!

    Sponsored by Takumi Kenmakata Co., Ltd.

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