Tell me how to save diapers![Trouble consultation]

Update: December 07, 2018 / Release date:

There are many consumables that you need to take care of your baby and your baby for wiping your diaper.I'm glad that it is hygienic and convenient, but there is also a disadvantage that it costs money.For Mama Daddy, who has a lot of expenses for preparing for childbirth and delivery, we want to keep daily living expenses as much as possible.But I don't want to save a burden on the baby.This time, a mom who was retired and had to save money received a voice saying, "I want you to teach me how to save diapers."Diapers are used every day for a long time, so I would be happy if I could save a little.Senior moms taught me various ways to save money.There are many ideas that can be imitated immediately and useful.Please refer to it.

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Q.Please tell me how to save diapers that do not burden your baby

Please tell me how to save diapers.My baby was born, but I also stopped working and my husband was forced to save money.Diapers change many times every day, so I want to save as much as possible, but I don't know how to do it.I hope I can save so that the baby does not have a burden.Please tell me how to save your diaper.

A.The point is to use cheap diapers and buy in bulk depending on the scene.

At supermarkets, I purchased it all at the time of cheap sale.In addition, I wanted to use diapers that could be a little expensive for my baby's delicate skin, so for everyday use, it is cheap for places where diapers such as nursery schools, such as nursery schools, use diapers from my favorite manufacturer.I used other manufacturers to manage.

Po -chan mom gave two points of diaper saving.There were other moms who practiced diapers properly.In addition to using it properly by the manufacturer, there seems to be a good tape type with a good cospa and a way to use it with cloth diapers.It is safe because the baby does not have to reduce the number of diapers.A lot of mail -order sites and shops where you can buy diapers at a great price from moms who use points and bulk buying.Some moms taught me not only diapers but also to save money on wiping.Please refer to this to find a good savings for both your baby and your mom.

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A.Saving diapers -Save money when you buy

I couldn't get into the car, so I had a hard time shopping and I quit after my second child was born, but there is a savings that I was doing for a while.(1) In a house or room where diapers can be frequently changed, cheap diapers such as mummy poco, and when diapers are likely to be available on the go, long -term absorption Mary, Mooniman, Pampas, etc.use.(2) When purchasing, buy a box at the baby's mainstore without buying it at a drugstore.… I was conscious of the above two points.If you have a good personality, you'll probably have a cloth diaper at home, but this was the limit for me who was troublesome with Zubora (T_T)

I went around the drugstore in the neighborhood and checked where it was the cheapest.Baby products are not easy to sell, so I usually buy them there.When you see a diaper sale item somewhere, you calculate the price per piece and compare it with the usual shop.(The same manufacturer, even in the same size, the number of pieces contained depending on the store may differ.)

I buy bulk and subscribe online and buy cheaply.Also, depending on the manufacturer, the size is slightly different even if it is the same size size, so it is not possible to increase the size because the size you are using is smaller, but to change it to a larger manufacturer at the same doing!So, when I was little diaper, I compared various things when I was relatively cheap, and gathered information to my senior mom.

After all, it is cheaper to buy in bulk, so I try to buy a lot of cheap ones online compared to other products.I want to change the pee as much as possible because I am worried about diapers, but I often pee and poop while breastfeeding, so even if the diapers are wet before breastfeeding, I try to change them after breastfeeding.

I buy diapers online.We purchased the lowest price from stores such as baby Honpo and Toys R Us in combination, such as free shipping and doubling the points of credit cards.In particular, it was often cheaper when purchasing four at lumps.However, the S size may not be able to be worn immediately, so I purchased it from the M size at once.

I think everyone is doing it, but first I checked the price per piece of a store where you can buy diapers near your house!By the way, don't forget to check the time sale, point day, and special discounts!I will buy it in bulk at the cheapest store among them.When the size might change, I saved while watching the weight, but now the size is the same L size, so I buy it in bulk (^。^) The tape is higher per piece because the pants type is higher.I use the type as the main.Because the stomach around was large, M was small, and sometimes it was difficult to wear it with a tape type and turn it over.So I graduated from M size quickly.However, considering the cheapness per piece, the difficulty of putting on it was my eyes (u_u).

We use Amazon regular deals.It is cheaper than buying normally, and it will be delivered to the entrance so you don't have to carry heavy diapers.It is convenient because it is easy to change the delivery date and cancel!I think it's best to do toilet training early and graduate from diapers quickly!We both turned into pants as soon as we turned two years old, and after about two months, we were able to graduate, but we need to buy diapers!I haven't had a diaper at night yet, so I use one piece a day.

It is often sold relatively cheaply on the Internet.Mom I know is cheaply getting with a flea market app such as Mercari.Sometimes the size is out, and it seems to be exhibited cheaply.But if you really want to save, I think that if you have patience, you may want to have a cloth diaper.

It's three months different from my cousin's child.The child of the cousin (the second child of the second child) seemed to grow quickly, and bought a diaper as a first child's older brother, but went down early.Therefore, I just looked at me.One pack, record how many days it will be used.I calculated it by gaining weight and bought it in bulk.I think that it is cheaper to buy a box than a single item, and it has a few more for sale or a bonus (although there are many ass wipes), so I think it is a great deal.If you finish using it before the size change time, and consider buying another pack or raising the size, there is no extra time.Also, although it is not a diaper, I use two types of buttocks.In the case of a pee, a cheap one, a thick thing for poop.If you wipe the poop with a cheap thing, it will not be beautiful unless you use it a lot, and the thickness is wasteful at the time of pee ... I do not know if it is saving (laughs).

Anyway, you can get points cheaply in a way to accumulate points!At the hospital, if you are not crying in poop, you can change it once every 3 hours.Don't worry too much because the line is blue.If it's not a poop, we won't change diapers from 8 o'clock to 7 o'clock.I was in trouble because my buttocks were rough outside of diarrhea!There is nothing yet.

Nishimatsuya, Bevizarasu, and Baby Honpo are nearby, so I make a point card and purchase only when a diaper coupon comes out by an e -mail magazine member.In addition, when you buy a diaper, you use 10 times the points.

The price is quite different depending on the diaper manufacturer, so I tried a lot of cheap PB products.Looking at the differences in the absorption of the pee, I used various things, such as going out during the day, going out, this at home, and this when I go to bed.In the nursery school, I was doing cloth diapers, and after one year old.

I use CO-OP so I buy it there.My home uses co-op with medical insurance, so I use it in that way, but it is convenient because the price per piece can be delivered cheaply.In addition, the price is reduced by using Mumimi Poco from the M size.

First of all, it is not only to check pharmacies, baby western goods stores, Shimamura affiliates, and everywhere you can buy diapers in the neighborhood on the web.However, it is almost 1000 yen even if it is cheap.What I found was a diaper sold at a recycle shop!It is sold for about 800 yen for a new bag.Open things are not sold, so they are basically new.

When I checked it on the net, I found that the unit price per sheet was cheap if I purchased it on Amazon, so I bought it there.In my case, my sister was a member, so I asked my sister to buy it, so I bought only diapers, but I think that there are other things that can be purchased cheaply if I purchase them regularly, so I think it will save you money.Also, shopping with a baby is difficult, so it is very easy to reach the house.

Reducing the number of sheets and cheaper but bad things are not saved because they make children feel uncomfortable.I think that you can buy it at a considerable discount by making the purchase as Amazon Prime and combining it with regular daily necessities.I think that using the tape type for a long time is good because the unit price per piece is reduced, but it is difficult to change it when it moves to some extent, so it is important to divide diapers as a necessary expense to some extent?

Even though my child was not blue, I was a child who cried if she was peeing and was uncomfortable, so I changed nearly 20 sheets a day for about a month.At the age of one year and two months, it has decreased to about 5.I couldn't think of it at first.With that in mind, I didn't feel like I didn't change it personally, so I changed it as soon as I realized that it was blue.So, I often checked where the cheapest drugstore would be cheaper and how much would be cheap.At first, the stock will decrease rapidly every day, so if you buy a box + regular purchase at Amazon, you can buy it quite cheaply!If you're doing a co -op, you can buy Mary's cheaper than anywhere else (although the price may be different).(M pants 19 yen/sheet) I think I could buy it a little cheaper with Amazon and Corp.If you start using the pants type, it depends on the child's personality, but if you lie down, the unit price is cheaper, so it is cheaper to use pants and tape!When my child was able to turn over, or when I was able to crawl or hi -hi, I couldn't only do pants, but I can use the tape calmly after a while, so I'm a filial daughter.。

Paper diapers have been used as cheap manufacturers, unless they have weak skin and cannot be used.There is no difference of 10 yen per piece, but I think it will be a good amount because it is used every day.The amount of money is quite different depending on the store, so until the cheap price was known, I always checked the amount of diapers at the store.

It doesn't apply to everyone, but at a drugstore near the house, Mary's diaper is 27 yen for one M SIZE, but Costco can buy it for 19 yen per sheet, so I buy a box!If you buy 100 sheets, are you grateful that it's 800 yen?

Although it is not a savings of diapers, Mammy Poco Pants is relatively cheap and saved.I think that you can buy it even cheaper when you buy it on the flyer or online.Although it is cheap, I have been using it since I made it a pants type, but there is no particular problem, it is easy to use, and the pattern is cute and recommended.

I also retire from work and live only by earning my husband.I don't want to spend too much money because I'm not a lot of husbands.I buy it when it is as cheap as possible or when the points are accumulated.After that, manufacturers and others are purchasing cheap ones without worrying.

I checked the lowest in the region.Depending on the timing of the purchase, there are times when it is cheap and high, so I check the flyer before buying.If you are convinced that it is almost the bottom, you will buy 3 to 4 boxes.If you are just born, the size is fast, so it is better to refrain from purchasing multiple purchases because it will lead to extra expenses.

When I was a newborn, I changed it as soon as the lines were blue, but I feel that it was okay without changing so often.Also, for example, if you are the same uni -charm Mooney and Mamy Poco, Mamy Poco is cheaper, but the absorption and breathability are different, and Mooney can withstand it for a long time, so it is only cheap per piece.I think it is important to compare the number of pieces used a day using the actual use.We use pants type after turning over and crawling, but it is expensive.For this reason, we use the tape type when using the pants type and the tape type together to change the poo and the back on the back.

If you don't care about the manufacturer, I think it's the lowest price to become an Amazon prime member and make it a regular flight.With a credit card payment, you can earn credit card points.There is also a credit card that can exchange points for Amazon gift vouchers.


I sell one bag at a time, but I also sell two bags in one box.It's a bit cheaper to buy in a box, so I buy it in bulk.However, children need to be careful because they grow up quickly.

It is a box buying on a day with a good point magnification in baby zaras.If you buy online, you can save time and effort!Since coupons are often sent, you can buy it quite cheaply if you are not particular about the brand.If I accumulate points, I can use it next time and it will be a further discount, so I will be this method all the time ♪

When purchasing a diaper, do not change the size as it grows.Diapers have different sizes, undercarriage, and stomach size depending on the manufacturer.Pampers and Mummy Poco Pants are small.Mooney and Mary are large.Is Goon in the middle?So, if you raise the size immediately, the unit price of one piece will increase a lot, so instead of suddenly raising the size, make the brand of the same size.That alone changes the price a lot.

When I was a newborn, I was careful about the types of diapers, but in my child, I didn't get any diapers, so I used the one that could be purchased at that cheaper.It's been Mumimi Poco since it became a pants type.

Since you may get a sample, you should check the homepage of the diaper manufacturer and apply.In addition, there are cases where you can get a campaign such as a baby Honpo, so you should check it out.I have to reduce the frequency of replacement (^^)

My friend said that the child had a second time, but he said that he was stuck on a cheaper day than usual at the end of his husband's work.I think that if you stock up, you will get some space, but I think it is a very good way to save.

At the maternity hospital, it was often said that changing diapers was frequent, before breastfeeding and after breastfeeding, and when they were in a bad mood, but both of my children do not cry even if they get wet, and are sleeping well for nearly six months.So I used diapers only after breastfeeding and when I was pooping.That takes about 5 or 6 times a day.Immediately after the first person, I really changed it like a textbook, so I think I used more than 10 pieces a day.However, in the hot season, you may be worried about diapers, so the number of pieces may increase a little more in hot weather.

It depends on the growth, but it is excellent in water absorption, so it does not get stuffy even if you wear it for a long time, so it is purchased at a stretch in a box.I buy at the same time at the same time at the same time, so that I do not leave the house at that time.I am conscious of changing the three meals and baths before going to bed, and then changing them only when they are poo.

Buy Pampers for sale (when you cut 2 bags with 2 bags for 2000 yen) or cashback campaign.Cashback will return 1000 yen for purchase of 5000 yen or more.At Sukusuku Point, you can participate in lottery such as diapers or exchange toys.The cleaning robot, Rumba hit.Changing diapers is not stingy, because if you get stingy, you will have to take care of medical expenses and care.If you accidentally broke the pants type, I used it in the insole method.

I buy diapers in bulk when they are a little cheaper.I feel that the frequency of replacement is decreasing as the diapers grow larger.It is difficult to save diapers because diapers are used by children, but let's do our best with each other.

My friend said that the cost was reduced if it was a cloth diaper.If it is a cloth diaper, there is quite a lot of time, so if you do not have a terrible diaper rash, you can buy a cheap diaper.I also think it is necessary to compare the price at the Internet drugstore.In addition, I think it would be nice to apply for a sample gift.

A.Save diapers -Save paper diapers

If your skin is weak, you can't reduce the number of times to change.We use cheap Mamimy Poco when the skin is in good condition.Also, change the diaper before dinner → If you eat it, it will be in the order of the bath, but since the time is short, the diaper at this time is also decided to be Mamimi Poco.Propet for hips is a pediatrician, so if you don't have it, you will get it every time and use it without worrying.As a result, I think that if you can use Mamimy Poco without rough skin, it will save money!

I think I'll do it for my age, but before my son was two years old, I put something like a toilet training pad on a cloth pants!It's cheaper than a paper diaper, and it's easier than a cloth diaper fails!

When I was a newborn, I was frequently replaced and changed 16 times a day.For the newborn, I would like to use it with a little smoothness in Pampers.As it gets bigger, you can use cheaper ones, and there are times when you used tape and pants in two swords.In addition, when throwing it away, it is expensive if it is a dedicated cartridge with a dedicated trash can, so decide the trash can for yourself to put only diapers and put 2-3 pieces in a transparent bag placed in a supermarket.I do it.

If you want to buy the same thing, I want to buy a little cheaper, and I have been registered as a flea market app, a recycle shop, and an Amazon family.I don't want to be stingy for my long -awaited child, but I've never been able to buy consumables cheaply.

I often apply for sample gifts.I also do diaper sample monitors!My child did a monitor several times to see if the skin was strong, but for now he hasn't been a diaper rash.I can get it for free, so I'm saved a lot.

Although there is no particular way to save money, I applied for a free sample and bought it on Amazon on a regular basis.Now I buy it when I go to supermarkets, drug stores, and home centers.At first, shopping is not going, so regular flights are very convenient.Right now, when I think about shipping and commissions, it's cheaper to buy with my own feet, so I'm doing it.

Even a diaper fee alone costs a lot of money.In my case, the diapers came off before the older child turned two years old, so it was very helpful.When I was wearing a diaper, I felt that it was inevitable to change just a little, so I saved a sheet on the diaper.

I use coupons well to buy as cheaply as possible.In addition, the size of the same S size varies depending on the manufacturer, so I switched to a large manufacturer from the middle.The number suddenly decreases when it becomes M size.If you choose a manufacturer according to your child's body type, you can keep the size up at the last minute.

It's very simple, but diapers can't smoke any more!I will use it as much as possible.Lol Now, it has become a pants type, so when it comes to a certain amount, it will be sloppy, so I think it's time to change it.Lol It's a pity that the buttocks are covered, so I remove the dirt firmly, put on a baby powder, etc., so I am careful not to be sticky.The first thing to save is to ask when you go shopping with Jiji and

Some of my baby turned it off when I was pooping, but I didn't change it right away when I was peeing.The area was judged by looking at the baby's ass, but it was replaced so that it could not rash.I think it's inevitable to replace it frequently because it's stuffy in the summer, but in winter, I'm going to be two years old, so I'm going to make my life rhythm.Then it will be decided to some extent.Poop after breakfast and replace it.Replaced 2-3 times in a nursery school.Exchange after the bath at night, 4-5 times.I wonder if it is quite small.I think.

When you are a newborn, your skin is still weak and it gets rough as soon as it gets stuffy, so I think cloth diapers will save the most.After starting to the nursery school, the nursery school is frequently changed, so for nursery schools, cheap paper diapers such as Mumimi Poco, and home use is highly paper diapers such as Pampers and Mooney.

Until about two months after birth, I often peeed and poop while changing diapers, so I massaged my stomach and legs, stimulated my intestines lightly before replacing it.Also, if you lift your feet up, the pee will hung your stomach, so you try to defeat your body as much as possible.

A three -month -old girl.She isn't saving.It will not change unless you poop.If the size is properly, it will not leak.Then you can save about 10 to 6 pieces a day.I don't cry too much because the diapers are so wet and uncomfortable.

I put a cloth on the paper and use a diaper for one time for one time.Since it is a nursery school during the day, it can only be done on holidays, but the number is considerably reduced.Also, if you remove the diapers and try to spend the summer in the summer, you can get the diapers faster, so I'm going to try this summer.

My son uses paper diapers.First of all, get a sample diaper that you can get anyway!Immediately after giving birth, it was especially saved.In addition, you can use diapers from various manufacturers, so it is also useful for choosing a manufacturer, and it is recommended because it becomes two birds with one stone.

A.Saving diaper -using cloth diapers

I usually use cloth diapers and paper diapers only at night or out.So, only one or two paper diapers are consumed every day, so they are saved.It is very good because you don't have to go to buy much and there are so few garbage.

I use paper diapers because it is difficult to leak at night or when I go out, but I use cloth diapers during the day to save money.Even if the tape type is the same size, it was a little difficult to change diapers, but I used the tape type for a long time.

The most important thing to save on diapers is to use cloth diapers.If the cloth diaper is dirty, it can be used as soon as it is washed and dried, so it can be used very much.And cloth diapers are gentle on the baby's buttocks than paper diapers and are less likely to get eczema and redness.It's hard because there are many things to wash.

I use paper diapers and cloth diapers properly.When you go out, you can use a paper diaper, and when you are at home, the frequency of using a paper diaper will change!!If the cloth diaper is dirty, you can wash it as soon as it gets dirty, and it can be washed with the remaining hot water in the bath!

I used cloth diapers during the day, and at night and when I went out, I used them with paper diapers.The frequency of replacement of cloth diapers is frequently replaced, but if you can pee, wash it lightly, and if you can flush it in the toilet, just wash it lightly and put it on it.

I think cloth diapers are good for saving diapers.If you arrange it first, it won't cost money.The diaper cover also has a free size, so you can use it all the time.In addition, cloth diapers will save more wet, so you can get diapers early and get diapers quickly.

When I go out, I use cloth diapers when I stay at home without going out.If it is a cloth diaper, it will be uncomfortable if peeing comes out, so the baby will tell you yourself.After that, the paper diaper has a high water absorption rate now, so if you don't have a poo, you don't have to change it so often.

A.Saving diaper -other ideas

I used a diaper sheet on a diaper!It's a waste to replace diapers a little dirty.With diaper sheets, it was very economical because only the dirty seats were only replaced!The children seemed to be refreshing, so when I couldn't go to buy, or when I was worried about the rest, I was more saved.

I have not given birth yet, but I will describe that I received advice from a midwife in my mother class.Of course, you can change it when you are pooping, but if you use a number of wipes at that time, you will spend a lot of money, so the beautiful part of the diaper that has a poo (baby's stomach side).After wiping most of it, or after washing the buttocks lightly with a dressing bottle, I said that if I finished it with a wiping, I wouldn't use many pieces.I think it would be better to buy the paper diaper itself in the best place of cost performance.If you purchase a red -chan honpo sale day or a 5x point of points, you can purchase it for about 11 yen per sheet!


(Reference) Check out the Kozure member "Diapers" ranking, body type / gender recommended diagnosis!

The evaluation of diapers used by Kozure members is collected by body type and gender.You can see the ranking and diagnosis based on the results.


(Reference) Check out Amazon Rakuten's "diaper" popular popularity ranking!

You can check the Amazon Rakuten "diaper" popular popularity ranking from the link below.


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Tell me Kozure, senior mom

Kozure member's senior mom advises the troubles received from a junior mama of Kozure!It is full of various opinions that are real and useful based on actual child -rearing experience.