Stage Natalie Saikaze Sakia's "Ryo Saeba" goes to Tokyo, "Packed with plenty of charm" from tomorrow

The Takarazuka Revue Snow Gumi "CITY HUNTER" -Shaw Olkesta "Fire Fever!" Will open tomorrow on October 2 at the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater.Prior to that, the stage training was released today on the 1st.

本公演は雪組の新トップコンビ・彩風咲奈と朝月希和のお披露目公演。齋藤吉正が脚本・演出を手がける「ミュージカル『CITY HUNTER』―盗まれたXYZ―」は、北条司のマンガ「シティーハンター」を原作としたミュージカルで、新宿でスイーパー(始末屋)として生きる冴羽リョウを軸にした物語が展開する。

A coup occurred in the Kogoku Kingdom of Africa, the Kingdom of Gijamala, and the princess fled secretly to escape from the new king's hand.She headed for her to Saeba, "City Hunter".Saeba refuses to escort the princess, but there are various people, such as American sweepers, parents of her raising, and actresses looking for her son ...


大人な雰囲気の「CITY HUNTER」とは一転、稲葉太地の作・演出による「ショー オルケスタ『Fire Fever!』」では、雪組生のエネルギッシュなパフォーマンスが繰り広げられる。“炎”のような衣装で舞台上を赤く染めたキャストたちが、ダンス、歌、大人数のロケットなどを披露。新生雪組のスタートを華々しく飾るショーとなっている。公演は11月14日まで。

In addition to the live performance of the newcomer at 18:30 on October 14, the live viewing will be held at the Tokyo Senpakuraku performance on November 14 at 13:30, and live viewing will be held at movie theaters around the country.

* Ryo Saeba's Ryo is officially described by the structure of "colleagues".

Saki Ayakaza Comments

I am really happy to have the first day safely.

Above all, I am delighted to be able to stand on the same stage with all the performers and deliver the work to customers.

The play is based on a very popular comic that continues to attract people beyond the country and generations.The show is a dynamic show that scatters sparks with the passion of all the performers, and both works are full of the charm of the new snow group.

We will do our best to move “City” to Tokyo and deliver the “hot” stage to everyone.

ステージナタリー 彩風咲奈の“冴羽リョウ”が東京へ、「魅力たっぷり詰め込んだ」新生雪組公演明日から

Takarazuka Revue Snow Gumi "Musical" CITY HUNTER "-Syewallkesta" Fire Fever! ""

August 7, 2021 (Sat) to September 13 (Monday) * Performance ends Takarazuka Grand Theater, Hyogo Prefecture October 2, 2021 (Sat) -Apri 14 (Sun) Tokyo Tokyo Takarazuka Theater

原作:北条司「シティーハンター」(c)北条司 / コアミックス 1985脚本・演出:齋藤吉正出演:彩風咲奈、朝月希和 ほか

作・演出:稲葉太地出演:彩風咲奈、朝月希和 ほか


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