Rumba's official live program will be delivered tonight at 7 pm. 5 reasons to buy

IRobot Japan will be live-streaming on its official YouTube channel from 19:00 on December 2, introducing popular products of the robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba".

Rumba official live show tonight 7 Time Streaming.5 Reasons to Buy?

The company's sales trainers will explain the "Rumba e5", which has been on sale for four years, under the theme of "Five reasons why you should buy the Rumba e5 if you are wondering whether to buy it."

Rumba e5 is a middle-class product that can wash the dust container with water. Equipped with a rubber dual-action brush that adheres to the floor and sucks up dust. It can be operated from a smartphone by linking with the smartphone application "iRobot HOME". On "Black Friday", which is being held on Amazon until 23:59 on December 2nd, it is sold at 31,800 yen, which is 20% off.

Roomba e5

iRobot Japan Official YouTube Channel “5 reasons why you should buy a Roomba e5 if you are wondering whether to buy it”

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