"rumba J7 +" comment: perfect risk aversion. No more excuses for "We are not fit for rumba".

Although I want a robot vacuum cleaner, the house is a mess.

Although it is convenient to know, basic cleaning such as "removing obstacles on the floor" is also needed in order to operate. This is the minimum condition for a robot vacuum cleaner to run, and leapfrogging becomes a troublesome obstacle.

Lowering this minimum threshold is the latest rumba "rumba J7" and "rumba J7 +" with a clean foundation.

Is a new generation of rumba, in addition to the high running system and mapping ability, but also given a new object recognition ability, led by code, socks, to avoid pet lost property (early poop) and so on.

This time, I would like to introduce to you the comments that I have spent more than a month with this clever rumba. This is a car that resonates with families who have given up on the rumba in the past, and it can't be wrong.

Rumba J7 +

What's this? The intelligent growth of rumba

Price: 129800 yen or 3980 yen per month

Good place: perfect risk aversion and trouble

What a pity: it's better to clean up!

q. Don't you step on shit? A. Take a shit without stepping on it.

First of all, the point you may care about is: "do you want to avoid defecation?" "but.

The problem of the pet stepping on shit seems to be one of the troubles of the robot vacuum cleaner owner, collecting stool data of various shapes for analysis in the eye robot's laboratory. Use pseudo-stool learning algorithm. Literally, the results of careful research are full of this J7 series. Come on, let's go!

Don't worry, I'm Hualing.

From a distance, it looks like a cat. Although it is an invisible or invisible bell, it avoids the invisible barrier of many attempts.

In addition, compared with other obstacles, it maintains a considerable distance to avoid, so: "this is dangerous!" "this seems to be understandable. A gentleman is not close to danger or rumba poop.

So why can rumba avoid defecation?

The answer is in the eye position. So far, the rumba, which supports mapping, tilts the camera upward. The purpose is to use the shape of the room, furniture, etc., as visual identification and mapping (VSLAM). This is just a spatially recognized camera.

On the other hand, the J7 series of cameras are moving forward and have evolved to capture images in a wider angle than previous models. In this way, we can not only identify the shape of the room, but also identify the objects in front of the forward direction.

It can help you avoid obstacles, and you can also learn from the evolutionary rumba.

The avoidance ability brought by this kind of "eyes" gives us a sense of surprise and expectation for the future.

According to the release of the Eye Robot, what can be identified at present are "pet droppings", "sizes", "slippers", "socks" and "shoes" when writing manuscripts.

Wouldn't it be good if it wasn't for the Euro-American lifestyle of removing cords and shoes from the floor? Although I think so, but look around my living room and find that the 2-year-old's socks have been taken off naturally, is that so? I deeply accepted it.


Then confirm APP after running, "oops!" I found something like this. "just like this, we used pictures to report what looked like obstacles on the adventure road. Of course, it has been avoided. What?!

In addition to the five that are thought to be identifiable, they can also be avoided.

For example, so far the rumba will move deeply mini-car toys, plush toys and so on will also be used as "obstacles" to keep a certain distance for cleaning. If you move the rumba, it looks like something is moving. This paranormal doesn't happen anymore.

As can be seen from the App report, is it a "temporary obstacle" to avoid in the cleaning, or a permanent obstacle to set a "no-entry area", which is simply a misunderstanding and "no obstacle"? You can specify the operation on the rumba and send it anonymously to the eye movement robot database.

In other words, the rumba "learning" has become smarter.

This learning result is not immediately reflected in the rumba, through regular updates can cope with the ability and understanding of things are also increasing, but their own learning and who is shared by the rumba all over the world, the rumba all over the world is getting smarter and smarter. I feel a little sick here, and I remember the horror and excitement of science fiction like Lobita (the Resurrection of Firebird), as well as the excitement of nurturing games.

The advantages and disadvantages of avoiding rumba

Because of this high recognition and avoidance ability, some changes have taken place in the use of robot vacuum cleaners. To put it simply, it becomes "messy".

When it comes to why robot vacuum cleaners need to be cleaned up before they run, they are entangled or pushed away by strange things, spitting mistakes and panting. In order to prevent such disputes. However, for the J7 series, which identifies and avoids obstacles, you can skip this process to some extent.

I picked up J7 +, there is a period of time because of the usual habit, clean up the floor before cleaning, children's toys are also put away before starting, recently.

"can I not be perfect? You go! "

"in short, as long as you lean on the side, you can run beautifully."

In this way, it sometimes starts cleaning with the feeling of throwing a brick to attract jade.

Even so, he really doesn't stop, sweep where he can be cleaned, and get back to the base smart, so as long as he is average pretty. Wait, people who can't clean up will be happier if they choose this model.

In addition, "J7 +" has a clean basis and can collect garbage automatically. Therefore, not only before cleaning, but also after cleaning to take care of the rumba! The concept has disappeared.

If the schedule is set, it will be fine for about a month. When the time comes for rumba, the place that can be cleaned will be cleaned, and the rubbish can be thrown out after cleaning. This is the automation of cleaning. I'm a little touched. Although the price is very expensive, the satisfaction will be higher if you choose "J7 +" with a cleaning basis.

On the other hand, the disadvantage is that you can't expect too much.

Messy things on the floor will increase the amount of cleaning that can be avoided at the same time, so the area that can be cleaned will be narrowed, and the cleaning time will be extended because you can't run out.

The rolled-up carpet is mistaken for an obstacle, and it is prudent to avoid things that are not dangerous even if pushed, so take a look around the map. Can you help me clean this place? "you'll see something like this, too. Depending on the environment, there will be places that are not cleaned every time. Near here, the former rumba rushed in with Ikek, so it was long and short.

Generally speaking, after tidying up before starting, the cleanliness level of the room will be improved (of course), "done!" "it's still fantasy or something. "you can use it without tidying up" and "you don't need to clean up" will not lead to equals, so be careful here.

For those who give up robotic vacuum cleaners, I hope you will reconsider.

I like robot vacuum cleaners so much that I have about 5 at home.

Robotic vacuum cleaners called obstacle avoidance have been tried in the past, so the robotic vacuum cleaner for avoiding objects is not the first of the rumba J7 series. On this basis, it is said without speculation that the avoidance power of the rumba J7 series is far ahead.

Will it fail to some extent? Although it is placed sideways, no matter how many times you try, you will not get close to socks and wires, and you can avoid the toys placed on the floor to finish cleaning.

Although it is the initial marketing model of avoidance, it has achieved the performance of floor cleaning without changing one's own life and lifestyle, so before saying, "my family is not suitable for rumba." It is recommended that you try a subscription (1980 yen if it is a 2-week pilot package).

1. The child-rearing generation whose toys are unknowingly scattered

2. As long as the living area is cleaned up, such an efficiency faction

3. Pet owners with the risk of gross appearance

However, it can be said that it should be chosen by the robot vacuum cleaner decided by the rumba.

Source: eye movement robot