The robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba e5" was more practical than I imagined: Xperia peripherals

Text ● Yasumasa Kimikuni Editing ● Gou Minamida

The robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba e5" that works with smartphones is more practical than I imagined

The other day, my vacuum cleaner at home broke and I had to buy a new one, so I tried installing a robot vacuum cleaner for the first time. I was. I was skeptical that the robot vacuum cleaner would really clean it properly, but I chose Irobot's "Rumba e5" because it seems to be convenient because it has a function to link with a smartphone.

Robot vacuum cleaner

While we think that we have to keep our home clean, we tend to get caught up in our busy schedules and put off cleaning. However, the combination of Xperia and Roomba e5 was so comfortable that I fell in love with cleaning.

The size of the Rumba e5 is a round shape with a maximum diameter of 35.1 cm and a height of 9.2 cm. The first thing I was worried about was whether it would fit through the gaps between the legs of tables and chairs, and whether it would fit under beds and TV racks. Even if you want to clean it, it's useless if the body gets caught and you can't move forward.

I had already checked it before purchasing, but in conclusion, I was able to clean up every corner of the room, regardless of obstacles, so my biggest concern was cleared. Even if you leave it to me, it is very important to be able to reach the itchy area.

Because it's a robot vacuum, you need to set it up. First, install it on the "home base" which can be said to be the home of Rumba e5. You will have to charge the battery here.

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