[restocking] cleaning & wiping water, a robot vacuum cleaner with automatic garbage collection function "DEEBOT N8 +" issued by enterprises | Daily Industrial News Electronic Edition

Issuer: ecological Barclays Japan Co., Ltd.

【再入荷】掃除&水拭きが1台で、自動ゴミ収集機能付きのロボット掃除機「DEEBOT N8+ 」 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Integrated manufacturer of household robots, which integrates R & D, production and sales of robots, Baxi Japan Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Shinjuku District / Chairman Sakari Fumikang) sold out on Amazon Golden Day last month. We will inform you that the pre-sale status continues and the "DEEBOT N8 +" robot vacuum cleaner has arrived again. The DEEBOT N8 + robot vacuum cleaner sold out on the first day of Amazon Golden Day on June 21 last month. With the re-arrival of the goods this time, special discount coupons for the limited period are also prepared. Please be sure to check it. Coupon Code: A2 ULC 92Q (23:59 on 31 July only) You don't need to touch for 60 days at most. * the number of days of admission is the standard. The True Mapping system uses the industry's highest-level optical D-ToF technology and innovative mapping technology "D-ToF" (which varies with the clean environment) to accurately measure and store 360-degree plans and furniture. Master the cleaned and uncleaned places, even the complex furniture will be swept to every corner of the room. Use one to attract and wipe the water at the same time, and wipe the water with a mop at the back. Because one set is completed, there is no need to ensure the space of the two sets, nor will it bother to set up the location. Upgrade attractiveness to 2300Pa by upgrading to 2300Pa attractiveness thoroughly clean to every corner, removing dust and pet hair from floors and carpets. [commodity Review] the monster robot vacuum cleaner "DEEBOT N8+" that all Kazu Channel adults have entered is not good. [commodity specifications] So far, it is a manufacturer of household robots with more than 19 million users worldwide. In order to ensure the quality of our products, customers around the world have expanded our intellectual property portfolio, with 345 trademarks and more than 1000 patents worldwide today. For the first time in the world, a robot vacuum cleaner using LDS technology and high-performance laser mapping & navigation technology unique to Barclays is launched. In addition, while adjusting the amount of water, an OZMO mop system is developed to attract garbage and wipe with water at the same time. In addition to the floor robot vacuum cleaner, but also developed a window robot vacuum cleaner, robot air purifier and so on, through the robot to provide everyone with a comfortable life. Corporate press release details go to the top of PRTIMES


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