2/10 (Thursday) Released!"Showa 50 Men" March / Vol.015 is a special feature on "Youth Manga with us!"Reading manga was also a good study.Continue a number of masterpieces and regain their dreams and energy !!

"Showa 50 Men" March 2022 / Vol.015… Released on Thursday, February 10, a list price of 780 yen (tax included).Purchase at bookstores and convenience stores nationwide, online bookstores, Crete's online shop, etc.[Cover: Kazuhiro Fujita "Ushio Tora"]

■ The opening / total power special feature is "Youth manga with us yarn" ■

1975 Men's heart textbook "Shonen Manga". This special feature, which focuses on the works published from 1975 to 1990 and verifies the power and era, consists of seven parts from "Chapter 1" to "Chapter 7" divided into manga genres. I am. In "Chapter 1 Manga that we have read", Kendo Kobayashi, who has a deep knowledge of manga, appears. Bark a lot about a boy manga that forms his own nucleus! Next, we interviewed the former edition of the magazine about the "strength" of "Weekly Shonen Jump", which boasted an unprecedented "6.53 million copies". "CHAPTER 2 Battle Manga" starts from an interview with Kazuhiro Fujita, the author of "Ushio Tora", which decorates the cover of this issue. Fortunately, not only tells the thoughts in the brush, but also draws the tide and tora for the first time in about 30 years! And there is also a page of "Dragon Ball" that you should not forget when it comes to battle. In addition, the last chapter of Chapter 2 to 7 has a masterpiece introduction selected by the editorial department of "Showa 50".

In "Chapter 3 Story Manga", the creator of "City Hunter", Mr. Hojo, appeared. We will publish the secret story of the creative man who longs for us, with plenty of beautiful illustrations. Furthermore, regarding the charm of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" and "Mobile Police Patlabor", the former is Professor Toku Saito (psychiatrist / critic), and the latter is Naoki Yoshida (Nippon Broadcasting Announcer) and Takeshi Kiya. I will consider it. "CHAPTER 4 Child Manga" features eight pages of the works of Fujiko and Fujio -sensei, who have been familiar with the world in 1975. In addition to taking up a wide variety of characters created by Dr. F, the highlights of the Kawasaki City Fujiko F. Fujio Museum, which exhibit the original drawings, are introduced along with the words of the director. "Chapter 5 Heroine Manga" focuses on the heroine = female hero, which is an important being in boy manga. In addition to the enthusiastic fans, Baron Hige, Louis 53, who is a big fan of the same work, looks back on the birth of the school sexual manga "Maiching Machiko -sensei". I am also charging at work.

In "Chapter 6 Youth Manga", two patterns of bad things and sports are featured.Attention is paid to the winning pattern that creates a hit, which is revealed by Atsushi Kase, the author of the bad manga masterpiece "Cameleon"!

In "CHAPTER7 Gag Manga", works that made the man laugh at the 1975 of the 1975. Endo Koichi talked about the episode of the creation of "Tonchinkan", which became very popular with unpredictable gags released by too unique characters. If you read this special feature, you will see a manga that was absorbed in a boyhood with your memories of the time. Many of the works we picked up are now easy to touch in e -books, so please re -read at this opportunity! However, if you turn the page, you may not stop anymore and you may not be able to get a job ...! ■ Full of interviews, this is also a series project! And fulfillment ■ In the serialized interview project "Girl Issey Her Mine", Izumi Kato, who is known for the 1993 hit song "I like it," appeared. "The world's blurring Aniki" is a developer of the "world's most advanced planetarium aircraft in the world" in the Guinness World Record certified, and the Tame -year -old introduction page "The Real of the Showa 50 -year -old son" is the martial arts boom Kaoru Uno, a pioneer in the mixed martial arts, also appeared. In addition, as a guest of the dialogue serialization "Takeshiro Higuchi's GOD ONLY KNOWS", an entertainer Kazuki Kosaka appears! Mr. Higuchi, the host, is digging the reason why Kosaka -san continues to be interesting across the times. In addition, in the "S50's Now" part, which provides information about "now" to the age of 1975, his HIRO released a new album "0 (zero)" for the first time in about 20 years. Interview with Hiroko Shimabukuro. In the "Fashion crazy song" on the SPECIAL series page, it is a very satisfying pear book, such as taking up the recommended clothes and sneakers of this spring, which are recommended for the 1975 men.

Miracle fully open power to skip the cold of midwinter!"Showa 50 Men" March 2022 / Vol.015.

Please purchase with Zehi and enjoy slowly from the corner to the corner!

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――We- ■ "Showa 50 Men" March 2022 / Vol.015 Introduction ■

Special feature / We are a boy manga Kendo Kobayashi, a manga of a man and a manga of a man, a strong -style comedian who feels a man, Kendo Kobayashi, who feels a man.I heard a lot of boy manga that has grown Kenkova Aniki, who has a deep knowledge of manga, animation, and professional wrestling.

Special feature / Boys manga that we were Yara The author, Kazuhiro Fujita, a boy with a "beast spear", and a large youkai Tora, who has been released for 500 years.Live drama "Ushio Tora".How was the excitement of questions that would be shaken every time I read?

Special feature / We are a boy manga Colt Python with Colt Python!If you write "XYZ" on the message board of Saeba Station, a beloved man, Saeba -Shinjuku Station, there will be a sweeper that solves any request.He has no strangers in the back society.We talked to the author, Tsukasa Hojo, about the masterpiece "City Hunter", which played a part in the heyday of "Weekly Shonen Jump".

2/10(木)発売!『昭和50年男』3月号/vol.015は「オレたちがヤラれた少年マンガ」特集! マンガを読むのも立派な勉強だった。名作の数々をたどり夢と元気を取り戻せ!!

Special Feature / Boys Manga who was yara Continued to the ground to the ground, near future SF Story Police Police Patlabor, set in Tokyo near the future, so that police robot units are struggling to maintain security.The science fiction masterpiece is "Mobile Police Patlabor".Naoki Yoshida, an enthusiastic fan who said, "I was influenced by life," talked about its charm.

Special feature / Boys manga whose we were yarn S50 Male editorial department Select story.Pick up the manga that you want to read back again, from the short story to the masterpiece of Okawa, that you will remember when you are told.Introducing recommended works of editorial departments, centered on four works: "Keiji Hana", "Mr. Taste Misper", "Flying Classroom", and "Dr. Shiina's Educational Guidance !!"

Special feature / Boys manga whose we were yaras I love that too!Fujiko F. Fujio, not only standard human characters, but also robots, aliens, animals, mysterious creatures, etc.What is the charm of F -characters that have been loved by children (even for adults) over the times now and in the past?

Special feature / Boys manga that we were yarn Our favorite Machiko -sensei "Boin Touch!" "No! Maiching!"Gakuen Sexual Corporation's monitor "Maiching Machiko -sensei" with a vivid impression of a man.I went to the workplace of Dr. Takeji Ebihara, a popular worker who continued to draw Showa, Heisei and Ordinance!

Special feature / How to move the boy manga The main character, Eisaku Yazawa?"Cameleon" Atsushi Kase is the only genius weapon of his efforts!Nevertheless, the Yankee Gag Manga "Cameleon", which climbs up to the top of the Yankee world."How do you overcome this pinch!?"

Serial interview plan / Girl Is Mine

"Izumi Kato, who was brought so far by the connection of people," Izumi Kato is known for the 1993 hit "I'm glad I liked it".Her singing voice, which combines her warmth and delicate, should be engraved in the reader's memory.She shows her presence in choruses such as Kazumasa Oda, Yumi Matsutoya, and Momoiro Clover Z, and looks back on her career, and talks about her music, changes in her life, and her thoughts on her song.。

Series / CROSS TALK Takeshiro Higuchi's GOD ONLY KNOWS "It's hard, but I've never wanted to quit the entertainment world!""I have a lion."In the 1980s, when the 1975 was deeply involved, there was always one Kosakai in the 1980s and 90s.Takeshi Higuchi, a novelist, a big fan of Kosakai, who is active in the times, approaches his entertainment life!

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――We- "Showa 50 Men" March 2022/Vol.015 Contents ■ https: //www.crete.co.jp/s50otoko/vol_015/0

Total feature: When we were a boy manga, when we were a child, when we were reading manga, we decided from our parents and said, "Don't read only manga, study!"It will be! "Half was a conditional reflexive word, but half thought seriously.So, where we were fascinated in manga and what did we learn?

In this issue, under the theme of "Boys Manga where we were yarn", we looked back on the works published in Shonen Manga Magazine from 1975 to 1990, a third -year junior high school student, mainly in 1975.I will explore.Now, let's open the manga page again!The dreams and energy that I had at that time should be revived.[CHAPTER 1] Manga-Kendo Kobayashi we have read, manga and life of men-I love the Weekly Manga Magazine Weekly Shonen Jump [Chapter 2] Battle Manga-The author, Kazuhiro Fujita, talksFinally a squid story Dragon Ball-S50 Male Editorial Department Select Battle Edition [Chapter 3] Story Manga-Colt Python, Mokkuri Super!Saeba, a beloved man

-The psychiatrist / critic: Professor Saito: Why do you like Jojo so much !!

- 現代の日常から地続きの近未来SFストーリー機動警察パトレイバー 吉田尚記 (アナウンサー) インタビュー- ハッピーな働き方や人とのつき合い方の好モデル 愛すべきライトスタッフ 喜屋武ちあきが語る『パトレイバー』- S50男編集部セレクトストーリー編【CHAPTER 4】児童マンガ- あれも、これも、とっても大好き! 藤子・F・不二雄- 名作の魅力を原画で堪能しよう藤子・F・不二雄ミュージアム- S50男編集部セレクト児童編【CHAPTER 5】ヒロインマンガ- 女乱馬にあかね… オレたちの初恋の人らんま1/2- 想像力を伸ばしてくれた ぼくらの好きな マチコ先生- S50男編集部セレクトヒロイン編【CHAPTER 6】青春マンガ- 主人公の矢沢栄作を動かすには、どうすれば? カメレオン作者 加瀬あつしは努力の天才!!- S50男編集部セレクト青春編 不良- S50男編集部セレクト青春編 スポーツ【CHAPTER 7】ギャグマンガ- 今夜、あなたの笑いをいただきます!!ついでにとんちんかん- S50男編集部セレクトギャグ編- いつまでだって読んでいられた オレたちのマンガDAYS連載インタビュー企画:- 昭和50年男のリアル … 宇野 薫(総合格闘家)- 世界にはばたいたアニキ … 大平貴之(プラネタリウム・クリエーター 大平技研代表取締役)- ガール イズ マイン … 加藤いづみSPECIAL:“ファッション狂騒曲”2022年、春の推し服、推しスニーカー!!S50's NOW 2022:- 過去でも未来でも、上でも下でもない、今─『0』 hiro- 自然体 ―肩ひじを張らずに楽しめる食文化 町中華探検のススメ- NEWS & INFORMATION連載:- こだわりシネマパラダイス (馬飼野元宏)- 帰ってきた 8cm CD (鈴木啓之)- デジとの遭遇 (山崎 功)- 高橋名人の冒険時代- コミックキャラバン (内田名人)- 談駄団! (ダイ)- Doki! Doki! がーるず・るーむ (ゆかしなもん)- 男子ファンシー道 (永井ミキジ)- 直角が行く。(渋谷直角)- リアル・ロボット・エイジ (サデスパー堀野)- DJ BLUEの リプレイ! アノコロ! 青春J-POP- 樋口毅宏のGod Only Knows ― ゲスト 小堺一機

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――■​雑誌 『昭和40年男』『昭和50年男』『昭和45年女・1970年女』(クレタパブリッシング発行) とは■さまざまな体験の積み重ねが人間を形成していくのであれば、それらをひもといていくことは、自らのルーツを探る、すなわち今の自分を知ることと同義のはず。単なる「懐古趣味」ではなく、“故きを温ね新しきを知る” ──「温故知新」を目指して刊行してきた『昭和40年男』は、「ノスタルジックな想い出が呼ぶ共感」を「明日を生きる活力」に変えることをコンセプトとした、昭和40年 (〜41年3月) 生まれの男性のための情報誌です。そのコンセプトを引き継ぎつつ、2019年には兄弟誌『昭和50年男』を創刊。さらに2021年、新たな女性誌への挑戦として、姉妹誌『昭和45年女・1970年女』も発行いたしました。内容はそれぞれの年生まれ向けに特化していますが、昭和を振り返りたい、知りたい方でしたら、もちろん世代や性別を問わずにお楽しみいただけます。-『昭和40年男』 公式サイト: https://www.s40otoko.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crete.s40otoko Twitter : @s40otoko ( https://twitter.com/s40otoko )-『昭和50年男』 公式ページ: https://www.crete.co.jp/s50otoko/ Twitter : @s50otoko ( https://twitter.com/s50otoko )-『昭和45年女・1970年女』 公式ページ: https://www.crete.co.jp/extra/s45_1970onna_005/ Twitter : @1970onna ( https://twitter.com/1970onna )- クレタ オンラインショップ https://crete.shop-pro.jp/?pid=166466396―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――■ラジオでも『昭和50年男』コーナーを展開!■SBC信越放送『MiXxxxx+ (ミックスプラス) 』 (月~金 13:00~16:20) 内「ミックス・トークセレクション」の「S50 (エス フィフティ) 」(水 13:13~) にて、『昭和50年男』編集長・金丸が毎週トーク出演中。番組公式サイト: https://sbc21.co.jp/blogwp/mixplus/