Avoid the tragedy that the new Rumba is painted in the dog poo detectors with AI

The new Rumba uses AI to detect dog excretion/IROBOT

(CNN Business) In November 2014, Chanter Derby, who woke up, saw a nightmare -like sight.

新型ルンバ、AIで犬のうんち検知 家中に塗りたくる悲劇を回避

I set the robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba" in the middle of my husband, my husband, and my dog, but one of the three dogs dropped feces at the same time.When Derby woke up in the morning, she was almost painted in her house.

"When I stepped into my work room, the scene like a murder site was spreading. However, it was (not blood)."

Rumba stepped on the power cord in this room, turned many times, leaving traces reminiscent of a mystery circle.Derby and her husband discard the carpet and power cord.I abandoned Rumba after trying to clean it many times.

Derby and her husband purchased another rumba and used it during the day, but the dogs were crude in the house again, resulting in the same result.