[New product] "There is no volume!" Dryer who responds to the problems of hair appears corporate release | Daily Kogyo Shimbun Electronic Version

Release issuance company: Areti Co., Ltd.

【新商品】「ボリュームが出ない!」髪の悩みに応えるドライヤーが登場 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Beautiful home appliances maker ARETI, a pinpoint that sends the wind and launches the root of a new dryer ARETI.(本社:東京都中央区 以下アレティ)は、定番人気のドライヤーKaze d1512IDGの廉価版モデル Kaze SMP d1513GRYの予約販売を10月7日に開始しました。素早く、根元を立ち上げながらドライ&ブローができるため、髪にボリュームを出したいという方にもオススメです。従来モデル Kaze d1512IDGとの違いは遠赤外線ランプ。新商品のd1513GRYには遠赤外線ランプを搭載せず、価格をグッと抑えながらも、風力・風圧は高いまま。速乾はもちろん、ブローしながらボリューム調節も思い通りに。Kaze SMP d1513GRY¥4,980(税込み)https://areti.JP/COLLECTIONS/ALL/PRODUCTS/D1513GRY Delivery will be after October 28. D1513GRY can be installed on both sides despite the compact design, and after shampooing, the maximum wind speed can be dried at a stretch with a wind of about 12m/s. If you want to blow with a weak warm air, keep the air volume down and keep a moderate wind pressure with a small outlet designed smaller than a typical dryer. Styling while raising hair is possible. For those who take time to dry, D1513GRY is designed for those who have a lot of hair and takes time to dry with long hair. Both hands are empty, so you can do "dry". Drying of children who cannot dry by themselves can be used as a standing type naturally between the head and the dryer, so you can use it with confidence. The lightness of 375g is also particular about the large wind, but it is compact. Successfully reduced the weight of about 30%compared to ordinary dryers, the asymmetrical form was well -handed and pursued ease of blow. KAZE SMP D1513GRY, which condenses the commitment as a beauty appliances manufacturer, such as three -stage air volume + winding function from large air volume to breeze, minus ion generators, and smart storage that can be set up. We are on sale now. KAZE SMP D1513GRY ¥ 4,980 (including tax) https: // areti.JP/Collections/All/Products/D1513GRY Delivery will be after October 28. Introducing new products Introducing a new product.JP/BLOGS/BINOTABI/I2119IDG Curl Long -lasting, but Prevents Cold Magic HTTPS: // ARETI.JP/BLOGS/BINOTABI/I2133GD Red Copper Series 15mmHTTPS: // ARETI.JP/BLOGS/BINOTABI/I2056 Red copper series 20mmHTTPS: // ARETI.JP/BLOGS/BINOTABI/I2091SD Red copper Series Carl iron 3 Size HTTPS: // ARETI.jp/blogs/binotabi/i1963sdヘアアイロンやドライヤーをはじめ、美顔器やスキン&ヘアケアコスメを展開する東京・日本橋発の美容家電メーカー。 様々なスタイリングを楽しめるだけではなく、顔まわりの髪がうねる、年齢とともにボリュームがなくなったなど、ユーザーの悩みに応えるため、ヘアアイロンは特にバリエーションが豊富。 自社ブランドには、品質・保証にもこだわったAreti.There are CLARITY (R) (Clarity), which delivers (Aleti), easy -to -use, and Amazon -only home appliances (EXELENTIAL Excelusion), and Essenshil, an Amazon -only cosmetic.Official SNSYOU TUBE HTTPS: // www.YouTube.com/channel/ucfecvoptn4ddxR8huddaaqInstagram https: // www.Instagram.com/areti_jp/twitter https: // Twitter.com/artijpfacebook https: // www.facebook.com/areti.JP/Corporate Press Release To PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.