Morning routine "small cleaning", how to keep cleanliness every day even though it is easy

I want to keep clean!I started my daily cleaning.I was able to make cleaning habits by taking it into the routine that I always do in the morning.You can clean it naturally without feeling the pressure of "I have to clean it ...", so my cleaning life is very comfortable.


table of contents

● [7:30] Start cleaning the living room! 小掃除① テレビまわりのホコリ取り 小掃除② ソファーをコロコロ 小掃除③ ルンバでリビング掃除● [8:15] Clean the entrance and toilet after leaving husband! 小掃除④ 玄関掃除 小掃除⑤ トイレ掃除● [8:30] Hair and makeup in the washroom 小掃除⑥ 洗面所のシンク掃除 小掃除⑦ 鏡のお掃除● summary

Hello.I'm Koko Kondo of Life Organizer®.Cleaning the house, when do you do?I have decided to do it to some extent depending on the content to be cleaned, such as "cleaning every day" and "cleaning once a week".The more dirt you leave, the harder it is to clean, so I try to clean it every day in places where dirt, such as washrooms and toilets, are used every day and reset them frequently.The method of practicing that trimal reset was to incorporate cleaning into the morning routine.If you clean it along the routine or lifestyle that you do in the morning, you can keep the cleanliness efficiently and cleanly!Please refer to the private style "The morning routine that incorporates small cleaning" ♪

[7:30] Start cleaning the living room!

At 7:00, the two sons left the house.After that, the house yoga is always done after cleaning up breakfast and washing.Yoga is done while watching YouTube on TV, but the first small cleaning starts when yoga is over and the TV is turned off.

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A little cleaning goods are stored in the file box placed on the right side of the TV stand.Dust is easy to get around the TV, so cleaning the dust around the TV with handy mop.

Microfiber Mini Handy Mop Length 33cm (MUJI)

¥ 490

(As of 2021/6/17)

Next, the yoga mat is cleaned with a carpet cleaner, so the sofa quickly comes back.The carpet cleaner is also stored in a file box together with the handy mop.I do not dare to cover it so that it is easy to take out.If you look closely and look at it from above, it looks like this.


At around 8:15, when yoga & small cleaning are over, the Rumba with the timer starts automatically.Leave the floor cleaning in the living room to Rumba, and I will move the place to do another routine.


[8:15] Clean the entrance and toilet after leaving husband!

After seeing your husband, clean up the entrance.This is the best time for the entrance to cleaning the entrance.I clean it with a dry sheet of the quickle wiper, but since there is no shoe, it takes less than a minute!The shoe closet has a cleaning mop for the entrance so that it can be cleaned immediately.I always want to keep the entrance clean, so I have the opportunity to wipe it off once a week in addition to daily small cleaning.



Quickle wiper black

¥ 1,540

(As of 2021/5/26)

There is a toilet next to the entrance, so cleaning the toilet as it is.The daily cleaning is decided as one cleaning sheet of the toilet, and the cleaning is made as much as one piece, mainly in places where dirt is concerned.

[8:30] Hair and makeup in the washroom

The hands are dirty during the toilet cleaning, so go to the washroom as it is and wash your hands and make your hair and makeup.

After hair and makeup in the washroom, clean the sink.Because it uses mittens -type scourers that are OK without detergent, fine dirt is removed neatly and does not take time.

出典: https://www.instagram.com出典:

After finishing, place it in the faucet until the water drops and return to the localized position next to the washing machine.It is very close to the washroom, so everything is efficiently cleared.


Mesh cross for the wicked god bus (mittens type)

¥ 660

(As of 2021/6/17)

Wipe the water drops in the wash basin with the towel used at the end, remove the mirror dirt and go to the washing basket.If you are worried about the wiping muscle, finish with a mirror cloth that cleans the wiping muscle.The washroom after the whole family has used a lot of water.If you leave it unattended, it will become a stale, but if you clean it every day, it is recommended that you keep it clean even if you do not have a cleaning time ♪

Cross for mirrors and wash basin that does not leave a wiping muscle of the gods

¥ 880

(As of 2021/6/17)


How was the morning routine that incorporated small cleaning?We clean the living room, entrance, toilet, and washroom, but it takes only about 10 minutes to clean it itself.If you have this much effort and time, you can do it without any burden or pressure, and you can easily keep clean.You need to clean it a little consciously until you get used to it, but if you get used to it, you will be able to clean it every morning, so it will be very comfortable ♪ By all means, you will look back on your morning routine.Please find the timing of small cleaning!

* This article is information at the time of release, and may differ from the latest one.Please note.