<Living with Rumba> -For home appliances who live with 4 Rumba

Rumba is a robot vacuum cleaner that automatically cleans the room.Nowadays, it has been recognized as one of the genres of vacuum cleaners, but at the beginning of the release, there were many negative opinions, such as "I can't clean these toys properly."

In the next decade, the cumulative sales of Rumba have now exceeded 1 million units, and many have long used it.Along with that, many rival makers have also entered, and before the robot vacuum cleaner forms a major market that tries to take the leading role of the vacuum cleaner.I got it.

Those who love Rumba who continue to run at the top of such robot vacuum cleaners will be reported in detail twice about how to use and how their life has changed.Whether you are already using robot vacuum cleaners or those who think that robot vacuum cleaners are not trusted, I hope that you can refer to what Rumba's life has changed, and how your life has changed.is.

Today, the first time, let's take a look at Katsuki Takita, a home appliance professional who has been involved in editing of mono magazines for a long time and is currently writing in various media as a home appliance specialist.


There are currently four Rumba in my home.

The living room is the latest "Rumba 880", the bedroom is "Rumba 780", the Rumba 577 is from the study to the entrance floor, and "Rumba 630" is "Rumba 577", and the storage room for future children's rooms.Although it is a rumba that can clean multiple floors, my home is a three -story single -family house.Rumba can clean multiple rooms with one unit, but cannot go up and down the stairs.There are many opportunities to touch the latest home appliances because of their work, but they use Rumba because they fall in love with Rumba's functions.A house where such a lot of rumba has settled will probably not be searched all over Japan.

The encounter with Rumba dates back to 2007, when he was in charge of Shirimono Home Appliances in a certain mono magazine.She was announced by the model "Rumba 500 Series", which was a huge hit in Japan.At that time, the moment I saw Rumba, I thought, "This is the end of the era of human cleaning the floor!", So I immediately borrowed a product for shooting, used it at home, and then decided to introduce it immediately.

I originally liked practical robots (not an anime robot), so the decision was quick.He often says, "The final model of all home appliances is a robot!"

By the way, such a "rumbar" (not YouTuber) has changed the most for the first time living with Rumba, which has stopped scattering the floor.

In the past, there was a habit of putting things not only on the desk, but also in the living room, as well as in the living room.

Well, it may not be unusual especially if you are a man, but you take off your clothes somehow, lie down as it is, forget the existence while watching the TV, and leave it on the floor.Furthermore, I fell asleep in that position, and I kept the remote control and glasses even more.I lived in such a "sloppy style".

Rumba cleans the floor and does not clean the room.It cannot be cleaned when things are scattered in the room.It is the same for ordinary canisters and stick types, of course, but to leave cleaning to some extent needed to prepare to some extent.It doesn't put the clothes into a closet or return the remote control to the predetermined position, and if it is on the floor, it will be pushed out.If you just push it, you will not be able to move on the spot if you get involved with a brush.

Since I started using Rumba, I started to clean up such things.At first he was cleaning up what was scattered on the floor before launching Rumba, but it was quite troublesome every day.Anyway, don't scatter from the beginning.The basics of the basics that my parents and teachers can tell and can be understood by elementary school students for the first time in a joint life with Rumba.

It is often asked to comment, "What was the best with Rumba?", But at that time, Rumba always cleans the room, and the people who live together do not place things on the floor.I try to say that I will like it beautifully!I feel that it is an unmistakable fact.


Certainly it was when the "Rumba 700 Series" was announced.When he interviewed CEO Colin Angle, an Irobot who came to Japan at the recital, he had such a question.

"I feel that the more I use Rumba, the more I feel that I can clean the room more efficiently, but do you remember the structure of the room?"

Colin's answer was no.

"Rumba does not make a memory of the structure of the room, etc., so be careful about the position of the furniture, crawl the power cords, etc. on the floor so that you can easily clean the Rumba by living with Rumba.It's just gone. You're changing for Rumba yourself. "

Until my daughter was born in 2012, I lived alone with my couple, so when I went out, I always moved Rumba.That alone, the room when I came home is very beautiful.Looking at the ragmat in the living room, Rumba has something like a tire mark from right to left to diagonal over the rug mat over and over again.

Every time I see it, I'm relieved that "Oh, I have cleaned the room today," and it's surprisingly beautiful even on the other flooring.

Some people may use vacuum cleaners every day.But how many round trips have been made of rug mats?The level of Rumba finish is quite high, and it is hard to meet myself.


No matter how beautiful you like, you don't just need to clean it every day.There are many things to do other than cleaning.It is difficult to keep this cleanliness every day.

On the other hand, Rumba is a common but robot.It exists only for the purpose of cleaning the floor.Just press the button and keep cleaning the inside of the room thoroughly without skipping.I don't want to be tired of being tired, I don't get complaints.In one cleaning, not all garbage and dust are 100%perfect, but 90%or more floors are really clean.Keeping it every day means that the cleanliness of the room approaches 100%.It will definitely be more beautiful than a person who has emotions and changes depending on the mood.

However, it is true that the distance to Rumba has become a little far since his daughter was born.When a newborn daughter was sleeping, the sound was very loud and there were times when it could not move.In addition, as my daughter caught up and walked, I scattered toys and books in the area, and I could not move Rumba every day.

However, after her daughter has grown and she can take her out, she feels more benefited by Rumba than before.She doesn't have to vacuum her with her children, but she will make her room shiny while her daughter goes to the park with her daughter.The scattered toys and books were placed on sofas and tables for the time being, and regularly used Rumba.

What I like now is the combination of the same icobot's automatic floor wiping robot, Buraba 380J, released this summer.Move Rumba while going out, return, then clean the floor with Bravaba.Bravaba is quiet even if it is moving, so even if you use it while watching TV, you do not care about the sound at all, and the flooring shines so smoothly that it is surprised.Especially during the summer, I often spent no rugs, and my parents and children often spent without socks, so the difference in cleanliness was clearly felt on the soles.It may be difficult to introduce both Rumba and Bravaba, but I would definitely recommend it if possible.


What I would like to recommend for a child -rearing home like my house is a combination with a stick cleaner.Of course, it is a robot vacuum cleaner to use as the main, but if you want to clean the dirty part with a pinpoint, it is easier to clean only with a stick -type vacuum cleaner instead of a rumba spot mode.

There have been a lot of things that have been gained from Lumba in this way, but it will increase in the future.In the future, it may be natural that there is one robot in the family.Rumba and other new robot home appliances are one of the rooms, and if the house is smarter further, the concierge robot will judge the condition of each room and give instructions, "Runv in the living room!"put out.Such a life will surely be a reality.

Even if such an era comes and living with a robot becomes commonplace, Rumba will surely be as persistent, passing the same place four or five times, and cleaning every corner of the room.right.She has a cool face without complaining.

Cooperation: Sales On Demand

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