Let's train.How to make Google Maps and Apple "map" more convenient

The convenience of the map application you are using now is actually the user's training ...!

Map apps are not fully relying, and despite the development of AI and street view functions, Apple's "Maps" and Google Maps are still relying on human power.So, in order to improve the map application, we will help you and other users.

To improve Google Maps

On Google Maps, just putting a star to a place you've been, you welcome users' interaction.It doesn't take much time to put a star, and this alone will recommend a better place the next time you use the map.In addition, Google can match the phrases such as "Cocktails" written in the reviews with other users who are looking for them.

If you post some photos in the reviews, you will get a movere.If you tap the point displayed on the map, a information card will appear, so scroll down and post reviews and images.If you can see the inside of the place, other users will be saved.

If it is important to correct or add on -site information, tap the location, telephone number, and "proposal to fix information" under business hours.You can ask for a request to delete or have a place that does not exist, change the business hours, its category, or add a website here.

Even if you propose a correction like this, it may take a little time for the Google Map team to confirm all the teams.If there is something that supports the proposal, such as the image of a sign indicating business hours, the time it takes to fix may be reduced.To move the position of the marker attached to the location, tap "Update the position on the map" to proceed.

The button "Proposal to correct information" is also displayed when you select a place on the web version of Google Map, so if your computer is easier to do.Regarding whether Google will approve or not, "e -mail may come depending on the content".So, just because no notifications have come, doesn't mean your proposal was not adopted.

Google has not disclosed how to evaluate editing, but I think that the amount of information provided, the number of corrections, and other proposals by other users will be involved.

調教しましょ。Google MapsとAppleの「マップ」をもっと便利にする方法

If you want to add a new place from scratch, open the mobile application or web version of the main menu, select "Add a place not on the map" and enter the name, location, website, business hours, etc.。This is also checked with Google.

If the Google Map is wrong for the important route, such as moving from point A to point B, make a flag there.Identify the route, then display the route in the web version (this report option is not now available in mobile apps), and click "Send feedback" (lower right of the screen).

The Google Map will hear which section is wrong in the route, so the name of the road is different, the road is closed, or that kind of thing ...Send the "Send" button to Google.

And you can report the problem even while moving!(But be careful while driving!) When using "Driving Mode" on Android mobile phones (not yet available on iOS), tap the expected time to display the route.Therefore, if you select "Add Report", you will see the options of "collision accidents", "traffic congestion", and "speed violation camera".

You can report on a specific road on Android or iOS.Tap the road on Google Maps, display the information card, and select "Report of questions".You can record all information such as road closure, private roads, roads with incorrect displays, and one -way roads.

To improve Apple maps

Regarding users' posts and corrections, Apple's map is not so aggressive compared to Google, but we can do it properly.Not only the place where the mark is attached, but also the spot in the iOS Apple Map, the information card will be displayed by tapping, and the option of "reporting the problem" appears below it.

From here, you can report to the Apple map about the location and details of the location shown on the map (business hours, telephone numbers, etc.).Since Apple checks the details, you can add the postscript and images that are backed by the amendment.

You can also report from the same menu about the business that went out of business.If it is MacOS, the "Report the problem" option is displayed on the information card, so make the same report from there.

Unfortunately, there is no way to post images and reviews on Apple maps.If you say "Yada! I want to post!", You have to use Yelp or TripAdvisor.But you can add a specific place to your favorite from the information card.

To add a new place, tap the information button in the upper right corner of the Apple map ("I" in the alphabet in the alphabet) and select "Add place".You will be asked to enter the details, such as the category, location, and telephone number.At the same time, the location is newly identified on the map.

If you select "Report a problem" from the same information menu, you can inform Apple about various corrections, such as map labels, routes, and the timetable of public transportation organizations.For example, on the navigation screen, if you point out the wrong section in the route and add supplementary explanations and images as evidence, batch gu!

"Report the problem" is anywhere?However, with the iOS app, it also appears on a card that shows a gradual route with a green "departure" button.Tap it and you'll get an additional option that you can propose a more appropriate route than the one displayed on the Apple map.

With MacOS, there is a correction option in the "Report the problem" in the "Map" menu.The options vary depending on what is displayed on the screen or selected, but it is possible to propose the route and add a place here as well.As with Google, Apple has also confirmed all users' suggestions about map data, and if you want to hear a detailed explanation, you may contact us by e -mail.

It should also be noted that Apple's map app has a bug, the road is closed, and that any content can be left.The iOS app on the Apple Map and the web version of MacOS have feedback forms, so it's different from there!Please give us your opinion.