Large can make small!This is how to choose the correct "coffee doll"

"Brewing coffee is a date."

It changes depending on the day, and there is no "correct answer" that works.The entertainer, Sachio Hiraoka, who taught me such a big coffee and also open a monthly cafe "Sachiopia Coffee".

For those who want to enjoy coffee at home, we will look at Arecole related to coffee!

This time, "The story of a coffee dripper that you know when you know."

Born in Kagawa in Kagawa in 1982, Coffee Runba Sachio Hiraoka.He also served as a store manager at three Tully's coffee stores.His special skill is to brew a delicious coffee with a lingering aftertaste, and compare people to coffee beans.Instagram: Hiraokaschio Twitter: @sachiohiraoka Blog

A coffee dripper that is easy for beginners to start.How to choose the right?

"In my conclusion, it's OK if you use your favorite dripper!

Of course, the taste is different, but it is "strictly speaking", and it is important that the tension to coffee first goes up.

However, if I recommend it, I like these three types! "

"The V60 dripper of HARIO, a heat -resistant glass maker HARIO (Hario) is a famous instrument used around the world, and is as cheap as 400 yen!

It is made of plastic and cracked if it is another manufacturer, but Hario is durable.It can be used as a lifetime.

I'm good at refreshing and refreshing coffee, so it's recommended for people who drink in the morning and those who like shallow roasted coffee. "

"Because there are few color development, I use color to the outside so that the tension goes up!

I have three types: yellow, blue, and transparent, but the colors were painted by Yabukisadoya's junior Yabukisadya -kun (laughs).

"Spiral ribs are uzumaki, which is a" hole in air ", but it is suitable for medium roasted and shallow roasted coffee.

If the extraction is early, the scent will be scented, but this is easy to adjust the speed yourself and can be extracted quite quickly, so it is suitable for those who like fragrant coffee.

However, there is a possibility that the taste of the beans will not be out of order because of the speedy, maybe an advanced person?"

HARIO (Hario) V60 01 Transparent coffee dripper clear coffee lip 1-2 cups VD-01T

¥ 275 Click here for details

"The wavy dripper of Kalita, a general coffee device used in the sub, is an item with many cafes used because it can extract stable extraction.

It is as high as 2,600 yen, but it is suitable for beginners because it does not fail. "

"It's mellow, it's perfect when you want to feel the sweetness of beans and feel relieved! Calita may be very suitable for the Japanese taste.

With three holes trapezoids, the image of water slowly passing through the bean lumps. "


"Because the flavor is accumulated in the paper, it can eliminate the taste and give a strong taste."

Carita Wave Series Wave Dripper 155 (for 1-2 people) #04021

¥ 1,945 Click here for details

"It's brewed with two more than two, but sometimes the gold filter of Cores is used.

Because it is paperless, you can directly pull out the oil and umami, which is the source of the taste, and extract the taste of coffee wildly.

And maybe if you touch the money, the taste will be mellow. "

"The price is a little expensive, about 3,500 yen, and the paper filter is easy to care for, but the paperless is eco -friendly, but it takes a lot of time.

I want to enjoy deep roasted beans and beans with a lot of oil. "

Ches dripper gold filter coffee 1-10 for cup C280

¥ 3,600 Click here for details

Paper filter is CD, metal filter is live

"The dripper has the number of holes, the size of the hole, the trapezoidal, the circular, the paper, the metal, and the like.

For example, if the hole is large in one hole, the amount of hot water falls is large, so it tastes less bitter.If you like bitterness, it's better to choose a small hole. "

I looked into one hole ...

"Recently, high -quality specialty coffee has begun to be distributed, and I want to make use of the fruity scent, so there is a trend like" One hole! "

"In addition, if you like the rich taste, it is a trapezoid that extracts slowly, and a speedy circular type if it is refreshing.

Regarding paper and metal, if you compare it, the paper filter is easy to listen to CD = savory taste (easy to drink).

The metal filter is live = enjoy the audience, including unexpected things. "

When buying a dripper, what do you care about?

"It's a" size ".

It is not very good to brew coffee alone, but to buy four people for something.

If it is large, it is difficult to brew a small amount, and it is difficult to adjust. "

"Large size is only when you drink coffee with a large family and drink quite a lot.

"Large can also be small!""

"Please choose a dripper that makes coffee life fun!"

I want to read it together:


Photographed by yutaro Yamaguchi, some Amazon

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Graduated from Musashino Art University.I was touched by videos at university and architecture in my previous job.I like to see architecture and city, eat, watch stages and movies.Her recent interests are living in two bases and tanka.