Is it finally imminent consumption tax hike, is it time to buy it now? Things you want to buy before the tax increase

In particular, the timing of purchase is the timing of purchasing, especially for large home appliances.As you know, the consumption tax switches from 8 % to 10 %.In the case of home appliances, if you purchase a brought home by September 30, it will be 8 % without any problems, but large home appliances with delivery and installation work will be different.

The consumption tax is not when you pay at the store, but when the product leaves the consumer electronics retailer.In other words, even if you purchase on September 30, if the delivery is October 1, the consumption tax will be 10 %.In the last week of September, the demand is expected to rush, so the schedule for delivery and installation work may be tight, so let's make a purchase by September 23 at the latest.


いよいよ迫った消費増税、家電は今が買い時なのか? 増税前に買っておきたいモノ

So what are the better products to buy before the tax increase?It is a product with little price fluctuation.The manufacturer will include Apple, Microsoft, and Irobot.Some other manufacturers, for example, have products that do not fall down, such as sharp hot cooks, which are also subjects.

Looking at the product genre, high -end single -lens reflex cameras, action cameras, smart speakers, headphones, massage chairs, barber equipment, toys, game aircraft, game software, video and music software, etc. are products with low price fluctuations.If you have a product you want, check the price change on the net, and if you have less fluctuations, you should buy it before the tax increase.

Also, if you want to get a new product that has just been released, you can buy it before the tax increase.Expensive large home appliances will gradually fall, but some people may not be able to wait until then.It takes time to decline in prices, so if you are worried about the new functions installed in new products recently, consider purchasing at this opportunity.Even if the price drops by about 10,000 yen a month later, the one -month experience spent with a new home appliances should be worth the price.

In addition, the consumption tax will be charged, for example, an antenna construction for 4K TVs and the installation cost of the dishwasher.Construction costs are unlikely to fluctuate, so if you plan to buy a 4K TV or dishwasher, you may want to do it now.