
"Super Robot Wars 30" software for PS4 / Nintendo Switch / PC (Steam) scheduled to be released on October 28.I was able to talk to the series producer Takanobu Terada and Mr. Shohei Mogami, a producer of "Super Robot Wars 30" at the Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online.I have been able to talk a lot of valuable stories, so I would like to tell you the contents.

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The concept is to match how to play with the current era

─ The “Super Robot Wars (hereinafter, Sparobo)” series has celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, but please tell us about your current feelings and the concept of “Sparobo 30”, which will be a commemorative work.

Terada: Originally, "Sparobo" was scheduled to end the series in Super NESoft's "Fourth".It was assumed that it would end in about four or five years, but as a result it was 30 years.I think I had been going out for 30 years because I decided to come out with various hardware.Regarding "Sparobo 30", the concept is to have you play according to the play style and lifestyle of various people.

──Do you say that various lifestyles are also assumed to be a new layer that has come in your smartphone?

Terada: If anything, the concept is to "match how to play with the current era."For example, if you're the same generation as me, it's hard to play games busy with child -rearing ... but some people play smartphone app games.The reason is that smartphones can be done easily and easily.

The conventional "Sparobo" is a simulation game, so it takes time, and there are many parts that take time.Although "Sparobo" has released a smartphone app, it is not exactly the same as a home game, so the concept of "Sparobo 30" is to match the way of playing as much as possible in the present era.

で す か Is it an element that has been introduced from such a concept because the Auto battles and other systems are assumed to have various lifestyles?

Mr. Mogami: The start is that the way people who play Sparobo play differ from person to person.I think that "Sparobo" is a recognition of "a game that plays slowly and carefully", but it is a change in lifestyle, and now there are many fun content in the world.We knew that some people thought that they were not playing recently.So, I'm glad if AUTO is a function that includes such people with the feeling that you can play a little more comfortably.

で す ね It's a function tailored to the current era.By the way, how finely can you set Auto battles?

Mr. Terada: The unit's action policy can be set in either an attack type, normal type, or defensive type, but since it is an auxiliary system, we do not dare to set it in detail.Basically, it is assumed to be used in situations where strategies are rarely required, such as when fighting weak enemies.So, when fighting a strong enemy, the manual is better.Users who want to stick to the positioning of allies or want to use mental commands at any time, think that they will not use Auto battles, but that's fine.I hope you can use the Auto battle when you can use it.Because it is the first system to introduce for home use, there will be pros and cons, and I think there are some opinions on functions such as "I want to set the unit behavior more finely".

で す It means to match the current era, but how much is the volume?

Terada: This time, we have introduced a system called “Tactical Area Select”, and if we clear only the key mission, we will proceed, and if we only do that, we can go to the end as soon as possible.Conversely, for those who say, "I'll do all the other missions," the volume is also large.This time, some people say that it was just over, and some people said that it took time, so I think it would be a mistake.

In many cases, one from multiple missions, including the key mission, is also possible, so it is possible to play only one simple mission without going ahead of the story today.It feels like you can play as often as possible while making use of the conventional "Sparobo" character.

──The “Tactical Area Select” is a new attempt than ever before, so I think some people haven't grasped the image yet.Is there a scenario branch?Please tell us about the specific mechanism, such as how the event changes.

Terada: As you can see if you play one episode, you will have to choose one of the space routes and ground routes.In addition, the order of the aircraft that appears may change depending on how you select the mission.In addition, there are missions that come out by clearing specific missions.

──In that case, there seems to be a considerable volume besides the key mission.

Terada: It's not the largest in the series, but the total number of missions is large.However, the character that appears in the scenario changes depending on how the user advances in the tactical area select, so it is quite difficult to integrate the story.I've come up with a system similar to the past, but I couldn't get it easy.

─ The writer who writes just listening to the story seems to be difficult, but then Terada, who is supervised, is also difficult?

Terada: The tactical area select was left to the director, who was also the director, so I left it.I sometimes write a scenario, but if I say that I can do it with this system, I will be shy (laughs).


The early "Sparobo" scenario was about 26 episodes, almost the same length as the two cools of TV anime, but the volume has increased steadily due to the increase in the number of works participating, and now 50-60.It feels like the story is reasonable.Some people think that it is long, and it may be said that the volume is not enough when it is about 40 episodes.So, I decided to prepare something that can be played for a long time as soon as possible.The key mission story has the same density as before, but not all other mission stories are so.

In addition, there is also an "Astalk" that was in the past, and this time there is a "mission generated within a dry stranger" called "in -ship mission", and basically it is a conversation, but there are a decent number.It is prepared.So, I think that users who want to play "Sparobo" can enjoy it.However, all missions cannot be completed in one lap.It is the same as the past "Sparobo" with a lot of scenario branches.

─ This time, in addition to that, if the DLC is added, it will be a considerable volume if the aircraft + mission is added.

Terada: It depends on the user's decision whether to clear all of it.There is no need to clear all missions, and this time the volume is quite different.The aircraft and characters added in DLC are in the form of guest participation.

──Is so, will the DLC aircraft and additional mission become an independent scenario like a limited -time participation in X -ω and DD?

Terada: No, it appears in the story of the main story, but it doesn't get involved.Not all users will buy DLC, and if you are entangled in the main story in earnest, you need to squeeze the number of aircraft and characters.However, I think there are many users who say, "I want guests to participate in the war, I want you to incorporate the original story."

Premium sound & data pack that responded to overseas demand

── “Premium Sound & Data Pack” is a new DLC that is different from the conventional premium animation song and sound edition.

Mogami: The package version of the premium animation song and sound edition up to "T" was originally limited to domestic, which was originally sold only in Japan.There was a digital version, but many overseas customers said, "I want!"

If you go to an overseas event, there are customers who appeal to us that we have a limited edition package that we cannot play by yourself, and in order to show you an enthusiastic fan, there is a demand.I knew it.However, in all areas that sell Sparobo, it was difficult to release a package version of the premium sound edition.This time, it turns out that it can be realized by making the DLC shape, so I am taking this shape.

─ Premium Anime Song & Sound Edition was limited to a limited time, so the download version was also sold, but is the premium sound and data pack DLC?

Mr. Mogami: At the moment, there is no end to the sale, like other download content.If you want to play "Sparobo 30" later, you can play premium sound and data packs.In the case of "T", the sale ended after a certain period of time, so it was necessary to get the package version from somewhere to play now.In fact, I wanted to buy a sound edition, but I couldn't buy it anymore, but I think it can be prevented by making it in this form.

で す ね You also aimed to meet overseas demand.Certainly, even if you look at the live delivery, there are many eager comments from overseas people in Japanese broadcasting, and I feel that Sparobo has spread to the world as a viewer.

Mr. Mogami: We are aware that there are overseas users, including business as well as business as well as distribution, and we care about their voices.It's been about 5 years since I started the development of Sparobo, but this time it was an event in each region and I wanted to handle it on overseas web programs, so I was hoped for it.I feel that it is only.

There is some information that is preceded overseas, but it seems that information is now frequently transmitted on the web in Japan.What are the aims for disseminating information on "Umigami WAVE" and "Raw Sparobo Channel"?

Mogami: If anything, it may be bigger that it has been a little time from the announcement to the release.At the time of "X" and "T", we provided information for the release at the end of the year, but this time the development period was opened, so we prepared more than before.

Mr. Terada: Starting with full -scale information development in "Super Robot Wars Super Thanksgiving Day 2021", we provide the main information on "Raw Sparobo Channel" and supplement detailed information in "Umami WAVE".In particular, Tomokazu Sugita and Mai Aizawa, who played the original protagonist of "Sparobo 30" in "Umagami WAVE", are going to talk about the back of development.

Transformation that destroys the stereotype of "Sparobo"

─ ─ The battle animation that has been evolving year by year, but what kind of system is it being produced now?

Mr. Terada: The development of Sparobo 30 was slid after "T" was over, but the system has changed with the introduction of remote work due to the corona."Sparobo" is also a fight against how much the aircraft and characters can be released, so we are quite worried about the renewed part.There is a way to adjust the total number of aircraft and renew them all, but that will reduce the number of participating works.Because the performance of the hardware has been improved, we recognize that there are some parts where the actual amount of work and the needs of the user are not engaged.

However, it is only for the development side, and I think that it is one of the goals to ensure that high quality battle animation, volume, and fun as a game are arranged, and even if there are few participating works.I think that there is a way to provide users a different way of enjoying, even if the robot's battle animation is not flashy.In the past, Sparobo had more aircraft and weapons than now, but the number has decreased as the work of combat animations increased.Some users are pointed out that there is not enough volume.In any case, there are some places where we have been tied to the stereotypes of Sparobo, so I think we are coming to the turning point of how to break it.

I think it is difficult to balance the quantity and quality in other games, but "Sparobo" is one of the selling robot battle animations, but it becomes poor as it is now.If it does not change, it will be called a rut, and if you change it, it may be said that it is worse.Because it is a long -lasting series, I have a lot of such dilemma.However, personally, as in the old "Sparobo", we balance the quality and volume while returning to the direction of "various aircraft and characters come out" and "the original weapon is generally attached".I hope.However, if you do that, you will need to change how to make and show fighting animations.Whether to narrow down the number and increase the quality of the production, or change the way to show it while keeping it to a certain quality.I'm still working on DLC -related work of "Sparobo 30", so it's undecided in the future, but I think I need to determine the continuing part and the part to be changed.

─ In terms of stereotypes, I feel that the width of participating works has become quite wide these days.Where is the line that can be accepted so far in order to participate in the work?

Mr. Terada: The personal line is the original "Robot, Mecha, or something close to it" and "Battle".However, in the smartphone app "X -ω", there are some works that have been removed."X -ω" has a different system from home "Sparobo", and you can get a work that is difficult to co -star with others in a short scenario like an extra.So, the frame of the works of "Sparobo" expanded, and some people who did not know "Sparobo" could be recognized.However, with "Sparobo 30", it is difficult to handle it like "X -ω", and I think that it is difficult for users who are playing "Sparobo" only for home use.

Mr. Mogami: I think that the restrictions and ideas of the person in charge will be reflected to some extent, but if you put out a work that can be put out with "X -ω" in "Sparobo 30", you will say "I want you to put out here more than that."I think there will be a lot of customer's requests.Of course, "Sparobo 30" has not fulfilled all the requests that customers want to be issued, but even so, I think there are things that are desired as a home game, so "Sparobo -like.I want to include.

Mr. Terada: The line drawing of the work that participates in Sparobo varies from users to users, and even if I think that this can be put out in Sparobo, some people say that it will be different.I wonder if I will take out various things and look at the reaction of the user and set the direction.Some of the works that participate in the DLC of "Sparobo 30" are also the touchstones, so I'm worried about the reaction of the user.

■ Super Robot Wars 30

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