If you stop the robot vacuum cleaner, floor cleaning will be easier. The idea of making life unexpected.

With more time at home, there are more opportunities to think about a comfortable life for yourself and your family. In this case, ESSE recommends "proper housework" that is absolutely not forced and will not hold things that are not good at, in line with their respective styles. Here, I would like to introduce the tips for Emi, who is active as a sorting and receiving consultant, to enjoy life in "proper housework". It's great to give up robotic vacuum cleaners instead of using them.

Our goal is to fit our house.

Sorting out the storage consultant, Mr. Emi, moderated by OURHOME

The twins (12 years old) no longer bother to make the transition to a life that suits them now, Emi said. "in short, there is more time now than when there is no time, and there are more things that want to spend more time and effort. Not casually, but with the consciousness of "the better, just right" to enjoy proper housework. "of course, not alone, very well involved in the family style is still alive. "what the family is good at can be shared by household chores, communication methods that will not produce friction, etc., and can easily produce good results, and a structure that can produce good results is being studied. I wish I could do better. "

Set goals at family meetings and share them with you.

Family activities, let's talk happily together!


If there are common goals such as travel and shopping, teamwork will increase and housework can cooperate with each other. "I bring my schedule several times a year."

Shopping won't worry about deciding on my vest.




Props suitable for body size and foot shape, don't take risks, want something "ordinary". "if you set the material and color as this, you won't fail, just add what you like." Emi's favorite fabric! No wrinkles, good.

Cook your own dinner very well.




"Today is not good" on this day, the main course is bought, only hand-made soup, etc., can also rely on crisp side dishes. "as long as the plate is reloaded with side dishes and soup, it will add to the feel of the menu and will not cut corners." the bought hamburger was also adapted into a stew.

Give up the fixed idea and put the symphony project for yourself


Sweep the floor from a robotic vacuum cleaner to a broom. When I noticed it, I really felt the convenience of sweeping the floor. "if you choose something to use in school, you will make your child actively clean up."