Home appliance professionals impress "Rumba j7 +" at home! What is the evaluation?

Gadget lover representative IT / home appliance writer Satoshi Oguchi

Writing mainly on articles and columns on IT and home appliances. He named the home appliances that he wanted to brag about as "Doya home appliances" and popularized the name.

The “j” in j7 is a product that matches Japanese life so well that it seems to be the “j” in Japan.

It's a robot vacuum cleaner that shouldn't have to be a hassle, but it actually took some effort. It means "you have to clean up the room in advance". In Japan, where there is a custom of sitting on the floor, things tend to be placed on the floor. The task of picking up things on the floor is surprisingly burdensome, but if you don't do this, the robot vacuum will get caught up ... There are countless cables involved in my home, and it has become a source of worries and anger. With j7, they are completely avoided. There is no such thing as pushing out the slippers lined up at the entrance and dropping them into a tataki.

Another thing is that the automatic garbage collection function reduces the trouble of dumping garbage. This time, the height of the clean base is shorter than before, so even if you put it in my house, which is not large, you will not feel oppressive. I feel that the “j” in j7 suits the Japanese housing environment to the extent that it seems to be the “j” in Japan.

家電のプロが「ルンバ j7+」を自宅インプレッション! その評価は?

The fact that it has a front light is also a big difference from the conventional rumba. When asked "Why is it shining?", "Actually, this is what the camera recognizes the object ..." (laughs)

[Impression 02]

Dog owner representative White goods and beauty appliances writer Makiko Tanaka

Realistic reviews from a housewife's perspective are characteristic. Use successive rumba at her home. She lives with her pet dog, who is five years old.

Take off your hat for the dog's poop avoidance ability !! The brush that does not easily get entangled with hair loss is also excellent.

To be honest, I'm glad that iRobot researches and solves dog poop problems so far !! My dog ​​often fails to use the toilet. There was a poop in a rainy place and I hurriedly stopped Rumba, but it was too late and I had smoked it brilliantly.

This time, I tried to verify the avoidance ability of this machine when the dog actually got rough on the carpet, but even in a difficult situation where there are multiple poops on the patterned carpet, every time it approaches an object, it is a little bit. I thought about it and repeated avoidance, and escaped the "catastrophe".

In addition, the ease of cleaning the brush is also a great advantage inherited from the conventional Roomba. Because it is made of rubber, there is almost no entanglement of dog hair or hair.

I feel that the design is much closer to the ideal shape. In particular, the clean base has had too much presence so far, but this time it is the first horizontally long type and the presence is suppressed, so I am happy that it is easy to fit in the room. I also fell in love with the stylish graphite color of the main body ♡ Braava of the same color is scheduled to be released in March, so I definitely want to have it in this color.