"The impact of Godzilla is 10 years" What happens to the real estate when it is actually invaded, housing critics explain

The movie "Godzilla vs Kong" was released on Friday, July 2nd.Due to the fact that the release date has been postponed due to the corona evil, many fans have been waiting for their heads.

By the way, "Godzilla" is a popular series that has been loved for decades, but of course many buildings have been broken.

Therefore, this time, Yukio Sakurai, a housing critic who is a housing critic who is familiar with property prices and markets and is also a Yahoo! News Individual author, is likely to be affected by the damage amount of the building that Godzilla has been broken and the activities of Godzilla.I heard about the price.

* This article includes the serious spoilers of the movie "Shin Godzilla".Please be careful if you have not watched it.

Even if Godzilla comes, the price of the house will return in 10 years

-I heard that Sakurai is an enthusiastic fan of Godzilla.

You've almost seen the works so far.

I was born in 1958, so I'm the same age as Godzilla.

- Is that so!

It's becoming a dead language now, but until a while ago, this generation was said to be "Godzilla generation".

In particular, when I was a child, I was able to watch the same movie as many times as I entered, so I sometimes watched Godzilla from morning to evening with a lunch box.

-It's a good era.

I would like to ask Mr. Sakurai of the Godzilla generation, what do you think of a house expert about the building and its routes that successive Godzilla have broken?

As a major premise, Godzilla is basically a creature that goes up from the sea and returns to the sea.Moreover, when you go up to land, you go to a so -called landmark -like building.

-You make a very troublesome movement.

Therefore, the sea side is an area that is easy to affect Godzilla.

Looking at the areas that have been damaged in the work so far, the mountain side is very small.Godzilla seems to be difficult to climb the slope, and "Shin Godzilla" moves to avoid a tight slope around Kamakura.

It is likely that Godzilla damage will likely increase in a flat area near the sea, a luxury residential area in Ota Ward and a flat residential area in Setagaya Ward.

-Is it possible that everyone is afraid of Godzilla and the price of a flat residential area near the sea is exposed?

If Godzilla comes once every three to five years, I think that the area on the sea side may be hated.

If a disaster occurs in the sea, the price on the sea side tends to increase and the price on the mountain side tends to rise, so if Godzilla continues to come, I think that similar housing prices will fluctuate.。

-Do the price does not change with "Godzilla once?"

After all, there are many convenient places on the sea side.Therefore, in the housing market, "flat places on the sea side" are now preferred.

As the population has aged and the number of people who say that the slope is difficult and flat is good, it is said that the popularity has been shifted from high -end residential areas such as rural Chofu to flat places.There is also a tendency.

So even if Godzilla comes once, people will return to the sea side in 3-5 years, and the price will return to the original about 10 years.

-Even even Godzilla can't completely change the movement of people....!

After all, there are situations where you live now, such as "convenient for commuting," "children like school," and "there are good friends."It would be difficult to throw away all such things and live in a new place.

- I see.By the way, looking at successive Godzilla works, Godzilla doesn't seem to like Shikoku and has hardly landed.In this case, will the price of the land in Shikoku rise?

It is not impossible if Godzilla is established as a regular disaster, but I don't think that the price of the land in Shikoku will rise suddenly.

As I explained earlier, there is a habit that "Godzilla does not come to the mountains very much", so the price of mountains near the city center is rising, and the city near the sea is now transferred to a nearby inland city.It will be the flow of that.

-It means that in a form close to the current situation, it will coexist with Godzilla.

Godzilla is a popular series with many fans in Japan and overseas, but is it possible that Godzilla comes to a "sacred place" and the price will rise?

I think it can be.Speaking of "a house crushed by Godzilla", I think some people come to see it from all over the world, so special demand will occur.

By the way, when I was a child, there was a rumor that "the company that was broken by Godzilla flourished", and everyone was pleased when it was broken in the movie.



- I see...!住宅のお話だけでなく、長年のゴジラファンのリアルなエピソードが聞けておもしろいです!

Shin Godzilla's attack is advantageous to Saitama Prefecture

-Delayed, I would like to listen to the story by focusing on the movie "Shin Godzilla".

In Shin Godzilla, Godzilla destroyed the Tokyo metropolitan area, but how much is this total amount?

It is difficult to calculate the total amount, but it is said that the Great Kanto Earthquake suffered about 350 trillion yen in converted to the current value.

Compared to 10 trillion yen of the Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake and 20-30 trillion yen of the Great East Japan Earthquake, it is a ridiculous figure.This is due to the density of buildings in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the damage caused by fire at the time.

Considering the fact that the fire will not increase as in the past, the damage will probably be up to 50 to 100 trillion yen, even if the same -scale disaster occurs.

In addition, Godzilla, unlike earthquakes, basically destroys only on the route that I moved, so I think it will actually be about 2 to 5 trillion yen.It is the total damage that can be covered with insurance.

-As insurance is amazing.

However, once Godzilla appears, the premium after that will increase.

After that, "Godzilla Insurance" is newly set up, and it is possible that you have to pay extra money.

- I see…!続いて、『シン・ゴジラ』ではゴジラが東京に2回やってきますが、この2回の襲撃のうち、どちらの被害総額が大きいのかお聞きしたいです。

Speaking of money, it is the first one.

It's great to break the Aqua line that crosses Tokyo Bay.

-The huge expressway connects the Tokyo side and Chiba with a seabed tunnel.

At the beginning, there is a scene where "Aqua Line's seabed tunnel has cracked" and "a steam explosion has occurred", but this would have been really angry from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

This Godzilla broke the place where it was very expensive.

For example, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government costs 160 billion yen, Roppongi Hills is 260 billion yen, and the Yokohama Landmark Tower is 270 billion yen.A large building is about 200 billion yen.

On the other hand, Aqua Line is 1.4 trillion.

-It was a little unexpected amount...。

After destroying the Aqua Line, I was walking in the river where I was careful about Godzilla, but it was too late because I broke the Aqua line.

- 最初に登場した場所が悪すぎたんですね

I agree.

The first route contains a lot of factory zones, so the damage to the house is less, but thanks to the first aqua line that was destroyed, the total damage was much larger.

-There is no significant damage on the second route on the second route?

I agree.ルート自体は長いのですが、意外と住宅が密集していないところを選んでいます。

Again, I'm walking on a slope, so I guess that was good.

-In "Shin Godzilla", Godzilla is sealed at Tokyo Station at the end of the second attack.Does this affect the housing price?

Office buildings are gathered near Tokyo Station, so if they are all broken, the office will move to Shinjuku and Shinagawa.Shibuya, which is still popular, can be more limelight.

If you think so, Tokyo Station is near Chiba, but Shinjuku, Shinagawa and Shibuya are in Saitama and Kanagawa.

In other words, if Godzilla is sealed at Tokyo Station, Chiba becomes quite inconvenient and Saitama and Kanagawa will be convenient.

However, Kanagawa is close to the sea, so Godzilla may come.

So if Tokyo Station is destroyed by Shin Godzilla, Saitama will eventually moisturize.

-What is Saitama moist when Godzilla comes?...!

I think Saitama can do "Godzilla -sama welcome campaign".

- I see。映画だけでなく実際の生活にもつながるようなお話が聞けて非常におもしろかったです。今日はありがとうございました!

[This article was jointly planned by the Yahoo! News Individual Editorial Department and the author about the content and wrote by the author.