"Fa! Funny!"The case that remodeled the cleaning robotlunba

Rumba, a robot that automatically cleans the floor of the house, is a strong ally for busy people.If you can speak human words, you'll get some kind of attachment.

In Japan, a cleaning robot "Kokorobo" that can talk about greetings, conversations, and Kansai dialects has appeared, and it is loved by some users, but this is not a type that snuggles up to such people.

While cleaning, if you hit the wall, etc., you will be cursed with dirty words.

-I want to read it together-


I Built a Roomba That Swears WHEN IT BUMPS INTO STUFF PIC.twitter.com/zdbkwgszt8

— Michael Reeves (@michaelreeves08) 2019年5月4日この「悪態ルンバ」は人気ユーチューバーでプログラマーでもあるマイケル・リーヴスさんが改造したものだ。

A lot of requests on SNS have received many requests from users on SNS, "I want you to make a screaming rumba."

This time, the Rumba Magic Remodeling Project in response to it was realized, and the situation was released on YouTube.


Inside, touch sensors, small computers, and Bluetooth speakers are installed as a mechanism to make a voice.When the sensor detects a collision, Rumba comes out.

At first, I tried to apply the vocal sound generated by a computer, but because I didn't have enough realism, I contacted YouTuber's friends and recorded their voices.

Trial and error has been repeated, and the curse rumba has finally been born.

It hurts when hitting things.If Rumba shouts the pain, would it be a dirty word, would a person keeping her normal mind?During the test, a thick scream echoed in the room every time Rumba hit a thing.


In order to make Rumba, who is angry and angry, a little more friendly, Leves also asked his acquaintance's Utubber to cooperate.

Rumba shouts with the voice of a woman who is swearing with high tone this time with the voice of a high -pitched woman.As a result, she became a pretty bad rumba.

Later, Leves brought Rumba to the major discount department store, TARGET, called market research, to try an innovative Rumba that became human.

Although some customers were interested, the store was confused.

Nevertheless, it must be an innovative project, and Twitter users who watched the video showed the following voices.


・ It is the best masterpiece among what I want.

・ Please sell it to me who hates housework!

・ I want you to make the voice of The Simpsons of Homer Simpson.

・ I would like you to develop a version called "SORRY" a little more carefully with the UK accent.

・ → As a Canadian, this version is essential.

・ Is Rumba, whose personality is oozing out, finally developed?How much!?


Unfortunately, it has not yet been sold.However, there are some people who have attributes that they like being abused, so it cannot be said that there is no business opportunity.kana?

References: GUACAMOLEY / WRITTEN by Scarlet / Edited by PARUMO


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