Don't say it now! Let me tell you about the splendor of co-working "Three Sacred Treasures"

The Three Sacred Treasures of Co-Workers: Clothes Dryer, Roomba, and Dishwasher. This is a story that has been told for 10 years. Nonetheless, it is difficult to say that these three sacred treasures are widespread. Why? How can I use them? Listen to me. A big turnaround for my son who kept saying "I hate nursery school" for 4 years

Don't say it now! Let me tell you about the splendor of the There is no right answer for housework

Every person has a different size house and a different family composition. The correct answer is in each family, and it's natural that everyone is different. There are many books and websites related to housework, and there are many Instagrammers and bloggers who publish them. And I am one of them. I'm a middle-aged woman who desperately incorporates home appliances and services, sometimes fails, and tries to reduce housework time and carry out a salaryman's job. I also have home appliances called the sacred treasures of the "three co-workers".・The clothes dryer, roomba, and dishwasher work every day! and full rotation. My friends and colleagues ask me, "What are you doing when your husband comes home late, works full-time, lives far away from your home, and obviously has a lot of work to do?" For the time being, I will tell you that I have household appliances that are within the expected range, and that I am somehow managing to live a life that is close to the three sacred treasures of working together.

Then, from time to time, I get the following opinion. "Ah," he began with a bitter sigh. Most people will answer yes. Clothes dryer → Clothes shrink, I don't mind drying them, no place to put them Rumba → There are steps, I have a habit of putting things on the floor, there is no place to run Dishwasher → No place to put them, washing dishes It will end soon, but it is faster to wash it by hand. "Heh, that's right," I parry. As I said above, I think it's okay to do housework freely, so I don't feel like blaming the other person just because I don't have one. But what do you do when someone like this appears? And a bit of a mean thought crosses. A person who says, "Washing is hard and life doesn't go around." Is that so? When I asked back, "Yeah, I'm washing on the washboard, but I can't finish washing the clothes for my family of five. I can't even go shopping, and I can't think of a job!" How about using the washing machine? I would think. If anything, isn't the senior generation over 70 years old the same opinion? Yes, "using the washing machine" has become common sense when it comes to laundry. Only ~~! ! ! The housework undertaken by the "Three Sacred Treasures of Co-Workers" varies depending on the household. So this is my theory. It's not the individual's fault that ``the transition to mechanization is inconsistent''! I think. That person has not introduced it, so it is useless, and this person who has it is excellent! It's not about the dimension. In short, I think that the position as a "culture" has not yet been established.