Director Kamiyama "I could not predict the spread of drones." Talk about the evolution of technology exceeding the world of Ghost in the Shell

The concept of ownership and design changes by automatic driving of cars

Moderator: Well, let's go to the next theme.Just right now, in a car, it was a third session, but I would like to use this theme for section 3.

Moderator: Jan!So it's a smart city.First of all, "Ghost in the Shell S.a.C.I would like you to watch the video from the one.

(Video flows)

Kenji Kamiyama (hereinafter referred to as Kamiyama): The current video is a mobile phone.It's not a smartphone (laughs).You also drive your car yourself.

Mr. Okata (hereinafter, Okata): The stage is in Japan, but there are still places where they are making garage (laughs).

Kamiyama: That's right.Regarding cars, at that time, gasoline cars would remain intentionally ...

Moderator: I see.

Kamiyama: In order to make a difference from the future, I drew it in a form that it is connected to the net and that it will not be automatic unless the driver is on the net.The evolution has begun at a much faster speed than expected.


Then, I think that the car is now made with the design of the design, including the design, but if automatic driving progresses, there is a possibility that the reason to own it will be lost.That's it.

Moderator: I see.

Kamiyama: Then, the design of the city itself changes.Now, the number of parking lots is increasing in the city.I don't know the exact numbers, but now 60 % of the cars that were actually produced and sold have not been working.

Moderator: You're sleeping in the parking lot.

Kamiyama: In a very wasteful situation.I think that in order to create a situation where more than 80 % of cars are running, you have to be a co -owner.This (this car) is my!That's because even if I have it, I rented it when I wasn't on it.

If so, you don't need a very luxurious and compact car.Do you want to ride something that you want to ride on a good sheet for yourself, but to lend it to others?The problem comes out.

The fact that the infrastructure itself, including the way of using the land, is that the infrastructure itself is originally dynamically changed, but when I was making a ghost, and now I feel it is a part that I feel very much. right.

Moderator: There is such a service like a car sharing.

Minamizawa: The expressway is already a fairly fast pace, so I can actually drive half -automatic.There seems to be a movement to make it possible to some extent by 2020.

I wonder if that will be quite real.On the other hand, when you really become a righteousness, how much do you need to move your physicalist really physically?

Moderator: I see.

Kamiyama: I guess you need to ride a car.It's a risk, so how to move.