[Cleaning robot] Is Toshiba Smarbo evolving from IROBOT Rumba?

Previously, he picked up the robot vacuum cleaner "Rumba" with a home appliance he was worried about, but was honestly shocked by the announcement of the Toshiba Home Appliance SMARBO.Home appliances evolve on a daily basis, so when you want it, it would have been nice to have a product that could be compared at the time of purchase.This time, I tried the Sumabo.

Smarbo features two CPUs (central operative processing devices: double brain function), 38 sensing functions, and camera functions that can be automatically cleaned while remembering the routes passed in the room.Selection of cleaning mode (automatic, spots, careful, manual), timer that can be cleaned at a fixed time every day, a filter that captures the side brush on both sides, rotation brushes under the main unit, and a filter that catches fine garbage.It has functions such as "method", "turbo", which increases the rotation speed of the brush and cleans it firmly, and "Kabegiwa" that can be cleaned up to obstacles such as walls and furniture.Actual price is 74,800 yen (Yodobashi).It is a design that makes it feel volume, but it is almost the same size as Rumba, 355 x 93mm in diameter.Therefore, if there is a space of about 10 cm high, it will also clean under the furniture.

What I was expecting was a wiping of the flooring with quietness and the bundled mop.She also focused on whether she could clean it automatically by remembering the routes that had passed in the room.

【掃除ロボット】東芝 スマーボ は iRobot ルンバ より進化しているか

Clear tone

Regarding the quietness, I compared it with the Rumba 537 I purchased this summer (currently the 700 series, the 500 series is one generation). If you sit on the sofa of the carpet -laying living room and measure the volume of each operation for about 3 minutes on the iPhone application "decibelite" (used on iPad), the average of 60 dB is 60 dB, the average of 60 dB is 60 dB on average. , Up to 74db (volume varies depending on the environment). On average, the 10db Sumabo was quieter. This 10DB is surprisingly large, and there are differences between Rumba, which clearly shows that you are doing housework in the next room, and Sumabo that makes you think that it may be stopped. By the way, as an example of volume, it is considered to be a quiet passenger car / ordinary conversation in an office where 70dB is noisy, and 50dB is a quiet office (Rumba new product 700 series catalogs are driving sounds. It is about the same as Smarbo).

Cleaning flooring with mop

Next is the mop, but in my home, the effect was not as much as expected.However, you may be able to feel the effect of a floating flooring and a flooring that does not mop it on a daily basis.

Carefully, the turbo is a strong view of carpet cleaning

The dark carpet -laying living room is a difficulty that the whitish dust is noticeable, but it cleans it pretty cleanly by using a turbocha.In the automatic mode, the interior goes back and forth in a straight line, but after carefully cleaning, finish cleaning in different directions.After cleaning the room in the vertical direction, it moves in the horizontal direction, which can minimize the leftovers.The movement of this equal interval is quite accurate, contrasting with Rumba, which moves around.Of course, if you clean it neatly, you can move either way, but for the rumba like a pet, Sumo is an image of the machine itself.The Sumabo is designed to be more efficiently cleaned in a short period of time, remembering the route that has passed in the room, and is less likely to pass through the same place many times.

Use in a step with steps

Although it is the other worrisome performance, it does not fall off the stairs, and it is definitely a U -turn, and the steps of the tatami space of about 5 mm may stumble, but in a room with a step with a re -challenge.There is no inconvenience to use.

Easy to check the condition of garbage

What I felt especially convenient when I used it was that the dust box was transparent and I could check the storm of garbage from the appearance.Also, the structure of the dust box is simple, and it is easy to remove and discard trash.You can open the lid and absorb the trash with a handy cleaner or the like without removing it.The dust box and filter can be washed with water.

As with other robot vacuum cleaners, the comfort of life can be greatly improved by cleaning every day without stress, even in a shared space such as a living room or dining room alone.Speaking of greed, I don't say if you clean the stairs, but will it be a little further?